Panic Shopping and Shortages and Kindness


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I noticed some of the stock people wearing masks, and a couple of older customers. I saw something about whether everybody should start wearing masks all the time. Where would I get one? I can't make one. Last year when I had to blow the snow when it was really cold, I wrapped an old nightgown around my face (under my hood so you couldn't tell it was a nightgown). I can't be going to the store with a nightgown on my face. Sheesh.

If masks become mandatory for going out in public and you don't have one, you'll make do with a nightgown on your face. I'm sure you won't be the only one.

Aside from masks being issued to people by various authorities, some folk are making their own. Mr. Japanfan's colleague made some for him and other staff at his workplace - in several shades of lively blue!


Well-Known Member
If masks become mandatory for going out in public and you don't have one, you'll make do with a nightgown on your face. I'm sure you won't be the only one.
I'll have to try to figure something else out. I couldn't attach it. The hood was holding it in place, but I had to keep adjusting it. And my glasses kept steaming up.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
o.k. - cabin fever/slap happy - I remembered a pink bandana that I had in the drawer that was not going to be warm enough to wear blowing snow. I tied it on and looked like a female bandit, which made me laugh. So I folded the point up in thirds so it just covered my nose and mouth and made sure it was under my glasses and then the sides stuck out like ears underneath. My eyes are watering from laughing. :wuzrobbed

I got the pink bandana at a western store when I got bandanas for my dad for Father's Day one year. He never "wanted" anything for any occasion, but asked for a bandana to keep the sweat out of his eyes on the golf course. I got a whole bunch in dark colors and tied the ends together like a magic trick and put them in a mug box, so he pulled out one and another one came out, then another. Thinking about it made me laugh again.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to try to figure something else out. I couldn't attach it. The hood was holding it in place, but I had to keep adjusting it. And my glasses kept steaming up.:rolleyes:

Unprecedented circumstances pose unusual and difficult challenges. :)




Well-Known Member
The old folks in our complex will not stop flushing things down their toilets at the best of times. It's been worse since the Great TP Shortage. (They even flush adult diapers down there!)
Those dumb people are lucky they don't have a septic system. They would NOT be able to do that for long.


Doing all the things
We do have a septic system! That's how I know about it. Management keeps sending us flyers telling people to cut it out.


Well-Known Member
Since I was just going to get milk, I didn’t take my list and forgot cottage cheese again. I looked for donut holes. None. It wasn’t crowded.

It was kind of creepy and I felt fuzzy. No, I took my temperature before I left and it was 97.2. People were waiting for other people to leave the aisle before turning. They were wiping down the screens on the self check-outs as people walked away. There wasn’t anybody checking out at the six at one end, so I used my wipe. I noticed they are not putting the surveys at the bottom of the receipts to do for fuel points.

I was only gone a total of 20 minutes. After using the wipe all that time, my hands were so cold, after I wiped and put the milk away, I had to go wash my hands in hot water. It always seems extra cold after it’s been warm out. It’s supposed to go up every day till it’s 70* on Saturday.

I saw on the noon news that they are paying Kroger workers $2 more/hour till April 15.

During the Ohio briefing, here is what they read that essential businesses want their customers to do - keep space between shoppers; shop patiently (like the waiting for people in aisles; limit and consolidate trips; shop alone; don’t go if you are not feeling well; wash/sanitize hands before and after shopping; don’t touch your face; wear masks or gloves; shop online.

SNAP recipients can now order online and swipe cards from the car or go inside to pay (where curbside is available).

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