This episode surprised me. I pretty much liked all the performances. Loved Onya's! And I was impressed with how Crystal took the lead on organizing the challenge in general. Oh, and her tumbleweed. So fun. Those two definitely deserved the top spots. I'm wondering if Alysa's joyful LP...
The second episode wasn't any better than the first. Not for me, anyway. Lexie Love and Suzy Toots are the only queens that interest far. I think two weeks of the talent show is just too much lipsyncing.
It seems that way to me as well. I was disappointed in the "talent" show. Maybe next week's group will impress me more. Please oh please let there be less lip syncing and generic dance moves! But having said that, it still provided (for me) a needed mental break from political news.
I was hoping Nymphia would win. Her sense of style is out of this world. We didn't get a chance to see her lip sync skills until the final. She really crushed it. Having said that, I would have been happy with either of the final three winning. It was a great season.
I like all of the top three queens. What a talented group! I think Sapphira has been set up for the win but I'll be rooting for Nymphia. I'm looking forward to finally seeing her lip sync. (The lip sync last night was pretty lame.)
I would have given the win to Nymphia. But the name of Lazy Susan also made me laugh. Plane Jane makes me laugh the most. I adore her. Having said that, I thought her family makeover was too identical and lacking in creativity. Although I didn't really like Q's clown approach, I agree with...
I was pleasantly surprised with the top two. I enjoyed Nymphia the most because she really made me laugh and I loved her runway. I think Sapphire is definitely a judge favorite but I don't think Nymphia is. Plane Jane and Q did such a great job with both the challenge and runway, I assumed...
I'm wondering about the potion factor too. I wasn't surprised Plane used it to save Nymphia because she has a very high opinion of herself and I also don't think she is as bad of a person as she comes across. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I find that Q, who was an early favorite...
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