AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Isabeau’s face has really changed, too. Not sure if it’s Botox or what. Less bony than before. The little bangs on the face help too. No more snake charming program again!

Isabeau seemed to have some type of a transformation in the last 2 1/2 months almost kind of like when Angela had 20 some years ago. She looked completely different, I love the wispy bangs. This brand new costume fit her so well versus the one that has so much fabric.

I, like, Mark really liked the snake charmer program. It was interesting, and different and I was in love with the ending. People said it was over choreographed, but I don’t think it was. I just think she had problems focusing on her spins. And I love the new program as well, they’re both great programs. So happy for her.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
I made a screenshot :) - Amber captioned it "So proud of this girl":

Amber tweeted last night "I think I almost just crushed Isabeau with the hug I just gave oh my god":

I just love Amber and Isabeau when they are together. If They’re both at skate America my ass is going to get a ticket. And I’m going to meet some of you guys.

I won’t be sad if Ava or Lindsay or others get it as well. I also think Sarah definitely should get the third spot but let’s see.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Isabeau seemed to have some type of a transformation in the last 2 1/2 months almost kind of like when Angela had 20 some years ago. She looked completely different, I love the wispy bangs. This brand new costume fit her so well versus the one that has so much fabric.

I, like, Mark really liked the snake charmer program. It was interesting, and different and I was in love with the ending. People said it was over choreographed, but I don’t think it was. I just think she had problems focusing on her spins. And I love the new program as well, they’re both great programs. So happy for her.
I think I would have liked the snake program better with a different costume. The one she had was just too heavy and didn't flatter her. Same issue with the original White Crow dress. She's definitely going through physical changes and those layered costumes with excessive whickety-whack were weighing her down. She does the lyrical/balletic style very well - there's a light, effervescent quality to her stylistically. I'd be interested in seeing her try something swing dance-y next season - for some reason I feel like she could handle something from "The Notebook" soundtrack and give us something special that compliments her basic style but is a bit different and fresh.


Well-Known Member
People said it was over choreographed, but I don’t think it was.
Based on what she said earlier in the season, there were times that Isabeau seemed to think that the amount of choreography sometimes threw her off. I think it was especially a problem when she got cautious and slowed down. In general, I get the sense that Isabeau likes to have very specific choreography. She has mentioned that one of the things she loved about doing ballet is that she always knew precisely what position her body was supposed to be in. But, the program needs to have a little bit of breathing room in case she needs to catch up to the music and the rest of her choreography and so it doesn't stress her out and have her scrambling or missing things during the program.

She's very deliberate and cautious. She's never going to skate with the kind of abandon that Kaori often does. But they can choreograph a program that accentuates Isabeau's edges and line and makes her appear a little more free on the ice. Having more prolonged spirals and Ina Bauers. Or, some of the types of edge work that she does at the beginning of the new short program.

I think I would have liked the snake program better with a different costume. The one she had was just too heavy and didn't flatter her. Same issue with the original White Crow dress. She's definitely going through physical changes and those layered costumes with excessive whickety-whack were weighing her down. She does the lyrical/balletic style very well - there's a light, effervescent quality to her stylistically. I'd be interested in seeing her try something swing dance-y next season - for some reason I feel like she could handle something from "The Notebook" soundtrack and give us something special that compliments her basic style but is a bit different and fresh.

ITA about the costumes. In general, I'm not usually a fan of her costumes. I think some of them are a distraction. I thought her new long program costume was a big improvement. As some of us have said before - and as Mark mentioned last night - it would be nice to see her tap into some of the personality she has off the ice. I think the lyrical, balletic style definitely is authentic and she genuinely likes it. But, I think there also are other sides of her that they could showcase with the right music and choreography. These things don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Swing music might be a bit quick moving for her, but I think there are other fun types of music or characters she could explore. She really seemed to get into the snake charmer character. Was it you who suggested the Enola Holmes soundtrack for her last year? I liked that suggestion. And, even with more somber music, she could branch out. I could even see her making some Billie Eilish music work.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Swing music might be a bit quick moving for her, but I think there are other fun types of music or characters she could explore. She really seemed to get into the snake charmer character. Was it you who suggested the Enola Holmes soundtrack for her last year? I liked that suggestion. And, even with more somber music, she could branch out. I could even see her making some Billie Eilish music work.
I was thinking of some of the instrumental parts of The Notebook soundtrack - there are some lovely, romantic, slower tracks that could work for her. And, yes, I did suggest the Enola Holmes soundtrack for her - and I still like that idea. :)


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to Isabeau Levito!

