Gracie Gold's memoir published February 2024


Rotating while Russian!
Sometimes Kween shows up as an actual topic, and sometimes the spirit of Kween-love shows up via mean-spirited comments directed at Tara or Sarah, LOL.

Commentators are a projection of the producers. They each have their own thing/persona, but none of them are allowed to 'freestyle' out there by themselves. Thw tone of NBCs Olympic coverage is all about winning or failing, to the point that Tom Hammond apologized for their feature on Tugba Kardemir. ABC was so much classier, imo.


Simply looking


Well-Known Member
I finished the book yesterday and have a few thoughts circling.
The Coughlin chapter was hard to read. I understand why Gracie doesn't want to research the allegations, but she is seemingly unaware that Coughlin misled people by stating that SafeSport prevented him from talking about the allegations. He was perfectly free to talk to friends/family about anything.

She definitely has a rocky relationship with Ashley Wagner, which I'm sure wasn't helped by Ashley's recounting of the assault by Coughlin.


Staff member
ABC had commentators interview skaters during the kiss n cry. Imagine them doing that now.
:lol: I will NEVER forget the time Dick Button was interviewing Scott Hamilton in the KnC and a fan in the stands dropped a bouquet of flowers down for Scott--stems first, right into his eye. Scott said something like "Ack, my eye!" and sat there with his eye streaming while Dick pressed on with questions and Scott tried to answer :lol:.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
ABC had commentators interview skaters during the kiss n cry. Imagine them doing that now.
I still remember the interview with Brian Orser right after his scores in Calgary telling him, "great skate but you finished second." WTF?!

Gracie's book makes yet another case for having some down time for skaters after receiving their scores before talking to media. In many other sports, athletes can choose to go off by themselves, leave the field/court, and I think they can also choose whether to answer questions at all (but are of course subject to media wrath if they don't). Skaters shouldn't have to have cameras in their face and be grilled seconds after what could be a devastating disappointment. And why do we need to see skaters sitting on couches and then moved off as they drop out of the top 3?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Gracie's book makes yet another case for having some down time for skaters after receiving their scores before talking to media. In many other sports, athletes can choose to go off by themselves, leave the field/court, and I think they can also choose whether to answer questions at all (but are of course subject to media wrath if they don't). Skaters shouldn't have to have cameras in their face and be grilled seconds after what could be a devastating disappointment. And why do we need to see skaters sitting on couches and then moved off as they drop out of the top 3?
For the drama. Gymnastics also started doing this kind of practice within the last 5 (or maybe 10) years, and they've never had anywhere to hide in that sport to begin with.


Well-Known Member
I still remember the interview with Brian Orser right after his scores in Calgary telling him, "great skate but you finished second." WTF?!

Gracie's book makes yet another case for having some down time for skaters after receiving their scores before talking to media. In many other sports, athletes can choose to go off by themselves, leave the field/court, and I think they can also choose whether to answer questions at all (but are of course subject to media wrath if they don't). Skaters shouldn't have to have cameras in their face and be grilled seconds after what could be a devastating disappointment. And why do we need to see skaters sitting on couches and then moved off as they drop out of the top 3?
In most professional sports if an athlete chooses NOT to talk to the media there is a penalty. Now I don't believe that's true in college sports, but there is a precedent for athletes being "grilled" (Watch the Super Bowl Sunday for a real life example) As for the couch, this is happening in a lot of Olympic sports. All the ski, snowboard sports come to mind immediately. They even tried something like this for gymnastics individual events. ( I remember at World's last year when Simone finished one of her events the athletes currently in 1, 2 and 3 immediately moved without even waiting on the scores :) )


Well-Known Member
Remember when NBC had the camera right in Jordyn Wiebers face as she finished as third American gymnastics All around and it was an extreme closeup of her crying!


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Imagine if someone had tried to stick a mic in Trusova or Valieva's face after THAT Olympic free skate. :scream:
Trusova skated before Shcherbakova so nothing would’ve happened there. They go backstage and have to deal with reporters instantly as it is, but in this case of the kiss and cry, she would’ve had no reaction at the time (except being very happy, probably).

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
In most professional sports if an athlete chooses NOT to talk to the media there is a penalty. Now I don't believe that's true in college sports, but there is a precedent for athletes being "grilled"
But they aren't usually ushered to media immediately after. They go back in the locker room and get at least a few minutes before the press conference starts or reporters are allowed into the locker room. Yes, some reporters are on the field but when it comes to the losing side, they are more likely to talk to the coach in the immediate aftermath than players.

IIRC, after MK's disastrous skate at 97 Nats, Terry said on the broadcast that they tried to get her for an interview but she declined. So at some point, skaters were allowed to go off somewhere after their skate. I know ABC was doing their job, but I don't think most people would have wanted to hear/see MK seconds after that skate.


Well-Known Member
I agree that the reporters are doing their jobs for interviews about losing but I have always disliked the microscope they are under. I love happy KnC scenes. I wish they could feel like they didn't have to sit through their scores if they are having a really hard time. I don't find that entertaining. It's not bad sportsmanship to need a few minutes to recover from a disaster. Bad sportsmanship is badmouthing everyone and everything long after the fact.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Or before. Still never forget when Oksana turned a corner and saw was it Leslie Víssner standing there with a microphone and camera. She did a 180. Gosh I miss that diva.
I think you mean Elfie Schlagel at the 97 World Pros. She flicked her hand and walked right past her, and both Al Traurwig and Sandra Bezic commented on the poor behavior on Oksana’s part. I also remember a pro competition either in ‘96 or ‘97 where the CBS team tried to interview her and she was getting visibly annoyed with the questions. Maybe the Ladies Pro.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
I think you mean Elfie Schlagel at the 97 World Pros. She flicked her hand and walked right past her, and both Al Traurwig and Sandra Bezic commented on the poor behavior on Oksana’s part. I also remember a pro competition either in ‘96 or ‘97 where the CBS team tried to interview her and she was getting visibly annoyed with the questions. Maybe the Ladies Pro.

