Gracie taking some time off to seek professional help


Go Mirai!
I was going to say - Christine Brennan is a horrible writer, but it doesn't sound like the statement that was given gives very much away :shuffle:
Maybe the statement means she is skipping the Senior B and Japan open but will still skate on the Grand Prix? The use of taking time off doesn't really make sense either way.


Not Impressed.
:( I really feel for her and hope she finds herself again. This must have been an incredibly tough decision for her. It's too bad she has to deal with the extremities of an Olympic season at the same time, but I have faith that she'll come back strong (at some point, GP seems unrealistic IMO but she still has to aim for it) and get through this.

She has a great support team and her fellow skaters (like Ashley) would cut a bitch for her! :angryfire You have to be a great person for that to happen.


Well-Known Member
I think it's ambiguous because Gracie's statement doesn't want to publicly commit to anything with regard to this season yet. Maybe Gracie is taking some time off and hopes to still be fit enough for the GP series, as doubtful as that sounds for most fans. We also don't really know what "time off" means but it's obviously left ambiguous for a reason. I think fans need to just give her space and let her figure things out without too much speculation of what it means or doesn't mean for her this season.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
It seems pretty clear to me - she won't be doing the Japan Open, but (for now) is still planning to compete in her GP events in November. There may be another announcement closer to those events about her participation, but I can understand why she'd want to keep that door open at this point.

My best wishes to her.


Well-Known Member
I think it's ambiguous because Gracie's statement doesn't want to publicly commit to anything with regard to this season yet. Maybe Gracie is taking some time off and hopes to still be fit enough for the GP series, as doubtful as that sounds for most fans. We also don't really know what "time off" means but it's obviously left ambiguous for a reason. I think fans need to just give her space and let her figure things out without too much speculation of what it means or doesn't mean for her this season.

I get that and i'm perfectly happy to give her space, but it does beg the question - why put out a statement if the statement doesn't really say anything? From a PR perspective, if the statement raises more questions than it answers, and it will only lead to more negative speculation, it seems fairly ill advised to put it out in the first place. :shuffle:


Well-Known Member
I feel it's alright. She's seeking professional help, she's withdrawing from the Japan Open, and she's currently still planning on competing in the GP series. Again, as unlikely as that sounds, most USA Today readers don't know the skating schedule or much about skating training. They probably think ok, she's seeking help. As for why she did it, most likely because she's preparing people for her withdrawal from the Japan Open and other Senior Bs, at least. As @Karpenko said, she has endorsements and contractual obligations that probably need her to remain an Olympic hopeful to perform her duties, but giving notice that she's seeking professional help is a good thing to do so that way she won't get sued or whatever later if she ends up dropping out for the rest of this season. Again, that's an "if" she ends up dropping.


Well-Known Member
I so admire Gracie for saying anything, she could have just mysteriously disappeared.

Leaving it vague does just that. She doesn't have any idea if whatever is ailing her will be under control in one month, one year or a lifetime. Not one of us has a right to know what is going on with Gracie, really, it's her life. Fine if she tells us anything, ok if she doesn't.

I love being a fan and love the fandom of skating and of all sports, but sometimes enough is enough. Here I merely wish good health for Gracie.

I am quite sure the USFS will have substitutes lined up all year, including for the early fall comps and later for the GPs. If a sub is needed, there is a system in place.

ETA: I am wrong about the subs, at least for GPs, they are up to the host countries.
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Well-Known Member
I am quite sure the USFS will have substitutes lined up all year, including for the early fall comps and later for the GPs. If a sub is needed, there is a system in place.

USFS doesn't get to choose replacements for the Grand Prix -- the host federation chooses alternates from the international skaters who are next in line for an assignment, who may or may not include any Americans.

Aside from that point, I agree.


Well-Known Member
I think some people were blasting him not for the news itself but all of his speculation and conclusory statements made based on the factual tidbits he received, not to mention his usual gleeful demeanor in stirring the pot and kicking people when they're down. If he knew Gracie was having so many issues that it would result in her seeking professional help, which seems to be what you're applauding him for being right about, then do you also admire him putting her on blast in a public forum like Twitter where she could read them and people can use that as a way to demean her or speculate about her even further?


Well-Known Member
I know she's not finished, but sorry we have never seen the real potential of GG. Burst on the scene in 2012 (?), then weighed down by expectation, sponsors - her name! Every season there seemed less joy in her skating. The family situation adds to our understanding. I still feel her Firebird was the most complex and demanding program that year. Who else could have skated it?

I think it's unlikely her stepping up support will produce results in time for nationals. If this turns out not to be Gracie's year it would be nice to see her come back strong and show what she was really capable of.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
This makes no sense. It would take a Herculean effort to get her in competition shape at this point. I assume 5 months off means no skating.

An as to her sponsors and contracts....she was contracted because she was to be a contender. Now she is off

.for whatever reason. There must be a performance clause in there somewhere.

I hope she gets what she needs. She has looked miserable on the ice for quite some time.

Just because you are good at something does not mean you have to do it.


Well-Known Member
USFS doesn't get to choose replacements for the Grand Prix -- the host federation chooses alternates from the international skaters who are next in line for an assignment, who may or may not include any Americans.

Aside from that point, I agree.

You're right, sorry for getting that wrong, possibly not the best of situations for US, but what will be, will be.


Active Member
She probably has endorsements and contractual obligations, and if she comes right out and says I'm out until so and so time (in an Olympic year?), well... :shuffle: she's in a really tough spot. I hope she finds a way out of hell.

That was exactly my thought. It's great that she's getting the help that she needs. Best of luck to her with whatever she decides to do beyond skating.


Not Impressed.
I think some people were blasting him not for the news itself but all of his speculation and conclusory statements made based on the factual tidbits he received, not to mention his usual gleeful demeanor in stirring the pot and kicking people when they're down. If he knew Gracie was having so many issues that it would result in her seeking professional help, which seems to be what you're applauding him for being right about, then do you also admire him putting her on blast in a public forum like Twitter where she could read them and people can use that as a way to demean her or speculate about her even further?

Right. It's called basic human decency.

Or even posting an article about her fathers struggles (completely unrelated to her or her skating) followed by "she deserves condolences" like people can't see through the agenda to get more clicks/pat yourself on the back for being right about her. Unfortunately that's how journalism can also work in general... but the difference is it's with actual celebrities and not the personal lives of a professional athletes father. These aren't superstars for us to know all of this personal family-related gossip, they're normal people who are talented/work hard at figure skating. Not Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, TV stars where every move of their life is scrutinized. Hopefully the worst of this is all behind her.
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