Survivor S44


Throwing the (rule)book at them
In watching every season of Survivor, for the first time I was this close to bursting into tears after they started with the sappy music during the reading of the votes and Carolyn got to 2 votes. I thought for sure she was done for! As we all suspected, she did shoot up to the biggest threat while somehow Carson continues to sneak by when he clearly should be the number one threat to get to 4 and then control the game.

I know Heidi has been paranoid because of people voting for her, but she really should've held on to that idol anyways. You have an alliance of three and an alliance of 2 of former tribe mates. With 6 left, they weren't going to be looking at her at all IMO.

I think Lauren has a story to tell if she does make it to the final 3, but she has no resume to back anything up. Everyone else, maybe. Heidi has been strategic but not outwardly so. Carson may be a mastermind and have a ton of different plans going to keep him safe, but I still think Carolyn has the entire jury swayed with her personality.

Yam Yam's only chance of winning IMO is if both Carolyn and Carson go out in 5th and 4th. Well, any of them really and in that scenario, it would have to be one of Yam Yam, Heidi, and Lauren likely winning fire over Carolyn/Carson and having that 'move'.


From the Bloc
I had been thinking before that Yam Yam is playing to the cameras a bit in his confessionals by giving them lots to work with, and once that idea was in my head, this episode made a lot more sense. Like Carson, he was never going to target Carolyn for this vote, but my guess is when the producers asked "what might make you vote for Carolyn, how would that work, what would be your thinking" then he told them.

Yam Yam and Carson's best move is to stick with Carolyn until F4 because she's shown her loyalty and even more so after the emotions speech, will not betray them. The idea that the three of them stuck together almost from day 1 and survived going from the minority (for most of the game) to the majority intact will be part of their pitch to the jury. I think it will have some sway because I can't recall seeing a season where initial tribal alliances continued to be important throughout the game in a long time.

It will be fun if Carolyn's emotions speech had an effect outside the moment. If F3 is the three of them, the jury might be inclined to think none of them could have done it without the other two, and then either go with smartypants Carson or likeable Carolyn.

As for Heidi, she's smart but I never thought she had enough game. Hard to know how bad the paranoia was from my couch, but it didn't sound like she was in any real danger at all, so a big misread to play the idol when it could have guaranteed her F4. And clearly the others don't think she had enough game, because they chose to get rid of Jaime first, and she's had almost no game either.

A-MAZED the other three weren't targeting Carson. If they had, they might have actually convinced Yam Yam to go with them (his "big move") or at least brought it to a tie.


Well-Known Member
I get that Carson is a huge threat, but to me the biggest threat is Yam Yam. He has the best social game. Everyone who has voted for him has been eliminated. He's won an immunity challenge and has done decently at the other ones. Everybody loves him. I don't get why people wouldn't want to vote HIM off before Carson and Carolyn.

I think one of the reasons that Yam Yam didn't vote for Carolyn is that he wouldn't want her, thinking he 'betrayed' her, as part of the jury. As much as I love Carolyn, I can just imagine how volatile she would be in that jury position with someone who 'betrayed' her in the final 3.

The one tribal where nobody votes for Heidi is of course the one where she used her idol. I almost thought she was going to use it for Carolyn, to ensure Jamie was eliminated.

Carolyn at challenges is always so entertaining. Like losing her team in the reward challenge, and running blindly (literally) behind them trying to catch up. Also, Carson was so calm and reliable in that one.

I loved Jamie's positivity during her little exit interview, but I want to know how she reacted when she found out her idol was fake.


Well-Known Member
As for Heidi playing her might be correct to say Heidi played ONE of her idols. We don't know yet who found the idol that was being searched for this episode.


Well-Known Member
I was yelling at my TV when Carolyn did not get voted out.

I don’t like her at all. It’s not that she is emotional. But she was so disdainful of other players in her early confessionals and the faces she makes when others are talking often strike me that way. Not always but sometimes.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I think one of the reasons that Yam Yam didn't vote for Carolyn is that he wouldn't want her, thinking he 'betrayed' her, as part of the jury. As much as I love Carolyn, I can just imagine how volatile she would be in that jury position with someone who 'betrayed' her in the final 3.
If Carolyn goes out last before F3, I think she might still be mad enough to hold it against her former allies, but we've seen before that she does cool off and then return to her strong ties - which would make a case for having voted her out this week. Although yes, who knows what jury damage she could do in the meantime.

