The Bear vs The Man in the Woods Choice


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I’d pick the man but only because I’m a grandmom. 30 years ago I would have picked the bear.


Well-Known Member
Unless a polar bear, I would go with the man. The polar bear would stalk you and eat you no question. I love polar bears, don't get me wrong, but I respect their power and animal hunting abilities. I would love seeing them protected at a distance.

A grizzly might not be great either especially if it is hungry.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
The bear. The bear lives there, it has not followed me. If the bear attacks, no-one will ask what I was wearing, or what I did to encourage it, or tell me that I must be lying because he's a really nice bear and I should just give it a chance.

The police will believe me, if I say I was attacked by a bear.

And to be attacked by a bear would mean death was quick and clean. But a man can and will do things that are worse than death.

The bear may not attack, but if it does, it is instinct, not a desire for fear or power.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I could not access the article, so I may have missed something. Based on just the basic information-

My choice is Man.

Against a bear I may not have much choice. He/she will go with the natural instinct. With a man I can talk. Plus the difference in physical strength (if it comes to that) is far less compared to the bear. I will have a better chance of survival.


I could not access the article, so I may have missed something. Based on just the basic information-

My choice is Man.

Against a bear I may not have much choice. He/she will go with the natural instinct. With a man I can talk. Plus the difference in physical strength (if it comes to that) is far less compared to the bear. I will have a better chance of survival.
You aren't fighting the bear. You're simply existing in the same space.


Sugar Slut
Staff member
I took it as which scenario do you feel safest in? A scenario with a bear, or a random man? If you assume there's an attack, why?
If there is no threat of attack, why would you have reason to feel at all unsafe?


Sugar Slut
Staff member
You don't with the bear, which is why women are choosing the bear.
Why would anyone think that a bear would not attack? That is foolish. And since most discussions I've seen focus on the relative likelihood of attack, I don't think that's the way women are looking at it. If it is, then I have to wonder what women think bears actually do.


Why would anyone think that a bear would not attack? That is foolish. And since most discussions I've seen focus on the relative likelihood of attack, I don't think that's the way women are looking at it. If it is, then I have to wonder what women think bears actually do.
I have been around many bears. They've never wanted to attack. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They leave me alone, I leave them alone.


Sugar Slut
Staff member
The point is why women would chose the bear...attack or not
Okay; why would the women choose the bear over the man?

From the OP link:

For the women of the world, I—and many people on TikTok—have a question: Would you rather be left in the woods with a man you don’t know, or a bear?

It’s an absurd question on the surface. Of course you’d rather be in the woods with a human being rather than a large beastly animal with terrifying teeth and claws that could maul and maim you. At best it could kill you instantly. At worst, it would be a prolonged death à la Grizzly Man, slowly being eaten alive.

Bears don’t always stop to kill their prey before they start consuming them, either. Absolutely, no thank you.

Now I read this as the women are supposed to assume that there is possibility that the bear would attack.

Many of the comments in the video are women leaving hilarious but depressing retorts like, “at least people would believe me if I was attacked by a bear.” Or “no one would ask what I was wearing if it was a bear.”

And I read this as indications that the women are weighing the risk of being attacked by a bear versus being attacked by a strange man--who could also just exist in your space without attacking.

Comments in this thread are similar.

What am I not comprehending about what I am reading here?


Well-Known Member
Reasons I've seen for picking the bear
1. Only 3 women are killed by a bear each year
2. If attacked by a bear, no one would ask what you were wearing, did you have too much to drink, etc?
3. A bear would see you as a human being and are more predictable
4. A bear wouldn't attack you for some sick fantasy

It's an exercise in understanding misogyny and the fear women feel all the time

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