German Skating News - Season 2021/2022


Well-Known Member
Looking at the ladies Results from Bavarian Open I really wonder if they will send Ray to Junior Worlds.
She doesn't have the 3F in the short program but she goes for 3T+3T.
The free she did better at Junior Nationals where she nailed 2A+3T, 2A+1Eu+3S, 3R, 3S and 3T

Suleymanova hasn't been competing since November and Hatakawa seems to be prefer Senior competitions.

For me the Novice ladies really outskated the Juniors with the exception of Ray by far!

Gerke (11) - 3R, 3T and 3S and seems to be close on the 3F and she goes for the 3T+3T as well as 2A+1Eu+3S
Erhardt (12) - 3L, 3S, 3R and close to getting 3F
Adrianova (11) - 3R, 3T and 3S are there already
Tandogan (12) went for 3L and 3T but couldn't land them yet.

Lets see how the Junior Men skate though the ticket to Junior Worlds seems to be Weisserts to loose.


This :( news is being discussed in the Team Competition Qualification thread:

Article in the German press:
02/02/2022, 3:40 p.m
Figure skater Nolan Seegert was the first German athlete to test positive for the corona virus at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.
The 29-year-old is in an isolation hotel and is symptom-free, the German Olympic Sports Confederation announced on Wednesday.
At the European Championships in Tallinn, Seegert and his partner Minerva Hase provided the best result for the Germans in eighth place. Then he said in the podcast of the Berlin Olympic base and the Berliner Morgenpost: "We're trying to get to China without Corona."
Seegert/Haase wanted to start in the couples' short program in the team event on Friday. In addition, Seegert and Hase are registered for the pair skating competition on February 18th and 19th. They had prepared for the Olympics in Russia.
Anyone who contracted the virus at the Beijing Olympics will be isolated in a specially designated hotel. Only after two negative PCR tests at least 24 hours apart can those affected leave before the end of ten days. After this period, only a negative PCR test is required.


Well-Known Member
No, it means, in all likelihood, no German Pair in the TE, but Germany can still compete in the TE, they'll just get 0 points for not fielding a Pairs team.
I think the rule is that you need athletes in all disciplines. Well. The best German discipline out in any case


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I think the rule is that you need athletes in all disciplines. Well. The best German discipline out in any case
No, the rule is you need athletes qualified in at least 3 disciplines, which is the case for Germany.

Let's just hope that Nolan can test negative quickly.


Well-Known Member
Didn't Hocke/Kunkel travel to Beijing as well as subs?
In times like that it would have been smart, but I think subs are not allowed to enter the Olympic village and now its too late to send Hocke/ Kunkel to the TE. I wonder if GER will replace H/S in time if he will be not able to produce 2 negative tests in time for the Pairs competition or if Hase maybe produces a positive test in a couple of days too.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Hocke/Kunkel also didn't meet the German NOC total score minimums to qualify for the Olympics. Only H/S, Schott, M/D and JvR/S met those mins. Not sure what the German NOC will do if H/S can't go in the Pairs event. It's two weeks away so there should be time to get H/K to Beijing if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Doku about SavMas is online "Die Kür ihres Lebens":
geo-coding: DE-FR
as a figure skating fan you know, what to do :fan:
(Opera has a built in VPN, could work, if you don't have other VPN)

description, maschine translated:
The documentary begins four years before the start of the 2018 Olympic Games and tells the story of the careers of two completely different characters, how figure skaters Aljona Savchenko and Bruno Massot painstakingly get together in hard training and ultimately achieve what was thought impossible with an artistically and athletically unique free skate.

After three unsuccessful attempts at the Olympics, the already 30-year-old Alyona Savchenko wants to finally win gold with a new partner in four years. A rather bold plan, especially as her chosen partner Bruno Massot has no international successes to his name. The young Frenchman moves to Germany. He has no idea what a manic perfectionist he is getting involved with. Aljona's training is iron-hard, he has to close the gap to the world's best. Permanent disputes about the right course threaten to derail the project. However, he succeeds in hiring ice dancing legend Christopher Dean as choreographer for the Olympic free skate. And the special artistic concept of the French co-trainer inspires everyone.

