I suspect this is at DSC. They have seating for 300 in 2 rinks and almost none in rink A. The problem would be parking and moving around. Concessions is small and the owner died suddenly within the past year and half. His wife and another woman took over.
But my guess is parking and volunteers...
In depth look into the pairs GPF with PJ and Meagan Duhamel and Tony Wheeler our host!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF-BE0RD7gA&fbclid=IwAR0FgHOeGg54TW_T12GO0xx4fELyLrK5MFaUOt8Gde-U5dvfQ79Q0sz9HAQ
Lots more coming! Ladies, mens, dance and a preview of the Russian Nationals! Enjoy!
She didn't move until Tim lifts her and she was out of it. The whistle should have been blown while she was down face first on the ice. No if and about it. I am horrified they let that go and even her coaches (parents) allowed it to be continued.
I think the tech panel has kept the judges in line this season by calling lower levels. And the Russians always do a big push every year. I think Bukin deserves it. But not the gold yet. HD have had 6 weeks of changes to both programs and from what I hear there are some pretty cool changes they...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gl2fA2IOQQ Tony is joined by CBC Sports Analyst PJ Kwong to preview the 2018/2019 Grand Prix Final- the top six skaters and teams in each discipline from the regular season Grand Prix events face off for the first time against each other. All skaters are...
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