Downtown Jason Brown - Let the Good Times Roll (uber thread #2)

el henry

#WeAllWeGot #WeAllWeNeed


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Well-Known Member
Great interview with Jason--thanks! Lots of interesting details.

I would love to see him do a Latin salsa or samba routine. That would be so fun. :)

Me too, me too, me too!

Reut, very interesting article. I think this was the first time I'd ever heard that it took Jason a while to adjust to training at altitude and that he used an inhaler for a year, so kudos to you for eliciting that information!


Well-Known Member
Glad you liked this interview. Just to clarify, this interview wasn't mine, but I will pass to my friend, Anna, your comments. :)
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Jason just finished 2nd at Lombardia Trophy (he won PCS)

New SP:

LP (first rotated quad ever in competition :kickass: but fell)

He looks really good, that quad attempt was so close but I think he's definitely going to get it this year. There's GOE and PCS galore on his scoresheet. :cheer: The new SP is also a big improvement IMO

He actually won the FS and had the highest TES as well as highest PCS! It's a new personal best in FS TES by 1+ points. PCS is not far off his PB of 89 (achieved at WTT 2015). Not bad for first comp of season, and kudos to him for keeping it together after the fall.
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Well-Known Member
He did well at the International Classic. According to IN, he said he was happy to land quads in the warm-ups. That is a step forward. Hopefully we'll soon see one fully rotated in a program. Kudos to him for his training, and not backing down - going for it. It's great to see him back on the ice with such a warm smile and enjoying his skating. I just wish he'd stop holding hands and snuggling with his coach in the kiss and cry. How old is he now? Other than that, he is a favorite for me in the men's field. Much more interesting to watch than just a bunch of jumps (quad here, quad there, quad, quad.....).


Banned Member
^^ Ah yes, the key for me is that Jason is a very interesting skater to watch due to his unique style, interesting choreo and exquisite musicality. Plus he has such a great personality combined with competitive intensity and sportsmanship. I'm glad to see Jason working hard and not backing down on mastering the quad. He is very close, and I can see him making a breakthrough with landing quads confidently in his programs this season (maybe eventually he will be solid with one per program, and work it to two in fp after gaining mastery and momentum?).

Anyway meh, TPTB are still more focused on rewarding successful quads among men than they are in rewarding well-rounded talent and complex artistry with athleticism that does not force these guys to go OTT in breaking their bodies. IMHO, there is already too much tech crammed into programs. How f'ing much is enough??? There is a complete lack of guidance on how much is enough to cram into these programs without sacrificing artistry, physical health and common sense.

With most guys stumbling around with lack of clean programs in the effort to get 2 to 3 or even 4 quads in a fp in order to stay on top of the podium :duh:, I am not sure where things are heading on the men's side. Can Javi repeat his success and go clean in most of his events this season by focusing on only 3 quads in fp and continuing to pay attention to style and artistry? Or will Javi too succumb to attempting 4 quads in fp! :drama: :COP: Is Hanyu's body going to hold up if he decides to go for broke this season? Will Patrick make a comeback with the sheer beauty of his fp, and still be strong on the technical side? What will be up with Shoma, Kolyada, Ten, quad-lutz/ triple combo Boyang Jin, and coming back from injury Nathan Chen? What has happened to Yan Han during the off-season?

el henry

#WeAllWeGot #WeAllWeNeed
This great quote from Jason in the Skating Magazine article on Skate America (*not* the beefcake section):lol:

"I don’t want people to look down at their phones while I’m spinning, because they’re waiting for the jumps".

Exactamundo! This is now my signature line....


Skate America Thursday mixed zone interview filmed by TSL:

This was a short chat Jason had in Salt Lake City last month with Leah Adams:

I really hope that absolutely gorgeous 3A-1Lo-3F from Jason's practice today has made its way into his free skate. It's stunning! :swoon:
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Well-Known Member
That Skate America long program is my favorite ever from Jason. And not because of the quad. I've tended to think that he relied too much on the energy and entertainment value of the music in the past. And that his performances were a bit cheesy. Here, I thought his interpretation of the music was much or nuance and integrated. It was a much more nuanced program.


Well-Known Member
His Skate America performance was amazing. Quad looked fully rotated me; I thought it was very nitpicky to call it under-rotated.

But otherwise, hopefully this gives Jason more and more confidence in the future.

One side note...I noticed he omitted the caught-foot position from his final combo spin. Was that intentional? Or a mistake, like in the SP? Seems like a careless point giveaway.

And also a little weird that he finished his pose away from the judges and well before the music ended. He's usually very good about those details.

Maybe he was just overexcited? Couldn't blame him, for sure.


Well-Known Member
His Skate America performance was amazing. Quad looked fully rotated me; I thought it was very nitpicky to call it under-rotated.

But otherwise, hopefully this gives Jason more and more confidence in the future.

One side note...I noticed he omitted the caught-foot position from his final combo spin. Was that intentional? Or a mistake, like in the SP? Seems like a careless point giveaway.

And also a little weird that he finished his pose away from the judges and well before the music ended. He's usually very good about those details.

Maybe he was just overexcited? Couldn't blame him, for sure.

I think maybe overexcited - altho he actually did the same thing in practice on Thurs too, so....? Anyway I was really happy he managed to hold it together as well as he did after landing that 4T, and glad I was there to see it - the performance was really electric!

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