Recent content by nunner

  1. N

    Ilia Malinin Fan Thread!

    I am a fan, he is very talented. I was commenting on the name he’s given himself. It is not a humble name, in my opinion of course.
  2. N

    Ilia Malinin Fan Thread!

    I am not sure humility is right word. I am not a fan of someone calling themselves a God. It is off putting to me.
  3. N

    The Dance Hall 6: We're All Off Our Rockers 2018-2019

    I have not posted very much but I feel compelled to say that is is outrageous that S/K would get levels 4 and 3 for twizzles where both of them had a fall. Simply mind blowing. P/G have a slight bobble for G and he gets a level 3. Unbelievable!
  4. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir # 47: Come What May...

    I just need to say that their score is the same as previous Competitions WITH this tough panel. Most other teams are 2-3 points below. Is that not an indication of an improved score, with this panel?
  5. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir # 47: Come What May...

    Don't they do a draw within the Group though? They are ranked 3rd from what I saw. So top 5 or 6 teams will draw for starting order in the last Group. Or are you saying it is a straight reversal of World Standings for Start Order?
  6. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir # 47: Come What May...

    This all day long. I agree with this post 1000%. They love what they are doing and are skating better than ever before.
  7. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir, #46 : Until the End of Time

    I’ve had trouble on my iPhone and iPad but on a desk top computer it worked.
  8. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45

    And they hit all key points YYY
  9. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45

    PSt3 is the partial step sequence. They got a level 3 RH4 is the Rhumba pattern and they got a level 4
  10. N

    Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45

    This is my first time posting and I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. The criticism here is puzzling. Both programs are simply amazing. I am so thrilled that they came back and feel honoured to be able to watch them compete for 2 more year. They are a Once in a Generation Team and...
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