Recent content by winston

  1. W

    SafeSport investigating Peter Oppegard

    I recall reading on their blog last fall that they were having difficulties obtaining a release from USFS to skate for Switzerland. The paragraph beginning: "The tumultuous season continued and we were trying to figure out what exactly was going on with our status in competing for Switzerland"...
  2. W

    Chris Knierim to retire - Alexa to seek new partner

    So, Chris's reply to Mirai is kind of fun . . . . And I kind of get the feeling Mirai is being a little playful by tweeting this. I suspect she has insider knowledge. ;-)
  3. W

    Cipres accused of sexual misconduct

    Your user name captures everything about your post. (I have friends who would 100% back you up on this phenomenon, too!) UGG. :)
  4. W

    2019-2020 Programs and Choreographers

    Maybe inspired by this one by Alissa Czisny?
  5. W

    U.S. Ladies [#27]: A Time to Reboot

    SUPER fun & wildly exciting! Realistically, they see the void, too. Until the 3A/quad generation can solidify itself, there's certainly room for ladies of the past (and present) to resurface & shine.
  6. W

    New partnership - Deanna Stellato and Maxime Deschamps!

    Thrilled for Deanna, whatever her path may be!
  7. W

    2019-2020 Programs and Choreographers

    Me, too! I had at least one program in mind. Maybe one of the tippy-top went operetta. Love a high quality G&S, when it can be worked in.
  8. W

    2019/20 ISU Grand Prix Assignments & Alternates thread

    True. Not terribly unlike the comeback track of Alissa Cizisy. If I recall, Alissa appeared at EGL Regionals, placed 1st. Then continued to Sectionals with a bye due to assignment, or, sadly, maybe that was the year she had to withdraw due to a horrific injury. I clearly don't recall specifics...
  9. W

    U.S. Ice Dance 2019-20 season news & updates

    (bold added) Aladdin, I believe. And as you said, I'm sure it will grow over time.
  10. W

    U.S. Ladies [#27]: A Time to Reboot

    I would also include the High Performance Camp (formerly ISP camp) held immediately following Broadmoor. This is the Champs Camp equivalent for Non-GP skaters.
  11. W

    U.S. Ladies [#26]: Bell, Boots, and Camel

    Skaters have been told they will be assigned if they do well in summer competitions, regardless of how nationals went for them (even if they didn't go!) I think USFS is improving its game in this aspect. At least, I sure hope so!
  12. W

    U.S. Ladies [#26]: Bell, Boots, and Camel

    But it may be enough for Skate America TBA given how the USFS Senior season is shaping up. And I'm in it for that! :-)
  13. W

    Caroline Green/Michael Parsons are a team

    Plus, aren't Michael and Logan close in height? (Lack of height difference being a drawback listed in this thread.)
  14. W

    U.S. Ladies [#26]: Bell, Boots, and Camel

    And the photo captures a special bond between the two. I love it!
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