Big Brother 25


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Still here after all these years, but what a mess of a premiere. At first I thought it wasn’t live and wondered why the editing was so strange, but then they plastered it on the screen. Julie didn’t seem to know their names immediately, and everything seemed super disorganized like she was given a script on the spot.

As much as I love Britney and all-time fave Danielle, that Time Machine segment was total cringe, too, and the concept didn’t make any sense as they showed it in that moment.

I figured Cirie would be the 17th houseguest, but I can’t see her going far with her Traitors win coming not that long ago and everyone in the house probably being familiar with it let alone her Survivor history. It seemed like in the closing moments Izzy may have been revealing she knew the family connection, or maybe she was just already building alliances.

Finally, it seemed like Matt had no guidance for his competition— maybe no video screen to read Julie’s lips? He had to keep looking behind him to see when to start the challenge and I think he wasn’t even sure what he had to do as it was.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I was actually surprised by Cirie lol. I didn’t think they’d put someone with her history in there. I think Izzy is definitely onto the connection with Jared.

They need to stop banishing people so early in the game. It’s one of the most unfair twists.


Headcase Addict

love skating

Clueless American
With Pluto TV having free feeds this year I am going to be wasting so much time watching BB. The hard thing is with the strike we not only get a later BB this year which means opposite fall shows but so much reality is being put on TV right now and this reality TV junkie is getting overwhelmed trying to keep up! Now to have free live feeds too - oh lord help me!


Well-Known Member
This is big
STATEMENT FROM CBS AND THE PRODUCERS:“Luke violated the BIG BROTHER code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house. His departure will be addressed in Thursday night’s show.”


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
This is big
STATEMENT FROM CBS AND THE PRODUCERS:“Luke violated the BIG BROTHER code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house. His departure will be addressed in Thursday night’s show.”
He gave me the creeps from night 1 so I’m glad he’s gone.

This is the incident. Hisam’s and Cory’s faces are priceless.



Well-Known Member
Anyone watching? I am.
Interesting season. I am a huge fan of Cirie from Survivor. She is doing her jedi mind tricks well.
But I think her son could be her downfall. Best for her game if he gets booted. Jared is a loose cannon. His impression of America is very odd.
I love that Felicia, the oldest person in the house won an HOH.
Also that the older folks like Cirie & Feliciia are not labelled as such, and some rightly so view them as real threats.
Cameron - I do like and I didn't like how and he and Red fell out. Their friendship seemed real. Cam is a threat - but he is playing.

I like most everbody....
Jag - seems like a nice guy - but is on so many folks radar he is an easy nominee
Bowie Jane - what is she doing? I really only see her in group meetings and she is agreeing.
Blue - something about her- not sure if I trust her (gives off mean girl vibes), but her idea for Jag to be a pawn this past week was smart. There may be more to her than I think.
Mecole - again not shown much, but is a smart person
Matt - just seems so nice and great. Will probably get voted out as I think they all like him and will view him as a threat to win.
His weakness - too trusting?

Has anyone tried to inform the ones that don't know much about Cirie how dangerous Cirie is?
Izzy is blinded by Cirie. She annoys me as she is just always too positive.
If Izzy gets voted out - will she blab their secret?
Not sure how good of a player she is, or she lucky she is with Cirie/Felicia.

Note - I watched a show called 'The Traitors' - set in a castle in Scotland - and Cirie was a constestant. I willnot share the result, but Cirie was masterful at the social game.


Well-Known Member
Anyone watch last nite?
One of the best nom ceremonies evah.
Izzy, Felicia and Blue’s prep/lack of prep was hilarious. Great editing.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I've been watching the shows and the feeds, and while I'm glad Cameron is finally threatening Cirie's group, he's such a condescending creep that it's hard to enjoy his triumph. I also wish he was targeting the disgusting Jared out of that group, but he's so clueless that he doesn't realize Jared is their mole. Izzy and Felicia have provided entertaining feeds with their paranoia/motormouth so I'm not ready to see either of them go.


Well-Known Member
Luke was kicked out of the house for using the n-word. Jared uses the r-word and remains in the house. Thoughts?

Luke to me did it in a light-hearted bro-speak way, not using the word in any kind of racist way. Jared used the r-word in an insulting manner. The way someone uses an inappropriate word makes a big difference to me.

I also wish he was targeting the disgusting Jared out of that group, but he's so clueless that he doesn't realize Jared is their mole.

What has happened that has made you think that Cameron should definitely know that Jared is a mole?

