German Skating News - Season 2021/2022


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Lea Johanna Dastich has officially retired. :(

The biggest comeback is making yourself happy again🤍

For the past 19 years skating was my life. I loved it with my whole heart. However during the past 2 years my joy in skating started to deteriorate.
I've struggled with injury and depression. And honestly I no longer felt welcome at the rink in Mannheim in recent months. I have decided that I need to focus on my physical and mental health. Thats why I decided to announce my retirement from competitive figure skating. It's a decision I did not make lightly. I wanted to come back so badly but I have to realize that my body can't do it anymore. However I can look back with no regrets. I gave it my all. Since I was two years old skating was my identity, my purpose and my favorite part of the day.
I know that the ups and downs I got to experience while skating shaped me into the person I am today and will help me in the future. I am grateful for the memories I made and the amazing people I got to meet during my career.
There are so many people who supported me unconditionally and had my back at all times.
Thank you especially to @anettpoetzsch and my parents. I owe everything to you. I wanna thank Tracey @solomonshenn and National Team Coach @robb_r_d for their guidance and advice.
Also my amazing medical team, physiotherapists, @deutsche_eislauf_union , @sporthilfe, @sportstipendiummrn and everyone else. Thank you to my fans and supporters. The support and encouragement I received even while injured is something I will cherish forever.


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The DOSB selected the first 20 athletes for Peking. The German press agency (DPA) reported from the nomination event, that Paul Fentz will be doing the team event.
I have e-mailed the author of that news report about that. Because in the official list of the DOSB only the other German skaters are named. It might be that he misunderstood. Still waiting for info from the DOSB who I also contacted.
The next and final nomination round is on January 18. So maybe the DOSB will then say sometehing about the team event officially. (They will publish that on January 19).

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Well-Known Member
The DOSB selected the first 20 athletes for Peking. The German press agency (DPA) reported from the nomination event, that Paul Fentz will be doing the team event.
I have e-mailed the author of that news report about that. Because in the official list of the DOSB only the other German skaters are named. It might be that he misunderstood. Still waiting for info from the DOSB who I also contacted.
The next and final nomination round is on January 18. So maybe the DOSB will then say sometehing about the team event officially. (They will publish that on January 19).

On the Fed website they wrote
In der zweiten Nominierungsrunde eine Woche später wird das Team Deutschland komplettiert. Für die Männer-Disziplin im Team Event hat die Deutsche Eislauf-Union (DEU) den Deutschen Meister Paul Fentz (SC Berlin) zur Nominierung vorgeschlagen. Die Nominierung zum Team Event wird ebenso wie die Nominierung der DEU-Betreuer und möglicher weiterer Ersatz-Teilnehmer in der zweiten DOSB-Nominierungssitzung am 18. Januar erfolgen und anschließend bekannt gegeben.

If google translates correctly, we will know after the 18th January meeting.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Sounds like they're waiting until after Euros maybe?


Well-Known Member
Short piece on Fentz in MiMa, today:

he's healthy again, looking forward to EC and to deliver a clean SP (well, that almost happened, apart from fall 4T), goal top 10, happy, he's been nominated for TE (by German fed, DSOB has to follow)

2 day ago at lokal TV station for Saxony:

Roscher/Schuster hope to qualify for FS. Scheibe is praising Roscher's dicipline with food :shuffle:


Well-Known Member
I've just realised, that in ardmediathek are some of the retro videos shown on alpha, for instance a 10 min clip about preparation for Worlds in Garmisch 1956

interesting, how ice was prepared back then, features Carol Heiss (USA) / Ronny Robertson (USA)

you have to search for "eiskunstlauf br retro"


Well-Known Member
I was in the arena today.

Fentz looked amazing in the warm up. Landed two quads. But yeah, we all know. He is not the type of Man who delivers under pressure.

Hocke/Kunkel did really improve in the overall Performance. The crowed went with the ABBA theme. But these point are truely a desaster. Basic Level in the DS...


Well-Known Member
Nikita Starostin's Free skate was a joy to watch at Euros. Oh, he hasn't got a quad yet, but everything else was really very good. And he was so happy afterwards. It nearly made me cry (but for joy). What a great talent.

Paul Fentz had less to be joyful about. He did manage to jump a quad combination (and quite succesfull too) but somehow it all went down from there, although on the whole it was a decent skate.

Nikita finished 13th, and Paul 16th. Just one man next year.

I wonder who will get the Olympic Team spot: Paul had the better SP (which is the most important for the TE) but Nikita showed he can skate with the best of them!


Well-Known Member
Nikita Starostin's Free skate was a joy to watch at Euros. Oh, he hasn't got a quad yet, but everything else was really very good. And he was so happy afterwards. It nearly made me cry (but for joy). What a great talent.

Paul Fentz had less to be joyful about. He did manage to jump a quad combination (and quite succesfull too) but somehow it all went down from there, although on the whole it was a decent skate.

Nikita finished 13th, and Paul 16th. Just one man next year.

I wonder who will get the Olympic Team spot: Paul had the better SP (which is the most important for the TE) but Nikita showed he can skate with the best of them!
Nikita does not own the German citizianship yet. So no Chance for the olympics.


Well-Known Member
It's a real pity that both, Nikita and Paul, missed a better placement just about a small fraction, particularly that time violation deduction from Nikita hurts. I think he'd deserved at least 1 pt more in PCS. But that's figure skating.
I'm glad that with Nikita there is a talented young skater for Germany.
Just curious, how DSOB will react to Fentz' skate. It wasn't a calling card for Beijing. I'll cross my fingers that they'll nominate him.


Well-Known Member
sigh! Send Paul to Beijing! He’s paid his dues.
It’s good that Germany now has another good skater. Paul can happily retire~


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I was just checking the criteria for worlds again and they want the man to have scored 219 points to be nominated... what are they smoking???


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I was at todays Premiere of the German Movie about Aljona´s and Bruno´s Gold in Pyeongchang in Berlin. Die Kür Ihres Lebens.

The movie has beautiful pictures, an exquisite structure, good interviews especially with Koenig and Bruno. They focus a lot on the 2014 situation and the break with Ingo Steuer. It is a pity that they say nothing about 2016 and 2017 and of cause it is not a movie made for real hardcore fans.;)

Very interesting detail Koenig said afterwards: In the evening after the Olympic short program it was Martin skotnicky who found best words during this famous secret meeting in Hotel room to motivate them all again as a team. Koenig was sure that he will be the right man for this situation. He was.


Well-Known Member
I was at todays Premiere of the German Movie about Aljona´s and Bruno´s Gold in Pyeongchang in Berlin. Die Kür Ihres Lebens.

The movie has beautiful pictures, an exquisite structure, good interviews especially with Koenig and Bruno. They focus a lot on the 2014 situation and the break with Ingo Steuer. It is a pity that they say nothing about 2016 and 2017 and of cause it is not a movie made for real hardcore fans.;)

Very interesting detail Koenig said afterwards: In the evening after the Olympic short program it was Martin skotnicky who found best words during this famous secret meeting in Hotel room to motivate them all again as a team. Koenig was sure that he will be the right man for this situation. He was.
Oh my, this looks to be interesting! And isn't Aleander König a nice person to give credit where it's due even though he and JF were credited with this at the time (although it was mentioned all along that Martin S. was also present at that meeting). Looking forward to seeing it...if that's at all possible.

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