News and updates à la Française, part trois


Well-Known Member
Interesting (or not) to see that Brian Joubert and Florent Amodio's first forays into coaching (Brian) or choreography (Florent) are producing templates of themselves (Adam Siao Him Fa for Joubert and Luc Economides for Amodio).


Well-Known Member
I like Adam. Noticed him last year because he seemed to portray his music better than others using the same piece, and watching him this season, he appears to get serious air time. The Kovtun music with the dialogue is a bit distracting this season, and he's very unpolished. But he seems to have the raw potential.


Well-Known Member
Interesting (or not) to see that Brian Joubert and Florent Amodio's first forays into coaching (Brian) or choreography (Florent) are producing templates of themselves (Adam Siao Him Fa for Joubert and Luc Economides for Amodio).
Siao Him Fa has been training with Joubert for 6 months. At most.
He was coached as a young boy (as were all his siblings) by Laurent Depouilly in Bordeaux.
Then Depouilly left Bordeaux (first to coach Joubert in 2009-2010, then to go to South Africa as his rink in Bordeaux was being torn down). Adam's older brother Benjamin who was a promising young skater stopped competing.
Adam then moved away from his family to train in Toulouse with Rodolphe Maréchal and Baptiste Porquet (the first is from Candeloro's generation, the other competed with young Joubert). But they didn't have the training conditions / hours to push Adam further.
So he has now moved to Poitiers where Brian is starting his own club.

And about Economidès, apart from the step sequences which are quite Amodio, he's for sure the student of Bernard Glesser. He looks like Glesser's older students, Stannick Jeannette and Florent Amodio. And IMHO, he looks more Jeannette than Amodio.
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Dec. 19th:

Le Comité National olympique et sportif français (CNOSF) a dévoilé mardi sa première liste des sélectionnés en sports de glace pour les JO 2018 de Pyeongchang (9-15 février). Parmi elle figure le double médaillé mondial en patinage de vitesse le Français Alexis Contin ou encore les danseurs sur glace Gabriella Papadakis et Guillaume Cizeron, double champions du monde (2015, 2016).

Patinage artistique: Dames: Vanessa James (couple), Gabriella Papadakis (danse). Messieurs: Chafik Besseghier (individuel), Morgan Cipres (couple), Guillaume Cizeron (danse)


Mae-Berenice Meite tweeted this podium photo after winning Nationals:

This Dec. 13th article in French after James/Cipres' WD from Nationals states at the end that "their return to the competition is likely to occur, in all likelihood, at the European Championships from 17 to 21 January":


Clip of Chafik Besseghier's winning FS at Nationals:
Hospitalized at the beginning of October for a pneumothorax, Chafik Besseghier won the men's title of French figure skating champion! Relive this beautiful resurrection here
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News from Euros practice (re-posting from OES thread):
однаксель‏ @asverit tweeted the following:

!! Laurine is skating her Grease FS in practice, so I guess she went back to it!

French Figure Skater Maé-Bérénice Méité Preps Up For The Olympic Season 2018 (November 13, 2017):
If there is one good advice I can give to someone, no matter what sport you are doing, you have to be passionate and you have to believe in yourself. This will lead you straight up to your dreams. But you have to face joy, pain, failure, hard times, get back up when you don’t feel like it, you have to persevere to get where you want to be. Remember: pain is temporary, glory is forever.
I feel very grateful whenever people come up to me or send me messages of support, to tell me how much they loved my performance or my jumps, those little girls and boys that have sparkles in their eyes when you take some time to show them tricks, this has absolutely no price. And that’s a part of my strength too. Because sometimes, thanks to them and their support, we get up and go back to work after a painful fail; they always have kind words to give us the energy to keep doing what we do because to them we do it great ; they inspire us to inspire them. Again and again. Everyday. You simply feel grateful and want to give back as much as you can, by sharing your experience.
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Re-posting from the Pairs discussion thread:
James/Cipres say their goal is to medal at the Olympics:

This week at the European Championships in Moscow, Russia is their last big test before next month’s Olympic Games. This will be the third Olympic experience for James and the second for Ciprès. While there was a certain sense of fulfilment at participating together in Sochi, they will be approaching PyeongChang with a little more ambition.

“It was an amazing experience for me,” Ciprès said about going to Sochi. “It was a dream when I was a child going to the Olympics. I did this goal in my life now. Maybe now I have other goals – like getting a medal at the Olympics. It’s different than just being at the Olympics. I learned a lot. Not only because of the Olympics. It was just that we had only started together (in Sochi). We were not really a good team and we were not competitive. We were young.”

“He was young,” James interjected laughing. “I was old.”


Well-Known Member
Any idea when they'll announce the rest of the team for Pyeongchang?
I'm wondering if the reason they're taking their time with the ladies announcement is because they're sending Laurine despite her poor season or they're not sending anyone. Neither would surprise me.


Well-Known Member
But AFAIK Maé is in good health and shape.
Speaking of which: Olympic Channel has a "sport science for dummies" type of series and they have a new episode featuring Maé.
In a sport science lab, the physiques and unique body characteristics of Olympic athletes are analysed to reveal what makes them so special.

The French Olympic finalist demostrates surprising all round body strength and control.
(Yeah, "Olympic finalist" sounds a bit funny to me. But the target audience is not skating fans so I guess that's why they put it that way.)

You can watch it here:
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Marquessa of Chartreuse
Speaking of which: Olympic Channel has a "sport science for dummies" type of series and they have a new episode featuring Maé.
(Yeah, "Olympic finalist" sounds a bit funny to me. But the target audience is not skating fans so I guess that's why they put it that way.)

You can watch it here:

Thank you Nimi. I posted this on the FB page related to my website but forgot to give the link here.


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
I am wondering if they are thinking of doing a test. We haven't had tests for quite a very long time after all :revenge:


Marquessa of Chartreuse
I am wondering if they are thinking of doing a test. We haven't had tests for quite a very long time after all :revenge:
AFAIK, no test in the pipes for now, no. But you never know. It would be so stupid and such a waste of time anyway.


Cats and garlic lover
They should pull a Pluschenko without talkign to the press:) Let Lecavelier do the team event (France will not medal anyway, so who cares), claim sudden injury and let Miete do the individual event

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