Recent content by jersey1302

  1. jersey1302

    Yuzuru Hanyu Divorced (updated)

    I always thought he was gay. I literally can’t imagine him with a girl. Lmao. Sorry not sorry
  2. jersey1302

    The Freeskate (Podcast!!)

    yes thank you. So you can search on youtube The Freeskate and or apple pod cast the same title. Thanks skatingguy for posting that information
  3. jersey1302

    The Freeskate (Podcast!!)

    My Freeskate YouTube channel is now a podcast! I uploaded the first episode to cover the cup of china. YouTube is still there but have a look at my first pod episode !! just search The Freeskate!! Woooo!!! YOUTUBE LINK Apple podcast link
  4. jersey1302

    2021/2022 Canadian Men: News and Updates

    I am going to go ahead and assume Keegan is in covid protocol. There are 3 Canadian athletes in protocol right now. Canada is not releasing names of who out of respect for the athletes privacy and preparations etc. Roman will be the long man on the team event for Canada. I feel like because...
  5. jersey1302

    2021/2022 Canadian Men: News and Updates

    I've heard nothing yet about him. Im trying haha.
  6. jersey1302

    ISU to evaluate feasibility of 2020-21 skating season

    So can they not just test the skaters, coaches, judges etc and create a bubble for a weekend? Its not like its for an extended amount of time. I guess the only issue is having skaters tested prior to arriving and then when arriving, the incubation period wouldnt show up until after the event ends.
  7. jersey1302

    Richard Gauthier accused of sexual harassment (1981-85)

    no, you're right, I didnt intend that,it was just more a legit question based on ages, I had no idea of the where abouts and reasons, I saw PD and reversed the letters. I wasn't meaning for a rumor, just my question.
  8. jersey1302

    Richard Gauthier accused of sexual harassment (1981-85)

    I wonder if P.D was Pelletier David. hmm.. does that timeline seem right? David would of been 10-11 years old around 1985
  9. jersey1302

    ISU to evaluate feasibility of 2020-21 skating season

    Well Ottawa is hosting an fan less skate Canada at the end of October, however I didnt realize until I read today that only skaters trainging in Canada will be allowed to compete. Borders still have tight security. I was a bit surprised given Edmonton holding the NHL hub and all the...
  10. jersey1302

    What's Old Is New Again: New Articles Re: Figure Skating History

    LOL the sure death of the click heels spread eagle really made me laugh.. killed me.. not literally :encore:
  11. jersey1302

    Schitts Creek

    Catherine Ohara accepting an award 38:40.. best acceptance speech ever hahahaa
  12. jersey1302

    Schitts Creek

    I absolutely fell madly in love with this show. First few episodes I was a bit unsure when I first started watching it and after that I was hooked. OH MY GOD!!! I CANT BELIEVE ITS OVER!!!! 6 SEASONS!! not nearly enough for this show. I can't even believe its a Canadian show. Nothing this good...
  13. jersey1302

    Drobiazko & Vanagas: Dancing Through The Decades

    I really enjoyed watching them. I was always pulling for them and was always so mad that they didnt quite get the marks they deserved. Politics in the sport is absolutely game changing.
  14. jersey1302

    The FreeSkate season 3! Skate Canada (and America)

    GPF Preview!
  15. jersey1302

    The FreeSkate season 3! Skate Canada (and America) Our rant about SA and the PCS of Trusova in Skate Canada.
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