2021 Russian Nationals Ladies FS

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
We had a winter storm here last night and our power went out around 3:00 a.m. We also lose internet so I didn't know what was happening with the ladies until we got internet back around 4:00 p.m. I just read the PBP and watched the video clips to see what happened to Anna (my favorite of all the Russian ladies) and was so happy to see she pulled it together with such an incredible performance after she could barely catch a breath after the short. Crying here. :wuzrobbed
Anna was very happy too, here are some clip and phtos for her "off ice" actions at the rink.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
I only got to watch live up to Trusova and thought for sure she had won, then snuck away when I could to read play by play. Finally got to watch the final three. What amazing skates from all four, I was in tears after Anna. I have a soft spot for her after seeing how charming she was at SkAm last season. I wouldn’t be mad if this top three made the Olympic team.


Question everything
hmmm...according to Jackie's twitter that translated an article, Anna had a fever before the sp, and the coaches said wd and she refused. The next day she refused to have her temp taken. I hope it is not ***** for I'll be upset if she did.


plotting, planning and travelling
hmmm...according to Jackie's twitter that translated an article, Anna had a fever before the sp, and the coaches said wd and she refused. The next day she refused to have her temp taken. I hope it is not ***** for I'll be upset if she did.
i thought she had already had it? They also got tested each day so that makes little sense? Not sure though?


plotting, planning and travelling
it does not really matter what illness it is but you just don't skate a competition with this high a temperature 😥
this is really dangerous for your health.
kids always compete and go to school and people go to work with temperatures they just take meds to reduce? The only time I ever saw any skater not skate when my daughter was competing was if it was mono (spleen concerns).


Question everything
According to the responses in Jackie's twitter, this may or may not be *. That said, currently at my work, protocols are in place to make sure people not well are not having *. Hope these protocols are being followed (anywhere, not just talking about this event)


I can kill you with my brain
hmmm...according to Jackie's twitter that translated an article, Anna had a fever before the sp, and the coaches said wd and she refused. The next day she refused to have her temp taken. I hope it is not ***** for I'll be upset if she did.
As I said on Jackie's thread, I don't understand why there are rules/protocols if they aren't followed. Either have a rule and follow it, or don't have the rule. If there are exceptions to the rule, state them clearly, so everyone knows. Otherwise, what's the point?

And where is the ISU in all this? Between the lack of correct mask wearing at every Russian competition we've seen this year, plus seemingly every top level Russian skater having had Covid or "pneumonia", plus an issue with a skater who was allowed to skate with a fever at a past Russian event, then this issue with the skater who had a temperature and yet was, on day 1, allowed to skate and on day 2, was allowed to waive the temperature check entirely so she could skate, I am not at all pleased with my sport. In fact, I am embarassed. If we can't follow our own protocols at the elite level, what are we even doing out there?


Antique member
kids always compete and go to school and people go to work with temperatures they just take meds to reduce? The only time I ever saw any skater not skate when my daughter was competing was if it was mono (spleen concerns).
going to work is different (though I don't recommend it if you are sick) but skating a competition can be really dangerous. Just see the example of Sergej Grinkov. There is a reason that doing strenuous activity is not recommended if you have a high temperature.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Re Shcherbakova's condition. Sounds like reporters/journalists are inventing "something sensationalist".

The head of RusFed, Alexandre Gorshkov, made a statement that "there is not verified information that Shcherbakova had a high temperature. All was within the rules. There are thermometer equipment at the arena that measures/takes athletes' temperature".

After the event and the next day during exhibitions, Shcherbakova was very lively, active and giggly, not sweating or slowing down.



Ubering juniors against my will
If Anna refused the temperature check, of course there isn't verified information.


#allaboutthevoids #teamtrainwreck
Just catching up on everything. So gutted for La Tuk, she really has bad luck getting sick at the worst time.

Congrats for Scherbakova defending her title after being so sick. She is so determined!


I can kill you with my brain
Re Shcherbakova's condition. Sounds like reporters/journalists are inventing "something sensationalist".

The head of RusFed, Alexandre Gorshkov, made a statement that "there is not verified information that Shcherbakova had a high temperature. All was within the rules. There are thermometer equipment at the arena that measures/takes athletes' temperature".

After the event and the next day during exhibitions, Shcherbakova was very lively, active and giggly, not sweating or slowing down.

With certain medications that have been used to treat Covid, it'd be normal that she'd feel amazingly well for a while after receiving the medication. Feeling super great with extra high energy is actually a side effect of some of these meds. Not that I'm saying that she received such a medication - I have no idea what her treatment is or has been - just that her appearing healthy doesn't necessarily mean that she is fully recovered.


Values her privacy
With certain medications that have been used to treat *********, it'd be normal that she'd feel amazingly well for a while after receiving the medication. Feeling super great with extra high energy is actually a side effect of some of these meds. Not that I'm saying that she received such a medication - I have no idea what her treatment is or has been - just that her appearing healthy doesn't necessarily mean that she is fully recovered.
What are those medications? I thought that because it is a viral illness, there are no medication unless you are bed enough to be admitted to the hospital. Most people that I know have been told to stay at home, have hot tea, rest and if you have high temperature, take aspirin or paracetamol. Obviously, if there are complications, there would be some other medications, for example pneumonia can be of bacterial origin and then there would be antibiotics prescribed. But I can’t imagine any medication for Covid that makes you feel with extra energy.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Did the physician who stands near Team Eteri administer “smelling salts” to Anna immediately following the SP? Some claim to have witnessed this but I take it as b.s. until confirmed. I can’t find film of this on YouTube or similar streaming sites. Maybe Tinami or others have been monitoring Russian sites more closely.

Obviously, this wouldn’t have made it onto the Channel 1 broadcast, since it happened (allegedly) after Anna’s scores were posted, so the cameras were on the next skater.


Values her privacy
Did the physician who stands near Team Eteri administer “smelling salts” to Anna immediately following the SP? Some claim to have witnessed this but I take it as b.s. until confirmed. I can’t find film of this on YouTube or similar streaming sites. Maybe Tinami or others have been monitoring Russian sites more closely.
With smelling salt? I thought it was with oxygen mask.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
With smelling salt? I thought it was with oxygen mask.
I had not heard about an oxygen mask. My source said “smelling salts” under the nose. Like people get when they faint. Anyway, she skated great the next day, so she recovered.


Values her privacy
Is that smelling salts though? We have Vick inhaler - nasal stick, which looks very much like what she is using. It is decongestant; it smells like mentol and you use it when you have got cold and stuffy nose. That keeps your nose clear.



Values her privacy
How much exposure do you have to people using smelling salts @hanca ?
I thought that’s only used when someone faints. As people around me usually don’t faint, I don’t really see anyone using it very often. I can’t see a reason why Scherbakova would use that just before she is about to skate.


Well-Known Member
Is that smelling salts though? We have Vick inhaler - nasal stick, which looks very much like what she is using. It is decongestant; it smells like mentol and you use it when you have got cold and stuffy nose. That keeps your nose clear.

This is my thought as well.

Doesn't look like most smelling salts I've seen/used in the emergency room in the US and the UK, and several medical mission programs in central/South America. They've always looked like this:

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Thanks for answers and clarifications, all. So it looks like the “smelling thing” happened before the SP, not after, as I was told. And it was the coaching team (Danny G), not a team physician. If anything else too place after the SP, in a back corridor, it’s likely not on film.

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