ISU Statement on Russia's war against Ukraine - Participation in international competitions of Skaters and Officials from Russia and Belarus


Cowardly admin
Staff member
A lot can change in a very short time as we have already seen, so I'd not predict anything at the moment.

The 2 oligarchs speaking out against the war was significant IMO.
If there was a revolution and Putin and his cronies removed, Russia might be viewed very differently by the world.

I also can't see Russia releasing any skaters at all now as that would be admitting there is no future for sports in Russia.
It would take an ISU rule change to allow skaters to change countries without permission from the Russian fed.
Given the Russian Fed were the biggest supporters of the permission from the old Fed being required, it is possible that the rules on this could be changed completely, though the ISU would still need to take measures to prevent country hopping at will.
Would it be possible for Tiff and Jon to skate for Australia if Russian approval became moot?
I understand the reasoning and action, but my heart breaks for the Russian junior and senior skaters, their families and coaches who had nothing whatsoever to do with the actions of their government. Some may well have family members in the military since it is mostly a conscripted army. Those who live in major cities are as fearful of a nuclear attack as the west because if missiles start firing, they are targets. I don't have polite words for posters gleefully cheering this action for selfish reasons that their favorite skaters might be medalists as a consequence. So, I'll just say nothing more.
I think you are mistaking curiosity about very new scenarios for glee. And as many have pointed out, in Russia the entire skating edifice is state-supported and winners are used for propaganda purposes by Putin himself. That’s on top of a doping scandal about which we don’t know how far it extends.

Under these circumstances my sympathies for young skaters is tempered. If the whole world banishes and sanctions you, maybe start to figure out why that is.


Well-Known Member
I fully expect Georgia to pick up 2nd spots in Men, Women and Pairs.

The Georgian skaters all live and train in Russia (some with no real ties to Georgia besides citizenship). While they should be allowed to compete, I would guess things are going to be very challenging for them unless they can find a way to get out of Russia and establish training situations elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Navka was asked to comment on ISU decision to ban Russia from Worlds. She called it what I’d roughly translate “over reach”. And what her president has done isn’t? Obviously, self reflection isn’t Navka’s strongest suit. Putin didn’t just cross every boundary with his unprovoked attack of Ukraine, he smashed it. Normally I wouldn’t be in favor of an all sweeping ban but this is an extreme situation, and it requires an adequate response. If I were a Russian athlete or any Russian for that matter, I would feel a deep sense of shame, even if they didn’t vote for Putin. It’s not a political statement to express your human feelings. Trankov said it on his Instagram. I applaud him for that. At least he didn’t keep quiet.
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Well-Known Member
How many Russian athletes will start competiting for Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc? We know there are some that are anti-war. Will ISU let those who oppose the war to switch countries for next season?

I think RUS will be banned from all ISU/IOC competitions for many years. At least til 2026 (next Olympics).
I can’t imagine other countries taking in athletes from Russia at this time.


Well-Known Member
I'm not prepared to predict years ahead. The past two have felt like being stuck in a time-travel book. (Pandemic, fears of a Depression, a Civil Rights Movement, Invasion a la WWII, the Cold War). I hope somehow Ukraine and the World and Russia can move past this dictator and push the go button on my time travel machine to . . . how about a nice Appreciation of Figure Skating Era.
We all need hopes and dreams. Dream I’m! I think there’s a song about that…


Well-Known Member
Eteri has US citizenship and her daughter is here. I think she’d come here, actually.

As an aside, I think this ends with Putin getting offed. After that happens, I think the west needs to make damned sure Russia (not the oligarchs, but the regular people) recovers too because otherwise we repeat how Germany was handled after WWI and that is never a setup that ends well.
Putin will not be deposed without a significant conflict to depose him inside of Russia.


Well-Known Member
Good. Between the doping, cheating and starting another World War (scope and size debatable), this was the only move.
Yeah, have to admit I'm tired of the cloud of Russian's version of fair play hanging over every competition. After this last go I can't really watch a Russian skater without wondering in what way has this person/pair had their performance enhanced? They just don't belong in the world sporting community.


Well-Known Member
After she was so upset and basically blamed her coach for placing second, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Trusova finds out. (I'm sure there's another country or two who'd love to have her skate for them).
I am very uncomfortable with Trusova's outburst in that it sounded to me like she thought it was deliberate by her team to decide what order the girls would finish and they made it happen. Could it be that she felt she should have been the one to be doped?

Holy Headband

chair of the Lee Sihyeong international fanclub
Yeah, have to admit I'm tired of the cloud of Russian's version of fair play hanging over every competition. After this last go I can't really watch a Russian skater without wondering in what way has this person/pair had their performance enhanced? They just don't belong in the world sporting community.
It's not even the doping as much as the corrupt judging that props up Russian women. Scherbakova getting 100 points in TES (higher than Hanyu, Uno and Jin's) at the Olympics with terrible jumps, only two of which even pretended to be quads? Trusova clawing her way to silver with non-existing components? The judges have been mocking Japanese women, Korean women, Loena H, Gubanova, Kurakova, etc. for years. Even in purely sporting terms, this upcoming Worlds will give us the first fair and legitimate podium we've had in ages (unless we're all incinerated in a nuclear war before then).

