Survivor S43


Fan of many, uber of none
As soon as she won the reward challenge (a challenge set up to be won by anyone BUT her), I figured Noelle was toast. She's just made a big move, and just won a tough challenge. It's a shame, I really liked her, but I agree, I wouldn't want to be sitting next to her at the end either.

Still really like Jesse, and like that he's keeping his mouth shut about Dwight's idol. I wonder if he has given Cody's back yet? Sami seems all over the place. Cody is a sharp player, but he rubs me wrong for some reason. Gabler is stepping up his non-existent game a bit! Karla is sharp also, but I have no idea what the heck Cassidy has done to still be there, unless others think she's a goat. Kudos to her though for winning that immunity challenge, I thought that was going to go on for hours.


Well-Known Member
I was also thinking too many of the challenges have been hold-onto-this-rope/whatever-for-as-long-as-you-can. I hope there is a little more variety in the remaining challenges this season.


From the Bloc
Throughout the episode, based on the edit, I thought Noelle is either going home tonight or she's winning the entire game. I have no idea of course, but my bet is that the producers did have a chat with her pregame about her abilities because of course they want this to be fair, and that she, being the spunky person she is, said "bring it." Jeff and co must've been positively drooling during that challenge and her winning it was a production/storytelling dream come true.

But she was also getting a little too pushy and bossy and over confident, which with this particular crowd, who are mostly playing a much quieter style of game, was not the way to go, especially after showing her heroic spirit, no surprise that several of them said they didn't want to be next to her at the end. Sami would best take what happened into consideration because even if he doesn't know several of them think he's all over the place, his hyper aggressive need to make moves may very well bench him sooner than later.

Thing I was wondering in the next challenge - I'm assuming none of the players are left handed or they would have had it set up in reverse for them. Or would they? Both husband and I thought we would have actually done better using our stronger arm/hand to hold the handle, and have a better shot at concentrating on the stacking using our weaker hand. Then again, the New York Times recently blocked me "because we think you type too fast and may be a robot" :lol: so maybe nowadays people are less likely to have a weaker hand/fingers.

Still loving Cody's play/personality, have since the first ep. "I don't know about you but when I'm having cocktails and food, I get to talking" :rofl:

Karla is a smart one, and just had a big scare, and she's emerging as a challenge threat just when the numbers are making it more and more real, so she'll be on her toes for sure. I like Jesse as a person, smart player, but I do wonder if the pressure of holding an idol and not knowing when to play it will get to him at some point. He and Cody seem to have been allied since the very beginning, so I'm assuming Cody either has is idol back or he and Jesse are essentially sharing it/them (if Cody knows about the second one). Maybe the fact that we don't know is a hint that they will be playing as a solid alliance until the end. Not sure where Gabler's head is at, Sami annoys me, I should like Owen but his game is not one I can root for, and as for Cassidy, just go away already.


Fan of many, uber of none
LOL, I completely forgot Owen is still there! I like him, but he's pretty much a nonentity. Which may mean he wins the whole thing!


From the Bloc
No one wants to talk Survivor? I am sad :fragile:

I thought last night was so much fun with everyone walking right by that idol, and I thought the advantage was an interesting one. I do wonder how much we're missing though. For example we often see Cody not necessarily agreeing with a plan, and yet in the end he's been on the right side of the vote nearly every time. No one seems to be targetting Jesse - why? Just because they think/know he has at least one idol? Why is there no talk of flushing it out? There was also definitely a moment when Gabler was talking to Owen, saying "you, me, and" and then edit!

Thinking also that in a game that hasn't had a lot of big moves, what's the pitch to the jury? "I came out here to prove something to myself and I did"? Or, "I was running this thing from the beginning, only I can't prove it"? No one has dominated the challenges (everyone left in the game except Jesse has won individual immunity), perhaps only Owen can say he's a come from behind player, but his game has been a mess.

I'll be watching though, and at this point I'm good with Cody, Jesse or Karla winning it all.

love skating

Clueless American
I was facepalming at the survivors walking back and forth past the advantage! :duh:

That challenge was pretty epic - kudos to Owen and Karla for beating the tide!

So many immune this episode and we still have what three idols in play next week?! Yikes!


From the Bloc
Jeff did say they are about to run out. Does anyone know for sure how many more TCs they're good for? Could be super fun if there are still six people, three idols and an immunity between them - the possibilities for last minute passing around or using them on someone else must have someone like Jesse wishing he had access to some spreadsheets. Plus Gabler is itching to make a big move, and as we get closer, they must all be thinking that because as I said, do any of them have a compelling story for the jury? Might end up just being a popularity contest in the end, or who pissed me off the least.


The edit seems to be pointing towards a Jesse win, with Jesse/Cody at the end. People keep making comments about splitting them up but no one seems to go further than that.

If they go back to the live reunion and Jesse wins, you know Jeff is making a beeline for Jesse’s kid and making him say “get that money, baby.”