It looks to me that she used the disappointment of Nationals to go back home and train, train, train...for Worlds. This was the most prepared that I have ever seen from her. Well done!


Well-Known Member
@SidelineSkater and I think Amber should bring the triple axel to the short program, and then do two of them in the free.

I mean, why not?
Because the triple axel apparently drains too much of her resources for her to deliver the rest of what would be her technical content. This isn't a problem that is specific to her. Other skaters (men and women) have struggled with the same challenge since the 1980's.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Because the triple axel apparently drains too much of her resources for her to deliver the rest of what would be her technical content. This isn't a problem that is specific to her. Other skaters (men and women) have struggled with the same challenge since the 1980's.

3 axel, 3flip/3toe, 3 axel/2 toe, 3 loop, 3 sal, and then the lutz and whatever else can be doubled and I’m fine with that and if we get triples, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Take the three jump combo out.

SP- 3 axel, 3flip/3toe, 3loop


Well-Known Member
3 axel, 3flip/3toe, 3 axel/2 toe, 3 loop, 3 sal, and then the lutz and whatever else can be doubled and I’m fine with that and if we get triples, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Take the three jump combo out.
You are missing my point. Even if she could land those two triple axels, landing the three other triples and the two doubles you have listed as well might be beyond her capabilities.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
You are missing my point. Even if she could land those two triple axels, landing the three other triples and the two doubles you have listed as well might be beyond her capabilities.

I did get your point, she seems to lose focus in the second half still, so just make them doubles. Try to get as much of the higher content in at the beginning. I watched her TikTok and I G, she can do triple axel after triple axel and triple axel combos all in one video.


Well-Known Member
I did get your point, she seems to lose focus in the second half still, so just make them doubles. Try to get as much of the higher content in at the beginning. I watched her TikTok and I G, she can do triple axel after triple axel and triple axel combos all in one video.
:wall: It's not just losing focus; it's losing energy
Other than possibly Mao Asada, Alysa Liu, and some Russian teenagers, what female skater has executed such a program? And Glenn is already older than Asada was at her prime.


I think it's more of a mental issue than physical. She's in amazing shape, but I think the idea of doing the 3A triggers her adrenaline and then once she's done it, she flags. Maybe Malinin can teach her how to be more zen about the jump, because she definitely has the talent to pull off a full triple program.



AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
:wall: It's not just losing focus; it's losing energy
Other than possibly Mao Asada, Alysa Liu, and some Russian teenagers, what female skater has executed such a program? And Glenn is already older than Asada was at her prime.

:wall::wall::wall:What do you mean? I don’t see her as losing energy? someone that I see losing energy is Frangi. But I don’t see any clues of Amber losing energy throughout her short program or free program. Just her focus as they all are aware of.

I think we can leave the topic of women being past their prime in the past. And DSD has more than proven that as well.


Whippet Good
:wall::wall::wall:What do you mean? I don’t see her as losing energy? someone that I see losing energy is Frangi. But I don’t see any clues of Amber losing energy throughout her short program or free program. Just her focus as they all are aware of.