I've been watching the shows and the feeds, and while I'm glad Cameron is finally threatening Cirie's group, he's such a condescending creep...

I stopped watching about five episodes ago when it seemed like Cirie's minions were big enough that they would have total control over the game. Boring! But I saw online that things are being switched up, so I watched last night's episode. What has Cameron done that has bothered you? Sounds like I've missed something valuable. Do you find Cameron more condensing than Felicia? She seems to have a high regard for her gameplay and is unaware that there is a threesome that are carrying her.


Well-Known Member
Cameron is a awful human. Yes, he's a creep.

Not that I have seen. Not as creepy as a mob of people who betrayed an alliance member (Hisam) rather than simply telling him to listen more and talk less. Of course, if he's not in your alliance and somebody acts that way, then let him hang himself. :lol:

And targeting Kirsten week one when she wanted to work with Cirie and Felicia and their using her peace offering against her was very creepy.

But as I said, I've missed about five episodes. That's why I asked for examples about Cameron. He seems like a great guy, taking down those with big egos who think even looking at them is sac-religious. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I watch all episodes and the feeds.
Cam is the one with the biggest ego of them all, not to mention his creepy actions with Reilly and America

The episodes do not tell anything close to the real the story


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Yep as usual the edited shows grossly misrepresent some of the houseguests. Cameron has been so creepy with America and Reilly as well as saying things like he wouldn’t be able to control himself around America in the jury house. WTF. He’s also one of those guys who thinks he knows everything and loves to hear himself talk. He and Jared are two of a kind that way.


Well-Known Member
I was just watching him talking to America. As usual, he's condescending and had his voice raised.
He was talking about how he hates Izzy and wants her out, then: "Cameron to America: If anyone in this house is smart, I want the lady that's playing sloppy bullshit game, getting in everyone's face, and doing dumb stuff, & still cooking for us...I want that person to stay in the house."

That's just a small sample of his grossness
There is a reason no one likes him



Well-Known Member
Cam to America: I'm the commander now. You're my loyal soldier. We're not leaving ANY man behind. I have grenades locked and loaded and all you have to do is reach in my pocket and grab one. America: I get it Cam. Cam: Reach into my Grab that grenade.



Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Cam to America: I'm the commander now. You're my loyal soldier. We're not leaving ANY man behind. I have grenades locked and loaded and all you have to do is reach in my pocket and grab one. America: I get it Cam. Cam: Reach into my Grab that grenade.

Omg. It’s almost gotten to the point where I can’t watch him because he creeps me out so much.


Well-Known Member
Thxs for all the updates. I have only watched cbs, and not online.
Had no idea
I loved Cirie pre BB, but I was happy Cam nom 2 of her team. And the comment how they voted Hisam out hit something.


Well-Known Member
I'm still watching - anyone else?
As much as Jag and Matt deserve to win, it is not that exciting to watch. Matt is such a nice guy -and his reaction to the photo of his mom with Reilly - not sure if he was 100% happy.
What has Bowie Jane done?
I am a huge Cirie fan - but unless she gets the guys out (which is unlikely), doesn't deserve to win.
I want to like Felicia, but something rubs me the wrong way.
Funny how at the beginning it seemed like the young ones vs the older and that fell apart and how well everyone gets along. I do love how the older folks are not being shunned.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The season and all the twists have been really lame. And seeing how there have been multiple shifts of alliances, it should’ve been more exciting. Most recent seasons have been very predictable and featured very few alliance changes.

Cirie has phoned it in almost the whole game, Bowie has changed her mind 20 times apparently in the hope that she gets pulled to the final two like Victoria probably thought would happen in 16.

I like Matt better than Jag, but Jag probably deserves the win. Now, if people consider Matt saving Jag after a unanimous eviction, maybe he can still win in a head to head.

But the format is getting really, really old and the sudden game twists don’t add anything.

love skating

Clueless American
While watching Skate Canada I was thinking Liam Kapeikis reminded me of Cory and Audrey Shin reminded me of Blue. :lol:

Anyway, I'm rooting for Jag - but if the jury is bitter he could end up like Paul even if he does get to the final 2. We shall see. At any rate - this season went too long and I think we are all feeling that extra length (both the fans and the houseguests).


Well-Known Member
As a feeds watcher, I see things differently, The final 3 are being jerks
Cirie for AFP :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
Sparks- thxs for your comment
I have not been following anything online this season. It is like there r 2 things going on, what cbs airs and the real stuff

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