Staff member
No one wants to talk Survivor?
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't watch on Wednesdays.
I thought last night was so much fun with everyone walking right by that idol,
That was really hilarious. It would have been screamingly funny if Cody hadn't finally seen it when he was pretty much leaning on it, but it was pretty hilarious even without that.

Karla is a beast. So is Owen, but I thought it was telling that Owen was Cody's choice. They all recognize Owen's drive.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I don't know if they saw Owen as a beast as much as him really needing to win immunity after being left out time and time again and having no one to turn to. Of course, that usually means he can be used as a number but we see weak play get sent packing all the time over threats (Jesse NEVER on the radar, and Gabler really not either but he's sneaky) and he probably felt he was out next regardless of what anyone was telling him following the last tribal. That, and he needs some kind of resume.

I commented a few weeks ago that it seemed like it was the Jesse show in the first half of the season which also led me to believe he'd be there in the end/win, but Gabler hinting at that big move a week ago and nothing following up this week (should've done it last week) could/should mean something big happens to break up Cody and Jesse. I would think Gabler wants to pull Cassidy and Owen as his final 3, but who knows. Cassidy was non-existent for the first half of the season and now her confessionals are full of 'this is exactly what I wanted to happen, this person was coming after me!' If there's a non-entity in that group of six, it's her IMO. But they do seem to recognize her as a solid threat at immunity challenges-- don't know about much else seeing Karla is ready to cut her loose.

Idols should be able to be used all the way to 5, but if the preview is any indication (probably isn't), there might be a lot of shifting of who to vote out that may see some of them flushed in this episode. That also means there might be at least one back for finding at the ever-important final 5.

It really is a strong season and a really likable cast-- big players who would easily spice up an All-Stars or return players season.


Staff member
I don't know if they saw Owen as a beast as much as him really needing to win immunity after being left out time and time again and having no one to turn to.
That's what I mean--he has drive and they all see it, while no one appears to be looking at Karla and seeing that she does, too. Although they are fools if they don't see it now, which might mean trouble for Karla.


Well-Known Member
I like who I like. Karla and Owen are my faves. Which means they will probably be get the boot next


From the Bloc
Cody's choice might have been based on who's the most desperate to win, but they've also now had a lot of time to see each other in the water, so that might have factored in too. There was a hint in the clue that it would involve water, and since I guess this challenge has been done before (personally can't recall but I haven't seen every season - from the couch we thought it looked like a really scary form of torture), maybe Cody had seen that Owen can hold his breath, can handle the cold, maybe doesn't panic under physical pressure? I don't know, just speculating.

There seem to be fans out there who read a lot into the confessional count. So far, Cody 46 and Jesse 45 have the most by far, then Karla 37, then Gabler 32 and Owen 32 tied, then Cassidy 26. Then again, when he left the game, Sami 35 had more than Gabler, Owen and Cassidy.


Fan of many, uber of none
I really like Owen as a person, if not as a player. He proved he still deserves to be out there though, with that immunity win (tie), and by being a "come from behind" kind of player. I like all of them that are left except for Cassidy, who I feel doesn't measure up to the others. I would be happy with pretty much anyone winning other than Cass. But would really love a Jesse or Owen win.


Staff member
Cody's choice might have been based on who's the most desperate to win,
I thought it was interesting that Sami was sure that Cody would have correctly identified the winner, which indicated to me that at least one other person thought that Owen was the most likely choice.

I read an interview with Jeff where he said that based on the casting interviews and testing, they expected Karla to go out full tilt and play a very aggressive game, and instead she is playing a very laidback, subtle game that came as a real surprise to production. But this seems to be a season where lowkey play is necessary for survival. I think it's interesting that they all talk about--and accept--that everyone is lying all the time. It is a given in the game, but to pull off the really big moves, you have to have allies and I wonder if there just isn't enough trust between anyone but Jesse and Cody to plot the downfall of Jesse and Cody.


From the Bloc
I think it's interesting that they all talk about--and accept--that everyone is lying all the time. It is a given in the game, but to pull off the really big moves, you have to have allies and I wonder if there just isn't enough trust between anyone but Jesse and Cody to plot the downfall of Jesse and Cody.
Interesting, and you may very well be right given the way Karla and Cassidy's previously strong alliance seems to be falling apart, and how Gabler, Owen and before them Sami couldn't ever get something going.

Also, after so many years of people spouting off about honesty and integrity, I'm glad lying is an accepted part of the game now :)


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Sad to see Cody go, especially since he was having so much fun with the open lying part of the game, but Jesse sensed he wouldn't get any credit for his scheming and played accordingly. I was reading his bio and the energy he's put into studying this game and I really want him to win now.

But what wasn't clear is whether the idol played was Cody's or not. I know the one he showed Karla was red, but I don't remember which color Jesse's was-- so did Cody give it back to Jesse for some reason? ETA- One of my coworkers said it was indeed Cody's that he gave back... if true, WHY?

I still don't really get Cassidy's moves in the game (and that may very well be because of editing like with Erika a few seasons ago), but she and Owen probably have some support in that jury so who knows what the right call would be for final 3 if Jesse is in control.