The whole "Carolyn was secretly strategic this whole time" is so bonkers. She always had good observations and was willing to share them; no one listened to her.

I felt Heidi was playing such a good game earlier but this was a miss. We saw that no one was strategizing with her, so I get the paranoia, but she really did go to the bottom of the pack and we haven't seen any hustle that would impress the jury. Any of the Tika 3 should want to be in the F3 with both Heidi and Lauren at this point, although I am rooting for an all-Tika final vote. They all have compelling chances IMO, depending on how the next 2 votes go. They all seem to be well liked.


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised with the winner.

I said here a week or two ago that to me, Yam Yam was the biggest threat, but I'm genuinely surprised that Carolyn didn't get a single vote. I wonder if, when watching back the show, any of the jury would vote differently if they saw things as we did.
I didn't like how he still resorted to being quippy for most of the final jury, even when adding on to others' comments. But I think it was his talking about the twinkle in everyone's eyes that swayed it.
I wasn't fond of Heidi's final jury. I thought that half the time she didn't really answer their questions (and too much 'thank you for your question').
And Carson being like a pageant mom when Carolyn and Yam Yam were talking to the jury was hilarious.

I saw someone recommend it on Twitter and man would I love to see it - Carolyn and Yam Yam (or Carson) on The Amazing Race! I love those three together. I loved the reaction of Carolyn (and Yam Yam) when they learned their Survivor 'son' works for NASA. I adore those three.


Well-Known Member
That was a satisfying ending, though I wish Carolyn would have received at least one vote. Carson coaching her from the jury box was the most adorable. I didn't mind at all the very positive jury, either. It seemed right for this season in which they all seemed to adore each other. Yam Yam is a great winner. I thoroughly enjoyed this season.

love skating

Clueless American
Originally I was rooting against Yam Yam and I was rooting for Carson coming in to the finale. However, I was quite touched with the way Yam Yam comforted and kept teaching and helping Carson with the firemaking. And in the end he deserved the win because he was the one with all the connections. Carolyn was left out of the vote a few times. Impressive firemaking from Heidi! But I agree that she didn't do well enough with the final jury to win. Congrats to Yam Yam!


Staff member
However, I was quite touched with the way Yam Yam comforted and kept teaching and helping Carson with the firemaking.
I laughed when Carson said his vote was up for grabs. As IF he would vote for anyone besides Yam Yam after that :lol:.

Yam Yam was an interesting player. For all the talk about Carolyn playing an emotional game, Yam Yam was really the one who went with his heart and it actually worked for him.

Heidi looked so crushed when she realized that Yam Yam won, but I think she thought that putting herself out there to make fire would seal the deal. In the end, Survivor nearly always comes down to personal relationships more than anything else.

I've really liked the last few seasons with all fan applicants; they know the game, they get that it IS a game and that lying and betrayal are part of the deal. I don't miss bitter juries at all.

ETA: Pretty amusing video of them all trying to figure out where the marker is hiding in the voting booth:


From the Bloc
Really enjoyed this season! Real players who know and love the game, who played hard and had fun doing it. I had to laugh when more than once they talked about how hard it is to concentrate in challenges with Jeff barking at them, and how he laughed about it too.

Carson walking into the last obstacle course and seeing that it ended with a puzzle was so obviously delighted, but then losing concentration on the ball drop (something he surely practiced at home) and losing confidence on the fire challenge (which he said he practiced extensively at home) just shows his youth I think. I'm glad though that it was a good experience for him :)

I really thought Heidi had it in the bag the way that the jury seemed to be cheering her on during the fire and all the adulation from everyone, Jeff included, for how fast she did it. But then she blew it with the jury. Interrupted others, didn't answer the questions, instead talked too much about her life journey rather than her game and the others. Not surprised only Danny voted for her.

I did think Carolyn did well with the jury and would have got a vote or two, but Yam Yam was spectacular, more than I expected. Agree with @screech that when he talked about the twinkle in their eyes that might have won it for him - for years people have talked about the personal connections being so important, and this is the first time I can recall someone being clear how it became a game advantage for them. Also loved that he, all of them really, stayed true to who they are right to the end.

