India's Nishchay Luthra has big figure skating dreams


This video featuring a male figure skater from India, Nishchay Luthra, age 18, was uploaded on June 26, 2017:
adidas has always been about the athlete. After all, it’s the athlete who makes a sport worth following. So what if the athlete represents an unknown, unfollowed sport? adidas presents #FanTheFire - an initiative to lift unknown athletes & sports out of obscurity.
Here's the story of a talented figure skater from India. He has the fire. But his only fan is his mother. Let's fan his fire by showing him our support.
The ensuing social media buzz has resulted in these 2 articles:

ESPN article:
A half an hour session with an instructor at the Coral Springs [Florida] practice facility roughly costs $100 and while most of the other skaters opt for multiple such sessions through the day, 30 minutes with Swedish Olympian Adrian Schultheiss is the full extent of what Nishchay, who moved to America for the first time two years ago, can afford. "I try to make the most of every minute that I have with the coach and learn as much I can. I know that's all the time I have."
Conscious of the Indian's talent and financial constraints, coach Adrian, though, often throws in an extra half hour of unpaid lessons.
Times of India article:
Nishchay will be participating in the Junior Grand Prix of figure skating - one in Australia and in Poland - and the expense for this is taken care of by the Ice Skating Association of India. Regarding qualification for the Winter Games, he is a long long away from achieving the dream. <snip>
... I want to be a better skater, I want to feel satisfied with me, like when I see myself on the screen I want to feel that I am unique, one of a kind. I will be competing for India and the aim is an Olympic gold. I stated figure skating very late, so I still need a lot of catching up to do, I know that. But I want to continue doing this".
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
There must be a lot of Nishchay Luthras. He was lucky to be picked by Adidas, and if that voiceover is for real, he is lucky to have such a tiger mom. I hope this helps him get more training money so he can make it to the Olympics. So great that he's working with Adrian Schultheiss. Good luck to him!


Well-Known Member
Inspiring to hear about this skater from India! It is nice to hear about a skater who is really from the country s/he skates for, as opposed to an American who chooses to skate for another country. So Luthra became national champion at age 9? From the video, it looks like he barely landed a double lutz. I'm happy to hear about Adrian Schultheiss coaching in Florida. His straight jacket free skate was original and entertaining.

For old time's sake:
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Well-Known Member
I wish there was a fund for skaters from countries that don't have support like some do. As in ISU could provide some support to promote and encourage more international participation.


It's been one year since I started this thread and I have an update on Nishchay Luthra... he is now skating pairs in Dallas, Texas with the Cains and his partner is Hilary Asher, who's competed in Novice pairs at the past 2 U.S. Nationals.

Here's a practice clip he shared:

Best wishes to him and fingers crossed he will finally get the opportunity to make his JGP debut this year! :)

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