The only thing that annoys me is that the Russian skating community will never admit it and will pretend Eteri's girls should have been there and swept the podium forever.

That said, I do feel bad for Russian skaters in the other disciplines--but I agree it has to be done in solidarity with Ukraine. Putin's jingoistic government have been using athletes' accomplishments in domestic propaganda campaigns about how great Russia is and how much the rest of the world fears and envies it, thus directly tying figure skating success into the militaristic narrative that fed into and is currently being used to justify the invasion of Ukraine. Putin and his cronies should not be allowed to exploit and profit from athletes anymore, or to jeopardise the integrity of international sports by doping children and buying medals like they've been doing.
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Well-Known Member
While it's clearly not the most important thing here, I wonder if banning Russia from ISU events will lead the ISU to brushing the Kamila Valieva doping situation under the rug. Since she's not competing at ISU events for the foreseeable future, they may determine that it's enough 'punishment', and they may conveniently 'forget' to investigate Eteri's team.


Let the skating begin
Would it be possible for Tiff and Jon to skate for Australia if Russian approval became moot?

I think you are mistaking curiosity about very new scenarios for glee. And as many have pointed out, in Russia the entire skating edifice is state-supported and winners are used for propaganda purposes by Putin himself. That’s on top of a doping scandal about which we don’t know how far it extends.

Under these circumstances my sympathies for young skaters is tempered. If the whole world banishes and sanctions you, maybe start to figure out why that is.
Sorry, some of these posts are much more than curiosity.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Sorry, some of these posts are much more than curiosity.
Mine sound enthusiastic but are really just curious. I’ve been a Trusova and Kolyada fan for years and am especially sorry for Mikhail since he missed the Olys. But don’t underestimate the frustration over how Valieva was handled and Russia’s patriotic denial of anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for the individual Russian skaters, but feel this was necessary. It's kind of the bare minimum, though.

Yesterday, the Austrian federation called for Russians/Belarusians in leadership positions to be banned, temporarily at least.

The ISU obviously hasn't done that yet. We still have Lakernik running things on the FS side.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think they’ll let anyone go. I do think we will see a lot of the top coaches flee for the west again like they did in the 90s.

I don’t think there will be a lot of money for skates, rinks, and training in Russia, much less competitions.
I agree... I don't remember now how long it took for Russia to release Lubov but she spent almost a year with a new partner but never got her release so returned to russia and went to school and coached and quite a while later joined up with Dylan Moscovitch and although eventually they said they would release her the papers only came when the sh*t hit the fan when Lubov's ex-partner's partner was thought to be dying from an eating disorder due to pressure from their coach. At that point they had to jump on a plane to participate in the last competition where they could get their mins. That was when Putin wasn't angry. Now!!!!!!! Good luck. Now they might get released if they cut off one of their legs first.

Deleted member 221

I hope we can discuss Worlds in figure skating threads. Including who may win medals. It does not show a lack of concern about Ukraine.

Agreed. I take no glee at Russian skaters not being able to participate, feel sorry for any skater who isn't personally supporting the invasion of Ukraine, and feel sad that I won't see the Russians skate live in Montpellier (assuming I make it there).

At the same time, why not find whatever silver linings we can in a terrible situation? E.g., American pairs may be in medal contention for the first time in 20 years.


Well-Known Member
I will be interested to see how much difference it makes to not have Russian officials at worlds. No judges. No referees. No one on the technical panel. It will take a lot of work to make the necessary changes over the next 3 weeks. I wonder if or how the protocols may change.

Dave of the North

Digging up dead relatives since 1992
I'm glad they won't be there. Hope it will cut down on Christine Brennan and Phil Hersh badgering every skater to make statements about the invasion (or the doping). Maybe all the skaters should prepare statements ahead of time and issue them, then refer to their statements if asked about it during the competition.

Of course if there's a ceasefire in a week or two, do they change their minds? :unsure:


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
I'm glad they won't be there. Hope it will cut down on Christine Brennan and Phil Hersh badgering every skater to make statements about the invasion (or the doping). Maybe all the skaters should prepare statements ahead of time and issue them, then refer to their statements if asked about it during the competition.

Of course if there's a ceasefire in a week or two, do they change their minds? :unsure:
Even if there is a cease fire, it doesn't mean there's a resolution. I hope the world continues to keep a close eye on Russia.


Well-Known Member
The skaters will be asked about the war and how they feel about the ban on the Russian and bElarus skaters and officials. It just changes the what. I imagine they are working out what they will say.

Wonder when the official lists of skaters will appear now.


Well-Known Member
How will these events affect the Valieva doping investigation? RUADA will do nothing and WADA can’t do anything to follow up. The team medals may forever be decided.

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