This or That - Round 42


Away (Workload)
The Waltons

Of the last 10 winners of the best picture Oscar, which with the benefit of hindsight least deserved to win?

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
12 Years a Slave
The Artist
The King's Speech
The Hurt Locker
Slumdog Millionaire
No Country for Old Men
The Departed


Banned Member
^^ Great minds think alike! Wow, I was just thinking of 12 Years a Slave, and how it did NOT deserve the best picture Oscar. I definitely have to say 12 Years a Slave for reasons mentioned below!!! I also think that The Hurt Locker was a bit overrated although the acting and directing were top-notch. Unfortunately, director Kathryn Bigelow should have been recognized for the earlier, ahead of its time film, Strange Days. But Strange Days came out during the year of the OJ tragic drama, and so the film which featured a minor subplot romance between Ralph Fiennes' character and Angela Bassett's character, went nowhere quickly. In years to come, for film aficionados, Strange Days will probably be more appreciated than The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty. I also think that Michael Keaton should have won Best Actor for Birdman over Eddie Redmayne in The Theory of Everything, instead of Birdman winning best picture! :duh: In addition, while The Departed is an okay film, it is far from Martin Scorsese's best film! Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Cape Fear, (even Raging Bull, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, New York New York, and The Color of Money would have to be considered better than The Departed and Wolf of Wall Street).

The Waltons
-- the show is so timeless and endlessly watchable on The Hallmark Channel :D

My response re watching the Oscars, is 'Yes,' although I wasn't able to see all of the nominated films beforehand. So, as usual, I'll have to catch up with them later and see the awards show first. :duh:

I'd go with Michael Landon on Little House, because I haven't seen Highway to Heaven. :)

Django Unchained


12 Years a Slave

(I think Tarantino's Django Unchained helped make it possible for Steve McQueen's film to be made, although Tarantino's film is way better and should have won an Oscar for best film before the latter. As should Selma have won best picture Oscar and at least a best actor Oscar nomination before the in many respects misinterpreted movie, 12 Years a Slave based on the true story from the book of the same name. McQueen is a fine artist who turned to directing, so his movie is beautifully filmed, but he deserved to win Oscars for his films Shame, and Hunger over 12 Years a Slave. Many of you will probably choose 12 Years a Slave, without realizing the problems with that film's mis-casting and plot & character misinterpretations.)
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Banned Member
^^ Hard to say. My immediate feeling is that they look like fools sticking their foot in their mouths and flubbing an exciting moment. They most likely would have received more significant and positive publicity for Moonlight winning over LLL than for mis-announcing the winner. Now the envelope mistake will overshadow the surprise win for Moonlight. Plus they've handed the Trumpster ammo for turning the tables and making fun of the broadcast. :p

12 Years A Slave

Now, were you answering @Maofan7's question or mine? If Maofan7, then 12 Years a Slave is correct. If you were answering my #34 post, then Django Unchained is the correct response. :lol:

What do you think was the best joke by Kimmel on Oscar night (not including the ending flub, which was perhaps the accounting firm's mistake)?


Away (Workload)
What do you think was the best joke by Kimmel on Oscar night (not including the ending flub, which was perhaps the accounting firm's mistake)?

This is a game of This or That. Your suppose to list a number of potential options for people to choose from. We don't do open ended questions! :lol: :rofl:

Drowning out Matt Damon during Matt's awards presentation

Who won: Matt Damon or Jimmy Kimmel?


Banned Member
Your suppose to list a number of potential options for people to choose from. We don't do open ended questions! :lol: :rofl:

Eh, I was too sleepy to remember and too lazy to check for the specific best Kimmel Oscar night jokes for you guys to choose between. :p

The Golden Globes

Hypothetically, which overlooked actress should win Best Actress Oscar next year!!!?

Amy Adams

Jessica Chastain

Saiorse Ronan
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Socialist Canada
1) Europe
2) I'll tell Abigail you think she's a beauty queen! :cat:
3) USA :shuffle:

Before I Fall
The Shack
The Zookeeper's Wife
Beauty And The Beast
The Sense of An Ending

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