Turned off the show right after the winner was announced, looking forward to seeing the reunion tonight.


Well-Known Member
In her post-show interview with Entertainment Weekly, Carolyn said that she expected votes from Frannie and Carson, but only those two, and was shocked and hurt she didn't get one. In his interview, Carson said that he wanted it to be her or Yam Yam, but that it would come down to final tribal. He said that she spoke well about her personal journey but didn't elaborate on her strategy, and that Yam Yam's speech was better than the other two.

Also, Heidi and Carolyn hated the after show. They said it was so hard to go into socializing and discussing the show right after losing, when all you want is some time to get your mind around things and deal with your emotions.

In better Carolyn news, to the surprise of basically nobody, she won the Sia Award ($100,000 gifted by the singer). Sia also gave both Carson and Lauren $15,000 each.


A bitch from Canada
This was a really good season. The cast was extremely likeable, the jury wasn't bitter, and it was fun to watch. Yam Yam is a very deserving winner - he played well and had an excellent final tribal council.

Yam Yam talking about the sitcom with him, Carolyn, and their son Carson had me :rofl:

There are a few players I would like to see again. I bet Carson gets another chance down the road (if he wants it).


Well-Known Member
ITA with all that has been said.
Great season - and no bitter jury - how refreshing. I enjoy the questioning - feels like good conversation and evolves.
Heidi did looe in the questioning - her interupting was so annoying. And pulling on heart strings with her back story. This is a game, not who has had it bad in their life.
Wondering - when Heidi selected Carolyn to go to the final 3 and Carolyn's reaction -
my thought was she was not happy and was might be perceived as a goat. Has anyone who was picked by the immunity winner to go to the final ever win?
Good point on how Carolyn and Heidi were uncomfortable after voting and having an aftershow. I think I would need a moment to go somewhere alone and have a good cry first.
And I so loved them complaining about Jeff talking during challenges.
Hope Frannie & Matt last - too cute.


From the Bloc
Watched the after show last night, what a riot. Feel bad for Carolyn on the emotional side, I can see that for sure, but she does have a ton of support I think, and well not to be toooo snarky but all that time Heidi spent on telling her personal story at TC, I guess she has support too ;)

I thought the bit about the idols was a total riot. Earlier in the season I read one of the columns on E (I think, whoever the guy is who seems to have the best access) and he talked about how they'd placed all these fake idols no doubt hoping for that big moment at TC that never happened. Well they more than made up for it! When he asked who had idols and half of them put up their hands I was looking at Jaime - her hand shot up to the sky like that kid who always sat at the front of the class and she was near bursting! She seemed to take it well though :)

Frannie's talk about the challenges made her sticking it out and not saving Matt make so much sense, good for her. Discussion of their romance was cute too, but it reminded me that this was shot a year ago (duh) so it would have been nice for if they did a super or something that said "still together a year later" (I think they are) and I would have liked an update on Bruce and especially Matthew after they showed the footage of him hiding the fake idol.

Also sorta funny that Jeff goes into the big "next season on" when there was nothing to show at that point. I think that season is actually being played now, no?

I do like this format though, fresh and casual, when I think of past final TCs with stilted questions and after shows that seemed to focus on everything except what I actually wanted to know more about.

A very satisfying season, and fun to watch with all of you (((hugs))).


Throwing the (rule)book at them
It happened in the first four seasons alone!
I believe the question is whether anyone has been the winner in the new generation where there’s no vote at 4 and a fire-making challenge. Several times since the start of that, the tactic has seemed to be win the final challenge, revoke it and go up in fire against the perceived biggest threat to win, and then get the resume after sending that person packing. We saw the two battle back seasons (38 and 40) where it quite nearly happened both times with players that didn’t even play the majority of the game. It did happen the first time, and in all-winners, several people commented to Natalie that she had to play the perfect game, which meant winning in fire. She chose to keep herself safe and put Tony versus Sarah, and even though she only played something like 5 or 6 days the entire game, previous winners were prepared to give her the votes.

