Papadakis/Cizeron #9 - People Will See Them And Cry

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Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
On a slightly more sensible note, for next year, the pattern dance is a waltz, correct? There is a French folk waltz tradition, the valse-musette, which in the first half of the twentieth century developed into the java - which is referenced in Piaf's L'Accordioniste. They could definitely look to something like that, though I'm not sure they'd want to given their reaction to the suggestion of French operetta for this year...


Well-Known Member
I've been waiting for a good photo of this momemt since the first time I saw this lift.

OMG his second answer. ETA on second thought looks like the answers are from fans and he's commenting on them
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Well-Known Member
On a slightly more sensible note, for next year, the pattern dance is a waltz, correct? There is a French folk waltz tradition, the valse-musette, which in the first half of the twentieth century developed into the java - which is referenced in Piaf's L'Accordioniste. They could definitely look to something like that, though I'm not sure they'd want to given their reaction to the suggestion of French operetta for this year...

I think this version would even be better suited: Glossy Sisters: L' accordéoniste. :encore:


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
OMG Thanks jordan :cheer2: :biggrinbo
and happy B-day guillaume
The swan lake version of their FD at the hand, I want it as a comical Exhibition please. Seeing those guys with their sense of humour, it baffles me when people label their work as pretentious. They don't strike me to be remotely pretentious in their work, just passionate with a very strong artistic view point yet so dorky and ready to mock themselves.


Usova's Apprentice
I teach in an IB program, and for one of their Theory of Knowledge activities, I’m having students watch P&C’s Mozart.

They are analyzing the emotions portrayed and crafting a narrative based on the program. These kids are killing it. Their interpretations are so spot on and interesting. I’m not sure if it’s a testament to the level of my students, how intelligently the Mozart FD is constructed, or both.

Regardless, I definitely got P&C some new fans today!


Well-Known Member
I teach in an IB program, and for one of their Theory of Knowledge activities, I’m having students watch P&C’s Mozart.

They are analyzing the emotions portrayed and crafting a narrative based on the program. These kids are killing it. Their interpretations are so spot on and interesting. I’m not sure if it’s a testament to the level of my students, how intelligently the Mozart FD is constructed, or both.

Regardless, I definitely got P&C some new fans today!

If this results in any written work that can be shared, please link it here! I'd love to read it.

BTW, I wondered if you read this quote from Guillaume about their FD: “This program is a little bit about death, but not in a really tragic way. It’s about two connected souls that want to find each other after life, after whatever they are going through. I think in this way it connects to everyone.”

I remember you discussing your interpretation in the Dance Hall thread, that you thought it more about the longing and search for human connection rather than a romantic love story. His intent seems to support your interpretation.


I see the sea
I teach in an IB program, and for one of their Theory of Knowledge activities, I’m having students watch P&C’s Mozart.

They are analyzing the emotions portrayed and crafting a narrative based on the program. These kids are killing it. Their interpretations are so spot on and interesting. I’m not sure if it’s a testament to the level of my students, how intelligently the Mozart FD is constructed, or both.
Would you be willing to share some of the students' interpretations?


Well-Known Member
I teach in an IB program, and for one of their Theory of Knowledge activities, I’m having students watch P&C’s Mozart.

They are analyzing the emotions portrayed and crafting a narrative based on the program. These kids are killing it. Their interpretations are so spot on and interesting. I’m not sure if it’s a testament to the level of my students, how intelligently the Mozart FD is constructed, or both.

Regardless, I definitely got P&C some new fans today!
International baccalaureate? I was in that program in high school. And I hated TOK, but alas we never had any cool assignments like analyzing P/C programs, how cool.


Usova's Apprentice
If this results in any written work that can be shared, please link it here! I'd love to read it.
Unfortunately, no. This was part of a "TOK Retreat" where we took the students off campus. My rotation was only 25 minutes long. They only wrote notes and most of the analysis was through discussion.

BTW, I wondered if you read this quote from Guillaume about their FD: “This program is a little bit about death, but not in a really tragic way. It’s about two connected souls that want to find each other after life, after whatever they are going through. I think in this way it connects to everyone.”

I remember you discussing your interpretation in the Dance Hall thread, that you thought it more about the longing and search for human connection rather than a romantic love story. His intent seems to support your interpretation.
I did! It's funny, I read that and thought the opposite: "Oh, I guess I'm wrong." Though, in retrospect, I see that I was half right. It makes sense that they're portraying lonely souls.


Well-Known Member
It seems Gabriella and Guillaume have been working with comedienne Émelie Josset for their RD. According to the article they’ve been working with her since August 2018.

I wonder if they are still working with Mrs. Pinard?


Usova's Apprentice
Would you be willing to share some of the students' interpretations?

All but a handful (out of 97) picked up that it was about a relationship that is experiencing or has experienced some type of turmoil. More than half saw that there was a "sad sandwich" (I had never heard this term before!). About a third of the students were 100% on the money with their interpretations, that it's a story told in 3 acts. She is longing after him, he notices her, and they begin to start a relationship. When the music changes, it's act 2, and they are happy together. Then, at the next music change, there's turmoil. They picked up on the choreography differences too, that she's reaching for him, at his back, and that the final lift is him trying to let go of her.

Most of the students saw Gabriella as the star. She was “giving it everything.“ They believed what she was selling. They saw her as lonely, desperate, sad, pining. They didn’t think Guillame was selling it, but it was clear to them he was a great skater, and that he more or less fit the stereotypical “guy” role in a relationship. They also thought he is super cute.

