Recent content by Rainbow

  1. R

    Worlds 2024 Pairs FS: ‘The wedgie always gets its woman’

    Only one more to go for qualifying :cheer2:
  2. R

    Worlds 2024 Pairs FS: ‘The wedgie always gets its woman’ Hope it‘s not geoblocked. In the vid at around 1:05 there‘s a bit of Volodin‘s nekkid upper body and it is glorious.
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    According to anti doping specialist Hajo Seppelt, who was the one uncovering the Sotchi scandal, the girls are being given an assortment of pills especially during training camps without knowing exactly, what's in them...
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    Not in Germany. I just took Voltaren pills for Achilles tendonitis. But you are not supposed to take it longer than a week or regularly. Just short term for acute inflammation.
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    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Since Karel Fajfr was allowed to coach again after beeing sentenced to two years on parole and three years of professional ban for sexual abuse, general abuse and assault, I'm not convinced. Fast forward to 2019 and he was accused of assault again. The parent only knew of his history after the...
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    It's not arbitrary though, if they follow through with the same rule for the rest of the decisions. They bumped up the skaters for the other two competitions. Following the current logic of the TE decision, they would have to leave the European title vacant as well as fourth place Olys and leave...
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    Actually no. As others have stated, Russia would be one point behind Canada, because Shizas would have gained one point for each portion of the competition, if Valievas placement is taken out of the equation.
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    Just because doping in figure skating is hushed over, doesn't mean it didn't and doesn't happen. The doping of figure skaters in the GDR is well documented. Witt and Steuer for example were given oral-turinabol, Woetzel was given anti growth hormones. Pairs skater Rolf Österreich, silver in...
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    And Putins baby mama on top of it. Canˋt make this stuff up. And claimed they just took medication helping with premenstrual syndrom at the time.
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    As written above Rythmic Gymnastics worlds 2001 in Madrid. The positive doping tests of two of the four team members also occured several weeks before the competition. Whole team disqualified and rightly so.
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    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    The Rythmic Gymnastics Worlds 2001 would be a pretty accurate comparison. Even the timeline with delayed test results is similar. The whole Russian Team was disqualified
  12. R

    Euros 2024 Men FS: "We Want More Clean As a Whistle"

    He feels it. Even of he can‘t project it yet.
  13. R

    2023 Grand Prix Final - Pairs FS: “Vampire Wars (Duel to the Death Spiral)”

    They have only had basically one off season to train and develop programs though. The focus is on the elements. They want to try other kind of programs in the future and Minerva said that she needs to get out of her comfort zone musicwise, though it will be difficult for her to relax into, say...
  14. R

    2023 Grand Prix Final - Pairs FS: “Vampire Wars (Duel to the Death Spiral)”

    Watched an interview with them both and Minerva said, that it is a tight time frame, but with a realistic chance for 2026. He will start with proper German lessons after worlds.
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    2023 Grand Prix Final - Pairs FS: “Vampire Wars (Duel to the Death Spiral)”

    True, but name one possible partner matching a 1.67 m woman with the option of obtaining German citizenship in time for the next Olys. He is a real find for her. What`s more surprising is, that he was competition ready so fast after only skating in shows.
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