The Pennsylvania Catholic Scandal


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Why is anyone stunned? After the evidence of the Catholic Church's evil being so rampant in Ireland and Australia, what made America think they had escaped this evil organisation?


Staff member
Why is anyone stunned? After the evidence of the Catholic Church's evil being so rampant in Ireland and Australia, what made America think they had escaped this evil organisation?

America thinks it escaped? :confused:

This isn't the first time US priests have been accused of molesting children and the Church has been accused of covering it up. There are cases going back to the mid-80s.

Maybe you aren't aware of all that, but I think at least some of America is.
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Well-Known Member
Why is anyone stunned?
Although I cannot say that the fact or extent of the abuse and the coverups is particularly stunning, given what has previously been revealed, I also cannot say that I have heard or read anything like this before:

Lies and cover-ups: Catholic church in Pennsylvania had 'playbook' to keep priest abuse secret, FBI said
The grand jury heard testimony from special agents who identified a series of practices that regularly appeared in the files they analyzed.

"It's like a playbook for concealing the truth," they wrote. "The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid 'scandal.'

"That is not our word, but theirs, it appears over and over again in the documents we recovered."
It makes me wonder whether there are actual "playbooks" out there and, if not, how the Church handed down its "teachings." :shuffle:


scratching at the light
The Catholic Church has been corrupt for centuries - preying on the vulnerable is their specialty. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, were protesting against the church 500 years ago.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Catholic Church Sex Abuse cases by country.
check out some of the "penalties" the abusers received....... :rolleyes:

The Catholic Church has been corrupt for centuries - preying on the vulnerable is their specialty. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, were protesting against the church 500 years ago.
Not so fast......


Well-Known Member
America thinks it escaped? :confused:

This isn't the first time US priests have been accused of molesting children and the the Church has been accused of covering it up. There are cases going back to the mid-80s.

Maybe you aren't aware of all that, but I think at least some of America is.

I suspect most of America is aware, as well as much of the world.

Being a native of Massachusetts, I am well aware of this:

But really, that was a national and even international story. They even made an award winning film about the Boston Globe investigation (for which the Globe received a Pulitzer):

The idea that Americans thought they'd escaped is :rolleyes: .


Well-Known Member
The idea that Americans thought they'd escaped it is the sort of thing one might believe if one had never spent any time in the United States and no interest in American news outlets. :shuffle:


scratching at the light
Yes, abuse and corruption also happens in other denominations - I am more than well aware of it, and never said that wasn’t happening - we are discussing the CC.
I was the ripe old age of 9 when I came to the realization that patriarchal religions were horrible and I got the hell out the one I was born into as soon I was a legal adult and could revoke my membership.
I’m just saying, the CC has been corrupt for centuries, and has been protested for centuries, and yet, here we are in 2018 and the corruption, abuse, hypocrisy, misogyny, and guilt, shame, and assorted other bullshit is still happening.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Yes, abuse and corruption also happens in other denominations - I am more than well aware of it, and never said that wasn’t happening - we are discussing the CC.
I was the ripe old age of 9 when I came to the realization that patriarchal religions were horrible and I got the hell out the one I was born into as soon I was a legal adult and could revoke my membership.
I’m just saying, the CC has been corrupt for centuries, and has been protested for centuries, and yet, here we are in 2018 and the corruption, abuse, hypocrisy, misogyny, and guilt, shame, and assorted other bullshit is still happening.

Patriarchal religions that repress sexuality all have their own variants. There a lot of covered-up abuse in the ultra-Orthodox community, too. Australia has been trying to extradite one perpetrator - a woman - from Israel for years. And I have personally known four different rabbis, only one Orthodox, who were abusing, seducing or otherwise harassing their congregants.

If I wasn’t already disgusted by organized religion, these cases would have done it. But the Catholic Church is the most centralized hierarchy of all, no wonder they had a system for getting away with it.

pat c

Well-Known Member
YI’m just saying, the CC has been corrupt for centuries, and has been protested for centuries, and yet, here we are in 2018 and the corruption, abuse, hypocrisy, misogyny, and guilt, shame, and assorted other bullshit is still happening.

And yet the diehards stick their head in the sand. It is unbelievable.

If I wasn’t already disgusted by organized religion, these cases would have done it. But the Catholic Church is the most centralized hierarchy of all, no wonder they had a system for getting away with it.

I have no use for organized religion in any shape or form (jesus, no jesus, a form of jesus). I was raised a catholic and have hated it for many years. Why it continues to get away with the crap it has done through the's mind boggling.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I have no use for organized religion in any shape or form (jesus, no jesus, a form of jesus).
The only "organized religion" the whole world needs is a strict following and enforcement of 5th to 10th commandments.


Well-Known Member
Just shows how idiotic the NAMBLA men are. They should have simply trained to be a Catholic priest.


Well-Known Member
The only "organized religion" the whole world needs is a strict following and enforcement of 5th to 10th commandments.
Different religious traditions divide the seventeen verses of Exodus 20:1–17 and their parallels at Deuteronomy 5:4–21 into ten "commandments" or "sayings" in different ways, shown in the table below. Some suggest that the number ten is a choice to aid memorization rather than a matter of theology

Which leaves the one about honoring one's mother and father open to :argue:

But I really want to know what "strict enforcement" of "Thou shalt not commit adultery" and the one(s) about coveting would entail. :unsure:

ETA: The Wikipedia table reminds me of an old Wedgie Data Results page.:giggle:

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
But I really want to know what "strict enforcement" of "Thou shalt not commit adultery" and the one(s) about coveting would entail. :unsure:
Well, you know me..... naturally i want the adulterers stoned to death... :kickass:

The one i'm most concerned with is: "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's property" and "or make him pay higher taxes if thou screw up your life".....;)


Well-Known Member
In Today's Boston Herald Atty. Mitchell Garabedian who has prosecuted many sex abuse cases calls Cardinal O'Malley's statement on the Grand Jury's findings hollow and too little too late I agree
and am disgusted.


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