About a third saw a "happy sandwich." The music didn't seem to cue them. Some of them only noticed one music change. They see the final act as the two coming together through the turmoil, and they interpret the final position as a kiss reuniting them (while the third of the students who saw the complete intent of the narrative saw that as more or less a kiss goodbye, or her trying have one last kiss.) Something common with these students was that they didn't study music, and most were male :lol:.

Some of the interesting ones:
  • One group of 4 students saw the first act as the present. They are a couple who are considering ending their relationship. They're not in a good place, so they look back on times they were happy (act 2, after the music change.) Then the third act is a return to the present, and he decides to break up with her. The happy moments aren't enough to make him stay. She doesn't want it to end, and is doing everything she can to keep him, acting desperate by jumping into his arms and making him catch her. (I love the depth of this narrative.)
  • One student said she thought the whole program is representative of a relationship. That it’s two people trying to be “in sync” with one another. She sees their movements as contrasting in the first act. The two are struggling to find a balance, to find a way to be happy together. In the 2nd act, they manage it. They are not always in sync, but it works for them and they are happy. The movements are lighter, “jaunty”. Then, they suddenly fall out of balance. They can’t get back “in sync”, so the relationship fails and they share one last kiss goodbye.
  • One student saw the first act as the couple dealing with some type of ”event” that puts their relationship at risk. The strength of their bond is weak, so they work on building it. When the music changes, it shows that they’ve built up their relationship and they’ve can be happy. Then, another event occurs suddenly that damages their bond. They try to build back their relationship, but the bonds are too weak. She saw the final lift ending on the ground as representative of the failure of their relationship.
  • Another said that they wanted to be together, but life kept them apart. When they finally get together, they are happy, until she gets a job in Nebraska and they have to say goodbye. She believes the ending is bittersweet, that they are happy together, but are willing to end it for other priorities.
  • One student got very specific. He said Gabriella drank a whole bottle of wine and filled it with her tears.


Well-Known Member

All but a handful (out of 97) picked up that it was about a relationship that is experiencing or has experienced some type of turmoil. More than half saw that there was a "sad sandwich" (I had never heard this term before!). About a third of the students were 100% on the money with their interpretations, that it's a story told in 3 acts. She is longing after him, he notices her, and they begin to start a relationship. When the music changes, it's act 2, and they are happy together. Then, at the next music change, there's turmoil. They picked up on the choreography differences too, that she's reaching for him, at his back, and that the final lift is him trying to let go of her.

Most of the students saw Gabriella as the star. She was “giving it everything.“ They believed what she was selling. They saw her as lonely, desperate, sad, pining. They didn’t think Guillame was selling it, but it was clear to them he was a great skater, and that he more or less fit the stereotypical “guy” role in a relationship. They also thought he is super cute.

About a third saw a "happy sandwich." The music didn't seem to cue them. Some of them only noticed one music change. They see the final act as the two coming together through the turmoil, and they interpret the final position as a kiss reuniting them (while the third of the students who saw the complete intent of the narrative saw that as more or less a kiss goodbye, or her trying have one last kiss.) Something common with these students was that they didn't study music, and most were male :lol:.

Some of the interesting ones:
  • One group of 4 students saw the first act as the present. They are a couple who are considering ending their relationship. They're not in a good place, so they look back on times they were happy (act 2, after the music change.) Then the third act is a return to the present, and he decides to break up with her. The happy moments aren't enough to make him stay. She doesn't want it to end, and is doing everything she can to keep him, acting desperate by jumping into his arms and making him catch her. (I love the depth of this narrative.)
  • One student said she thought the whole program is representative of a relationship. That it’s two people trying to be “in sync” with one another. She sees their movements as contrasting in the first act. The two are struggling to find a balance, to find a way to be happy together. In the 2nd act, they manage it. They are not always in sync, but it works for them and they are happy. The movements are lighter, “jaunty”. Then, they suddenly fall out of balance. They can’t get back “in sync”, so the relationship fails and they share one last kiss goodbye.
  • One student saw the first act as the couple dealing with some type of ”event” that puts their relationship at risk. The strength of their bond is weak, so they work on building it. When the music changes, it shows that they’ve built up their relationship and they’ve can be happy. Then, another event occurs suddenly that damages their bond. They try to build back their relationship, but the bonds are too weak. She saw the final lift ending on the ground as representative of the failure of their relationship.
  • Another said that they wanted to be together, but life kept them apart. When they finally get together, they are happy, until she gets a job in Nebraska and they have to say goodbye. She believes the ending is bittersweet, that they are happy together, but are willing to end it for other priorities.
  • One student got very specific. He said Gabriella drank a whole bottle of wine and filled it with her tears.

Thank you for sharing this!


Active Member
GG talk about their choices this year…

This article says this "This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and condensed. "

It's a shame I would have liked to have the full version, but it's already an article about them, so nice


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
Just want a new lift to top it off nicely, this rotational doesn't capture the fun energy of it all. This would be one of the rare occasion where I'd wish for an OTT acrobatic lift. The midline also fills too empty to me, but as per usual their program feels like 2 second long. Amazing. Congrats and keep it up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Just want a new lift to top it off nicely, this . rotational doesn't capture the fun energy of it all. This would be one of the rare occasion where I'd wish for an OTT acrobatic lift. The midline also fills too empty to me, but as per usual their program feels like 2 second long. Amazing. Congrats and keep it up tomorrow.

Effortless, not empty, just effortless. And they will improve even more.
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