February 2018: The competition at the Olympics in Korea begins with the short programme. Inexplicably, Bruno fluffs and the pair is in fourth place by a wide margin. All that remains is for them to show the world the unique free skate they have worked on for so long. How they finally skate themselves into a frenzy together and win gold in a heartbeat final with the best free skate ever skated thrilled millions of viewers.
The story of Alyona and Bruno is told with scenes from the competitions, unpublished training videos and private insights as well as candid statements by the two. A portrait that is as empathetic as it is illuminating and a highly emotional docu-thiller.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

She is allowed to train.

The figure skater Minerva Hase has officially been classified as a contact person after the positive Corona test of her sporting partner Nolan Seegert at the Beijing Olympics.
Previously, the DOSB had announced that there was a so-called close contact with another member of the figure skating team in connection with the Corona case, who was not Hase.


Well-Known Member
Doku about SavMas is online "Die Kür ihres Lebens":
geo-coding: DE-FR
as a figure skating dan you know, what to do :fan:

description, maschine translated:
I wish I could watch....but the video has not been made available in my country. Thanks a lot Arte!


Well-Known Member
Ingo Steuer was on the head of the red-top Berlin Newspaper Berliner Kurier yesterday.

It is said that he lost his mother and his girlfriend (37) last year. Both died. He himself got two strokes. These days he helps Monika Scheibe with coaching Roscher/Schuster.

Of cause Roscher's name is misspelled.


Well-Known Member

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
I feel genuinely sorry for Steuer. No one deserves such a sad fate.
I always admired him, he really was the best coach in Germany. No one is as creative and talented as him.


Well-Known Member
Nicole Schott had a really nice and good skate at the TE in Beijing. Not that it would be enough for the team to reach the Final (which was impossible in any case) but it must be nice to show your uttermost best on Olympic Ice! Good for Nicole!


Well-Known Member
Nicole Schott had a really nice and good skate at the TE in Beijing. Not that it would be enough for the team to reach the Final (which was impossible in any case) but it must be nice to show your uttermost best on Olympic Ice! Good for Nicole!
yeah - impressed she pulled out a nice 3f+3t after a really meh season technically.


Well-Known Member
Tit bits about Seegert in FAZ article about quarantine in general at Olys (paywall):

maschine translated excerpts:
The restrictions for figure skater Nolan Seegert have also been eased in the meantime. The pairs skater was able to move to a larger room in a Beijing quarantine hotel and, like Frenzel, now has access to a cycle ergometer. "It's not healthy to be taken from 100 percent down to zero," the 29-year-old Berlin native told Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Sunday, "Forcing you to do that is not good." At the very least, "a court walk" should have been included.

Seegert could not yet estimate what the sporting consequences of the forced break will be; the pairs competition is scheduled for Feb. 18 and 19. "There's a reason we go on the ice every day," Seegert said. Still, he said, he wants to do everything he can to cut a passable figure on Olympic ice after all: "I'm trying to do as well as I can and not have horror scenarios in my head right now."

His understanding of leaving him without training opportunities for so long is slight: "The Olympics are the biggest sporting competition for an athlete in life," Seegert said, "If there's one place you can expect it, it's here." But it wasn't until three days later, he said, that the training equipment was made available to him in a room across the hall. The German national ice hockey team had the equipment delivered from its inventory when it learned of Seegert's emergency and no support was forthcoming from the Chinese side.


Well-Known Member
yeah - impressed she pulled out a nice 3f+3t after a really meh season technically.
Just imagine she would skate like thst every Single time. Her PCS would be way higher. 68 points would be no problem. Figure skating is about consistency.

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