Still surprised that there was no huge move made by Gabler after alluding to it several episodes ago. I get that it may have been filler to add suspense to an otherwise clear-cut vote, but could it be that Gabler wins final immunity and then goes up against Jesse in fire-making and wins?

I know people really liked the all-winners season (I can't put the two battle back at the very end seasons anywhere near the top of my favorites) but I think this actually is the best season in a long time.
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Rooting for that middle-aged team
I was riveted the entire episode and actually teared up with the Cody Jesse hug. I really want Jesse to win now so hope he still has his secret idol otherwise he’s gone next week.

Vanity note: all their skin looks glowy and amazing. Think I need to go on a rice and coconut fast. That or they have really good editors/filters.


From the Bloc
Sigh. Y'all know I was rooting for Cody, so today I am sad. However, I also said I'd be happy if Karla or Jesse won and oh my goodness now that I realize Jesse actually played Cody's idol and no one knows he still has one, and it's valid for the next TC, wow.

My biggest question after the show last night was why on earth didn't Cody play his idol after he saw what Jesse did, which was clearly a surprise? This morning my biggest question is why on earth did Cody give Jesse his idol in the first place, and let him keep it? Because he trusted him? Sure, that's reason to tell him about it, but not to give it to him permanently. Guess I'll have to wait for a post-interview to sort that out.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
My biggest question after the show last night was why on earth didn't Cody play his idol after he saw what Jesse did, which was clearly a surprise? This morning my biggest question is why on earth did Cody give Jesse his idol in the first place, and let him keep it? Because he trusted him? Sure, that's reason to tell him about it, but not to give it to him permanently. Guess I'll have to wait for a post-interview to sort that out.
But Cody asked for his idol back to show Karla, and we know from that scene that it was red. I could go back and watch when Jesse 'held' the other idol that no one knows about still to see which color it was, but I have a feeling we will see in the opening of the finale that he somehow managed to come up with some story to get Cody's idol back in his possession.

And by doing so, he plays the idol for Owen knowing damn well he's not going anywhere, but it also pushes Karla to use hers and flush it out, which, if I have it right that it was Cody's idol, leaves Jesse alone with one idol that no one knows about, and a spot in the final 4. And if Jesse doesn't win that final 4 immunity, we know he's going to fire-- and I think if that's the case, it'll be against Gabler who I commented a few weeks back would want Owen & Cassidy beside him and feel it's even more obvious now.

With all of that in mind, I think Karla's out at 5, either Gabler or Jesse is out at 4, and depending on such, either Jesse wins, or... ? who knows if it is Gabler, Cassidy, and Owen.
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Well-Known Member
I have actually grown to loathe most of the players this season, but as a super fan of the game, last night was delicious. Rarely do we see big moves like this that are new and inventive. It does feel like, however, that Owen could win this given the jury reactions, but this week might have changed all of that... Jesse is the best choice based on all of the factors.


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how my opinions changed throughout this season. In the first half of the season, I forgot Owen and Cassidy existed most of the time, didn't like Gabler, was ambivalent towards Jesse and liked Karla.
Now, of the remaining 5 I'd say Jessie, Owen and Gabler are my favourites, I'm ambivalent towards Cassidy, and Karla is my least favourite remaining.

After the episode I was wondering why Cody didn't play his idol after Karla played hers, before I realized that Jesse must have played Cody's. Amazing gameplay there by Jesse!


Fan of many, uber of none
What a satisfying episode! I was never a huge fan of Cody, although he was amusing in small doses, so I don't miss him, and kudos to Jesse for that move (and the jury recognizes who made it happen). Jesse is my favorite of who is left, followed by Owen (definitely rocking the "anyone but me" strategy) and Gabler. Cassidy, I'll credit her for winning immunity, but it feels like she's been worthless in the game itself. Karla sure has the lying part of the game down. I liked her at the beginning of the game, but don't feel the love for her anymore, through no fault of her own.


From the Bloc

Interesting indeed! Helpful to have this and the EW interview explain some of the mystery of why he'd give back the idol, and why Jesse was holding it this long in the first place. Some seem to be applauding that Jesse didn't ask for it back, but somehow knew he would get it back - or did he? Maybe he thought that he was going to use Jeanine's idol on Owen, and it was just too good to be true that he was able to use Cody's and keep Jeanine's concealed.

Rob never asked about Jeanine's idol, and it didn't come up in the EW interview. Surely it's coming out at the next TC? Because even if Jesse wins immunity outright, surely he will find a way to use that idol to determine his F4.

Noted that Owen wasn't mentioned at all in this interview, and that Cody had a huge hesitation before answering the question about Cassidy.

Thanks for sharing @Prancer


Well-Known Member
Jenny - I am watching - but went to London for 9 days and just got caught up.
I am enjoying the season.
Cody - at times I really liked him and other times did not like him.
I am rooting for either Karla or Jesse.
It still amazes me after 40 plus seasons, this show continues to entertain in new ways.

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