I think we can leave the topic of women being past their prime in the past. And DSD has more than proven that as well.
I think Amber could add the triple axel to the short and be fine. As for the long, I think she should keep single triple axel and work on maintaining focus throughout the program. Once she can do that, then think about adding a second triple axel.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? I don’t see her as losing energy? someone that I see losing energy is Frangi. But I don’t see any clues of Amber losing energy throughout her short program or free program. Just her focus as they all are aware of.
I agree that, in general, it seems to be a focus issue. From what I've read, she trains at altitude and lands her jumps. Practice reports were that she looked great. When she landed the triple axel at Skate America, she did seem to have a burst of adrenaline and it was a problem. But, as it gets more routine for her, that should be less of a problem. It's interesting that she apparently doesn't have problems in run-throughs. I wonder if her ADHD not only leads her to be distracted sometimes during competition, but also leads her to be too hyperfocused at time (a problem some people with ADHD have) so she can't just let muscle memory take over.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Starr has announced her SP music for next season.


Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Starr has announced her SP music for next season.

Well, it sounds semi classical:



Well-Known Member
It takes skaters a long time to skate both programs with everything in at a single competition. I think Ashley only skated her beefed up programs cleanly at '16 worlds. Sometimes a skater has to get mad enough to do it. I think this Amber. If her body continues to hold up she'll do it one day


Rotating while Russian!
I think Amber loses precision, if not necessarily energy or speed. This is a physical issue.

Putting a 2a on the end of a jump requires a lot of precision and timing, I would think.

Maybe just switching 3l2t and 3z2a2a to 3l2a2a and 3z2t would make a world of difference?


Ubering juniors against my will
Starr has announced her SP music for next season.

We're going to have to start the 2024-25 music thread pretty soon! :)


Well-Known Member
It takes skaters a long time to skate both programs with everything in at a single competition. I think Ashley only skated her beefed up programs cleanly at '16 worlds. Sometimes a skater has to get mad enough to do it. I think this Amber. If her body continues to hold up she'll do it one day
I remember back in the day (late nineties, early 2000's) when many young American women would routinely skate their programs cleanly...Sarah Hughes, Jenny Kirk...I remember a 15 year old Deanna Stellato skating both her short and long programs cleanly at a televised Campbell's competition (if I remember correctly). She did not seem surprised in the least. For Deanna, it was business as usual.

I was heart broken when Deanna retired early due to injuries but seeing her triumph this past weekend at the age of 40 in Pairs absolutely warmed my heart! Deanna still skates with the same fearlessness and feistiness at 40 as she did when she was 15. It was joyous to witness...perhaps my favorite moment from the recent World Championships.

Correction: It was the Keri Lotion Classic
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I remember back in the day (late nineties, early 2000's) when many young American women would routinely skate their programs cleanly...Sarah Hughes, Jenny Kirk...
I definitely don't remember "many" young American women back then who would "routinely skate their programs cleanly." And that's not my recollection of Jenny Kirk. (How many senior seasons did Sarah even compete?) And I definitely don't remember any American skaters routinely skating clean programs that were as difficult as the ones Amber is attempting. Much less "many." How many skaters in the 90s were routinely skating clean programs with triple luz-triple toe or triple flip-triple toe combinations along with triple axels? What Amber is attempting is really difficult.

I do remember skating fans complaining of splatfests when skating competitions had a lot of programs with mistakes in them.


Jenny Kirk stopped skating cleanly around 2002ish. She was a model of consistency on triples before that. So essentially one and a half-ish seasons as a senior...


Well-Known Member
My observation of Amber is that two things are different when the program starts vs practice or the warm up. The first being that she slows down a ton in the competition. This was especially apparent in the short program in Montreal. She was flying around the warmup, reeling off jumps at high speed and it was very impressive. The program started and all that went out the window.

The second thing is that while her speed is lower, her timing speeds up on the jumps. She rushes takeoffs in competition in a way that she doesn’t otherwise. And that leads to lack of height, which then means under rotations or worse, pops.

To me, these are two issues that are more mental than physical. If she can conquer her mind and allow her tremendous talent and ability to take over during competition there would be no stopping her. She was perhaps the most complete skater of the whole event. But translating your practices to competition is so much easier said than done and I’m sure she is trying to fix this. If it were easy everyone would be skating cleanly at all times.

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