Those were the days, gosh I miss divas and drama like that


AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
I think you mean Elfie Schlagel at the 97 World Pros. She flicked her hand and walked right past her, and both Al Traurwig and Sandra Bezic commented on the poor behavior on Oksana’s part. I also remember a pro competition either in ‘96 or ‘97 where the CBS team tried to interview her and she was getting visibly annoyed with the questions. Maybe the Ladies Pro.

What I remember was the 180… Not sure if it was the flicking of the hand and walking right past but yes it was somewhere around the late 90s and I thought it was Leslie, she just saw her and did a 180 and went the other direction and yes, I do remember Sandra commenting on the poor behavior, but I think the poor behavior is on the journalists not the athletes. Especially with some of the ridiculous questions journalists ask … like I can’t believe you ever graduated from college with a degree in journalism from some of the things that come out of their mouths


Throwing the (rule)book at them
What I remember was the 180… Not sure if it was the flicking of the hand and walking right past but yes it was somewhere around the late 90s and I thought it was Leslie, she just saw her and did a 180 and went the other direction and yes, I do remember Sandra commenting on the poor behavior, but I think the poor behavior is on the journalists not the athletes. Especially with some of the ridiculous questions journalists ask … like I can’t believe you ever graduated from college with a degree in journalism from some of the things that come out of their mouths

This is what I thought of. I'll try to find the other instance from CBS.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I think you mean Elfie Schlagel at the 97 World Pros. She flicked her hand and walked right past her and both Al Traurwig and Sandra Bezic commented on the poor behavior on Oksana’s part. I also remember a pro competition either in ‘96 or ‘97 where the CBS team tried to interview her and she was getting visibly annoyed with the questions. Maybe the Ladies Pro.
OK, well in pro comps, I would agree with the commentators there. I know that the skaters all wanted to do well and many (Kristi, Paul, Kurt, Denise B...) put a lot of effort into their training and choreo, and certainly had a right to be disappointed with a bad skate....but those comps existed for entertainment value and the skaters were being paid a lot of money to be there.

At Oly-eligible comps, skaters aren't receiving appearance fees (except Japan Open and WTT (sort of) but that's not what I'm talking about), they are pouring in thousands of hours and dollars, making huge sacrifices for their moment in the spotlight and I think it's acceptable to allow them some space immediately afterward. Gracie's recounts of her statements to the media right after her 2016 Worlds FS made it clear she shouldn't have been put in front of media in the heat of the moment.


Well-Known Member
But they aren't usually ushered to media immediately after. They go back in the locker room and get at least a few minutes before the press conference starts or reporters are allowed into the locker room. Yes, some reporters are on the field but when it comes to the losing side, they are more likely to talk to the coach in the immediate aftermath than players.

IIRC, after MK's disastrous skate at 97 Nats, Terry said on the broadcast that they tried to get her for an interview but she declined. So at some point, skaters were allowed to go off somewhere after their skate. I know ABC was doing their job, but I don't think most people would have wanted to hear/see MK seconds after that skate.
I believe skaters can decline an on camera interview with NBC at nationals without too much trouble. But they generally cannot avoid the mixed zone backstage. Usually it is required that you walk through that. At the Olympics though, the NBC reporter would typically be in the mixed zone with the other reporters (albeit with priority access) and thus probably harder to decline at that event. But it’s happened many times at nationals that Terry or whoever has said they tried to get so and so for an interview but they were not successful. I’ve seen similar at Canadian nationals. That epic melt down Sale/Pelletier had in 2002 comes to mind. CTV/TSN said they tried to get an interview but were told no. They did go to the press conference and the mixed zone after the event though. The next night they agreed to do the on camera interview and the guy from TSN noted it briefly before the interview started.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝

This is what I thought of. I'll try to find the other instance from CBS.

Yasssssss I remember that one as well, gosh Oksana gave great performances and I’m not talking about the ice-skating. Lol there was one before where she was about to compete and she turned a corner and saw Leslie Víssner and then did a 180 and went back to wherever she was coming from, and this was before she was about to go out on the ice.

It’s true I mean she just found out her score ..does she need a camera and commentator/journalist right up her snout?

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝

This is what I thought of. I'll try to find the other instance from CBS.

Wow, and look at some of the comments in this video … the ones that are in English, I agree with some of them, and someone really schooled Sandra. She did not even know who the man standing with Oksana was, it looks like she got it completely wrong.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes Kween shows up as an actual topic, and sometimes the spirit of Kween-love shows up via mean-spirited comments directed at Tara or Sarah, LOL.

Commentators are a projection of the producers. They each have their own thing/persona, but none of them are allowed to 'freestyle' out there by themselves. Thw tone of NBCs Olympic coverage is all about winning or failing, to the point that Tom Hammond apologized for their feature on Tugba Kardemir. ABC was so much classier, imo.
But don’t Tara and Johnny take pride in publicly declaring they’ll speak their mind even if it goes against “party line”. They seemed like they a made a big showing of that when they thought Nathan was getting underscored in comparison to Adam back in the day.

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