But also remember that Erika was the person pulled automatically into the final by Xander, and his stating that he thought he could beat her was part of his big finale downfall. So yes, it’s happened.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Well deserved win by Yam Yam. :cheer2:

Carson: he would have won if he got to F3, so this would not even be necessary, but IF he'd won fire, he would go down as even greater for convincing an IC winner to put themselves at risk - because you know Carson was betting Heidi was his best chance to win fire. And his coaching of Tika in the FTC was adorable.

Heidi: I was like, girl WUT when she went to fire - but that was, in fact, quite impressive. Unfortunately, her FTC was terrible. Interrupting for no reason was bad, but also - why did she not bring up the strategy she showed in the early merge that was so compelling? Just saying "I had it so hard" has never worked to convince a jury to vote for you.

Carolyn: I have not loved the narrative of Carolyn as the "emotional one" this season. I wish she'd talked more about how/why she kept her HII secret and then used it on Carson. I wish she had advocated more for herself as having seen things that others either didn't or wouldn't but being brushed off as being emotional. I thought her best answer was about why she was gunning for Danny.

Yam Yam: Again, not that he needed it, but if YY and Carson were chosen for fire, YY would have won fire AND the game for coaching Carson. YY's best trait in this game is that he was very genuine AND there was strategy behind everything he did. :cheer2:

Overall I found this a good season but not as great as others. I felt like the show kept telling me how great it was, in ways other seasons haven't. Confessionals felt a lot more coached. And for god's sake are they hurting for applicants? Because Jeff's incessant pitches to get people to apply were starting to feel desperate.

I keep forgetting about the new(ish) FTC format breaking questions into social/strategy/strength or whatever. I much preferred the freewheeling FTCs.


Well-Known Member
I believe the question is whether anyone has been the winner in the new generation where there’s no vote at 4 and a fire-making challenge. Several times since the start of that, the tactic has seemed to be win the final challenge, revoke it and go up in fire against the perceived biggest threat to win, and then get the resume after sending that person packing. We saw the two battle back seasons (38 and 40) where it quite nearly happened both times with players that didn’t even play the majority of the game. It did happen the first time, and in all-winners, several people commented to Natalie that she had to play the perfect game, which meant winning in fire. She chose to keep herself safe and put Tony versus Sarah, and even though she only played something like 5 or 6 days the entire game, previous winners were prepared to give her the votes.

But also remember that Erika was the person pulled automatically into the final by Xander, and his stating that he thought he could beat her was part of his big finale downfall. So yes, it’s happened.
thanks Tony - my Q was for the new generation - where no voting involved.


Well-Known Member
We saw that though it took time for Carson to start his fire, it was doing really well by the time Heidi won. I'm curious how long it actually took for his fire to break the string - how would his time have measured up on any other season.


From the Bloc
Indeed - he said somewhere that he had been so nervous but when he realized he managed to get a decent fire going in what turned out to be a record setting challenge, he felt good.

Looks like Yam Yam, Carolyn and Carson have remained buddies - they're all over social media right now.


Well-Known Member
Really enjoyed this season! Real players who know and love the game, who played hard and had fun doing it. I had to laugh when more than once they talked about how hard it is to concentrate in challenges with Jeff barking at them, and how he laughed about it too.
I really enjoyed it, too!
I really thought Heidi had it in the bag the way that the jury seemed to be cheering her on during the fire and all the adulation from everyone, Jeff included, for how fast she did it. But then she blew it with the jury. Interrupted others, didn't answer the questions, instead talked too much about her life journey rather than her game and the others. Not surprised only Danny voted for her.
Yeah, I thought Heidi was going to win based on how they cheered her on during the fire making challenge, but she definitely blew it with the jury.

In better Carolyn news, to the surprise of basically nobody, she won the Sia Award ($100,000 gifted by the singer). Sia also gave both Carson and Lauren $15,000 each.
That is so nice of Carolyn! I have never liked her, not because she’s so emotional and over the top at times, but because of the disdainful way she spoke of other players during her early confessionals.

I have no complaints about Yam Yam winning. He was charming, paid close attention to everyone, and was so kind to Carson in helping him with the fire making practice. I suppose his many comments about “so and so wrote my name down so they had to go” foreshadowed his win.

Overall I really enjoyed this season and also last season, and the way they all understand it’s a game and there’s no sour grapes. (Of course, the way Carolyn mimed kicked Danny out of the game, literally, at that TC was a bit obnoxious, but that was it.)

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