Recent content by chameleonster

  1. C

    Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

    Plazas/Fernandez drove to Ontario last weekend to get choreography, and here's what seems to be a snippet of their Dune FS: I'm looking forward to seeing their artistic side in creating for other people! They also were in...
  2. C

    Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

    That's a fun and unexpected opportunity for them! I'm interested to see what their choreography looks like. This is from last weekend but they debuted a new exhibition.
  3. C

    Davis/Smolkin and their transfer to Ice Academy of Montreal

    Carreira/Ponomarenko also tried to go to the main IAM school in 2021 but was told there wasn't room for them, but that Scott was opening another location. Either Davis/Smolkin weren't interested in IAMO or IAMO wasn't interested in them.
  4. C

    The Dance Hall 12: Boston Tea Dance Party

    They need to either cap GOE to levels, or increase the BV difference between levels. Maybe both! Getting your levels should MEAN something. Otherwise why should anyone bother?
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    Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

    One thing I'd like to see from them is a more audience friendly FD. I loved Summertime and Perfume both, but they both have soft, fading endings, and Perfume in particular sometimes confuses the audience in terms of when the program actually ends. For their home Worlds I want a big sweeping FD...
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    U.S. Ice Dance 2023-24 news & updates

    Yahli has some nice qualities but I don't think she was ready for seniors. Making JGPF and JW has given her opportunities to develop and also raised her profile to make it easier for her to find a good partner to grow with. Avonley made a brief comeback with Grigory Smirnov and retired in 2022...
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    U.S. Ice Dance 2023-24 news & updates

    ...Well then! If he obtained a green card via marriage, its considered "conditional" and he will need to apply again after two years to get a permanent green card. I'm not sure if he can then apply for citizenship after one more year or if it'll take another three after he gets his permanent...
  8. C

    U.S. Ice Dance 2023-24 news & updates

    Getting citizenship via marriage requires three years of marriage with a green card, so it'd be 2030 that this would be relevant for.
  9. C

    The Dance Hall 11: Movin' On Up 2023-2024

    I've been calling for them to introduce new patterns for awhile now. Dances of the 50s, 60s, and 70s would be the perfect chance to introduce say a jive pattern, there are countless programs they could use for inspiration for that pattern if they had thought ahead at all.
  10. C

    The Dance Hall 11: Movin' On Up 2023-2024

    "Rhythms and Dances of the 1950s, 1960s or 1970s" was going to be the Original Dance theme in the 2010/2011 season before they decided to merge the Compulsory and Original Dance segments, so essentially the ISU just went back to the good old days after enough people kicked up a fuss on twitter...
  11. C

    U.S. Ice Dance 2023-24 news & updates

    I don't think missing one Worlds, when Green/Parsons have been struggling with injury, is kneecapping them. It may be for the best in the longterm. Green/Parsons 4CC scores would have had them 11th at worlds, Zingas/Kolesnik's would have had them 9th. We've been spoiled by the Bock-Shibs-H/D-H/B...
  12. C

    Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

    USFS really put their full faith in C/P with those World Team assignments, and they showed that they fully deserve to be US #2. That was amazing! It shocks me how much not only have they grown as skaters and performers, but how rock solid their consistency has become. Highest BV in both segments...
  13. C

    U.S. Ice Dance 2023-24 news & updates

    Green/Parsons may in the long run turn out to be benefitted from being passed ocer for Worlds, as they've said themselves they've both been struggling with injuries this season. Z/K have also struggled with consistency and are even more inexperienced than B/S. Any of the three teams in...
  14. C

    Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

    I love this Stevie Nicks RD, but Mark said today that Christina looks like Marina so maybe we need to leave the 80s behind before Anthony starts getting stressedšŸ˜‚
  15. C

    Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

    I had many hopes for this season, but one of them was that cpom would finally, FINALLY, get a new personal best in the RD and SO THEY HAVE. Our long national nightmare is over!!! His twizzles aren't even scary anymore, they looked so confident. Especially after B/S DNQ'd USFS really had all...
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