The 77th Golden Globes - Red Carpet & Awards Ceremony


Well-Known Member

I doubt anyone left the event feeling abused or being shell-shocked. Ricky Gervais isn't funny and his opening monologue was stupid. Politics is life and everyone should talk about it more, not less.

I mean check out the sources of those articles. Explains the slanted editorializing.


Doing all the things
And look at the faces of the audience. For a lot of his monologue, they were just WTF? and not "how dare he!?!".


Away (Workload)
Ricky Gervais on Twitter

Reads: "Thanks for all your amazing comments about my Golden Globes monologue. Best reaction ever and that means a lot to me. I had a blast but thank f*** it's over, so I can get back to my real job of editing #AfterLife2 and touring #SuperNature. Make Jokes, Not War"


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Includes a clip from Awkwafina's acceptance speech :D:


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Mayor of Carrot City
Piers Morgan lied about photos in the newspaper he edited, and got fired as a result. He's also notorious for exaggerating the extent of his friendships with celebrities, politicians, and royalty. He is the last person on earth who should be criticizing anyone else for hypocrisy and two-facedness.


Mean Spirited
PIERS MORGAN: “Ricky Gervais delivered a glorious kick in the globes to Hollywood's woke virtue-signalling hypocrites - and exposed them as a bunch of shameless two-faced charlatans

If you’re on the wrong side of Piers Morgan, you are on the right path is my life motto.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that makes me cognizant of Piers Morgan’s existence is me following Madonna news from time to time and he goes on these rants about her and when asked about why he hates her so much he will never say. I find it entertaining because Madonna never pays him any attention and just goes about her life while he seems super obsessed with her. Like a criticism now and then is understandable as there is a lot to criticize, but he just goes off the deep end and has done it continuously and will continue to do it. I think he has issues in the same way Bill O’Reilly did in the 2000s when he was relevant and would go after Hollywood all because he tried to be a Hollywood actor and failed at it (closest he got to it was commenting on people who succeeded at it on Access Hollywood) and thus made it his life’s mission to take them down once he found his audience as a Fox News hate monger.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I didn't think Gervais' monologue was as funny as some people were saying on social media last night, but there were some lines that I guffawed at. I will say that while I didn't agree with his assertion that most of the Hollywood elite gathered in that room have no idea how the "real world lives" (most had to work hard to achieve the level of success and celebrity they have achieved and were not born with silver spoons in their mouths, and I can respect that), there was a fair bit in what he said during his monologue that isn't terribly far off the truth. There is an incredible amount of hypocrisy from Hollywood on many political issues and many people wish they would just shut up and own that they're just as interested in making money and living an incredible life of privilege, access, and luxury as any other person. He's not wrong, you know, in saying that many in that room last night would call their agents if ISIS started a streaming service, or pointing out that Apple does use sweatshops in China for producing its many wares. There were definitely some ruffled feathers in the room and that's fine with me. Comedy should make you a little uncomfortable when the truth hits close to home. It should cause you to pause, reflect and, hopefully, become a better person.


Well-Known Member
I just think making fun of Hollywood for being hypocrites is a way for many of us to not look at our own lives and how we act the same way. It’s easier to feel morally superior at others but let’s be honest and reflect on the fact that companies like Apple didn’t make a billion dollars based on celebs nor are celebs the only one supporting politicians with ties to human rights abusers and regimes supporting human rights abuses. Hell, many regular voting Americans are open about supporting them while tsk tsking at Hollywood and still expressing their political opinions all they want through various means.

Like that tweet I shared before, that whole “shut up and sing” bs is a longstanding rightwing rhetoric whose only goal is to get people less politically engaged so bad shit can happen in the background. It’s not the criticism I mind, but the whole rhetoric of shutting up. That’s where any value of Gervais’ points rang false to me especially considering his own penchant of expressing political views whenever he wants. The truth is that if Hollywood wasn’t expressing more leftwing platitudes, then people wouldn’t be telling them to shut up, at least not the same people as was clear with the initial post in this thread about “virtue signaling” and other BS like that. If Gervais was more about being more politically engaged and arguing being more politically engaged and adopt better arguments and look inwardly at the industry itself and how it perpetuates so many of the things they are against, then I am for it. It would make them stronger artists with something to say and will help push this artform to going back to being more than brainless eye candy.

IMO, as you said comedy is supposed to make people uncomfortable, it should also advocate and promote clear messages. The problem is that I found his ultimate message muddled, half-baked, Unclear, and just lazy boring attacks on sitting ducks that makes “regular” people feel better about themselves because they are making fun of people who aren’t them and are seen as being in higher positions of power. He was more interested in doing his agitator schtick and pissing people off who he thinks he’s better than while subtly falling for the rightwing talking points he sympathizes with that fail to actually point out in all of our moral failings. He’s no Lenny Bruce or George Carlin and he proved that here.
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Well-Known Member
There is an incredible amount of hypocrisy from Hollywood on many political issues
and many people wish they would just shut up and own that they're just as interested in making money and living an incredible life of privilege, access, and luxury as any other person.

I agree with the any other person part. Because I could replace Hollywood with Christians, politicians, and virtually any other identifiable group in the states. The primary focus of just about everyone these days is living the good life - no matter what values they shout to the world.


From the Bloc
One of the reasons that controversial hosts are hired for awards shows and things like the White House Correspondents dinner, and that those people happily take the jobs, is for the ensuing attention. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about, so the saying goes.

Mission accomplished in this case.


No lamb chop, so don’t you fork my peas
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Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
During Ricky's roast, there was a split second shot of Amy Poehler. From the expression on her face, I'm sure the thought bubble above her head would have said something like, "Tina Fey! Help me."


Away (Workload)
Ricky Gervais continues to get rave reviews on both social media and in the mainstream press. In fact, he has been dubbed the “wokefinder general”!

Article reads:-

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty certain 2019 was the most 'woke' year on record.

In no particular order, we endured the increasingly shrill demands of Greta Thunberg, the Duchess of Sussex putting 'changemakers' on the cover of Vogue, Jo 'identify as whatever you want' Swinson, Extinction Rebellion, the Marks & Spencer LGBT sandwich, Prince Harry announcing he'll have only two children to save the planet — and countless other examples of gratingly right-on virtue-signalling.

On and on it went, a great damp fog of wokeness threatening to engulf us all in its claggy embrace.

At times, it seemed as though every last atom of joy had been sucked out of the atmosphere, as though all notions of fun, mischief, irony or sarcasm were destined to become distant memories, surviving only on dusty bookshelves and re-runs of Little Britain.

And then, out of nowhere, like a knight in shining armour, comes Ricky Gervais. A more unlikely saviour of humanity one could barely imagine: pallid, middle-aged Ricky, with his bad teeth and nervous grin. Nevertheless, there he stands: saviour of comedy, restorer of sanity, banisher of baloney and, as of Sunday night, Hollywood's undisputed Wokefinder General.

The speech he delivered to the audience at the Golden Globes was brash, brutal, highly offensive in parts — and bang on the money. It tanked with the celebrities in the room. But to those outside the bubble, ordinary people sick and tired of being lectured to endlessly by limousine liberals and sulky schoolgirls, it was a real barnstormer.

There was something almost Churchillian about the passion with which Gervais delivered his diatribe. This was not just a good-natured ribbing. There was a sharp edge of viciousness, a fine line between comedy and cruelty that few save Gervais know how to tread.

Another article
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