Recent content by Prancer

  1. Prancer

    The Amazing Race S36

    This was a meh season, but at least the final three were all likable and I think Ricky and Cesar would have done well on any season, as they are smart and seem to handle frustration really well. TAR continues to be an also-ran for CBS: In announcing their 2024-2025 lineup, CBS revealed The...
  2. Prancer

    Survivor S46

    Since personal connections often win the day in the end, I think Kenzie has a good shot--if she makes it to the end.
  3. Prancer

    The Amazing Race S36

    In the works.
  4. Prancer

    Survivor S46

    If there is one. Sia doesn't always award them. Sometimes she awards three or four at a time.
  5. Prancer

    Survivor S46

    Totally unrelated to the game, but Kenzie is pregnant. This has, of course, led to a lot of speculation that she wins, as she can now afford to have a child :lol:.
  6. Prancer

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    And I ask again, where else does this happen? The investigation Is closed. An appeal will not change that.
  7. Prancer

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Can you think of an example where decisions have not been made public because there was a possibility of appeal? At what point would it be appropriate to make this announcement public if Kerry doesn't appeal?
  8. Prancer

    Survivor S46

    I read an opinion piece a while back that argued that this is the problem with casting all superfans--they are fixated on resumes and while it makes for a lot of turmoil in the game, it affects strategy in a negative way. Instead of focusing on getting to the end, they are all focused on making...
  9. Prancer

    The Bear vs The Man in the Woods Choice

    The question has nothing to do with real bears or how real bears behave or anything about actual bears. If you don't consider a bear threatening, substitute something you do consider threatening. That's the actual point of the question, not bears. Instead of being in the woods with a bear or...
  10. Prancer

    The Amazing Race S36

    I read somewhere that they are and they are planning a wedding, but I don't remember where I read it.
  11. Prancer

    The Bear vs The Man in the Woods Choice

    How stupid do you think I am? If a man had written that post, I would call it mansplaining. The point, unless I am an idiot, is that men are more dangerous than bears. But this only makes sense if the bears are dangerous. The question posed asks women to choose between a bear and a man for...
  12. Prancer

    The Bear vs The Man in the Woods Choice

    Yes, I understand that perfectly. But if the bear does not present a threat, there is no point to the question. Of course everyone would choose a bear if the bear was just going to be there existing--which is why the reasons you list include the possibility of being attacked by a bear.
  13. Prancer

    Survivor S46

    But then what do you do the next time people tell you that you are safe? Then they are telling you that you are safe and you don't have an idol.
  14. Prancer

    The Bear vs The Man in the Woods Choice

    Okay; why would the women choose the bear over the man? From the OP link: For the women of the world, I—and many people on TikTok—have a question: Would you rather be left in the woods with a man you don’t know, or a bear? It’s an absurd question on the surface. Of course you’d rather be in...
  15. Prancer

    The Bear vs The Man in the Woods Choice

    Why would anyone think that a bear would not attack? That is foolish. And since most discussions I've seen focus on the relative likelihood of attack, I don't think that's the way women are looking at it. If it is, then I have to wonder what women think bears actually do.
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