Unpopular Opinions


Well-Known Member
They need to at least bring steps into solo jump back for the SP... I really don't need yet another awful "4Lz" in men's skating, when neither is it done with a proper take-off and great amplitude, nor does it contain any other redeeming factor like transitions into or out of it.
If not steps into the solo jump (which I miss as well), I also think it'd be interesting if they had a set jump. Like everyone has to do a triple flip for the solo jump this year, a loop next year, etc. (whether it's their best jump or not) And it wouldn't be allowed for it to be a quad. Like back in the day when we'd see skaters doing big combinations and triple axels, but a double for the solo jump.


Well-Known Member
If not steps into the solo jump (which I miss as well), I also think it'd be interesting if they had a set jump. Like everyone has to do a triple flip for the solo jump this year, a loop next year, etc. (whether it's their best jump or not) And it wouldn't be allowed for it to be a quad. Like back in the day when we'd see skaters doing big combinations and triple axels, but a double for the solo jump.
I thought about that as well but I don't know how fair it would be (for example for Loena or Yuna - back in the days) to mandate a 3loop in the short program in an Olympic year. And can you imagine the political arguments behind the curtain to lobby which jump to be mandated in the Olympic year by big Federations when it affects certain medal hopefuls more than others?!

Rather, I prefer my original suggestion which was to reward diversity (i.e. getting a bonus when one exhibits all 6 types of takeoffs in a free skate of 2 revs plus; a bigger bonus for 3 revs plus, etc). That way Loena and Yuna would still be disadvantaged, but at least they wouldn't be forced to do a jump that they couldn't consistently do.


Well-Known Member
Slutskaya messed up both her combo jump and combo spin in the short (supposedly the two most valuable elements). Besides a 3rd 3loop that didn't count, Slutskaya absolutely laboured through the last minute and a half of her free program and yet the scores of those last few elements and the PCS were not affected. I don't see how she was so much (or at all) ahead of Cohen, or even Kwan and Kostner with errors whom I think still kept themselves together better than Slutskaya did.

It's one of those comps that I felt no one won, but Slutskaya was just the least loser with the right passport.
Not to mention telegraphed jumps, empty choreo.
The LP was an enjoyable performance with quality on technical elements, but the program is far from being a whole package !


Well-Known Member
I actually thought the program was better at 2004 Worlds where Irina wasn’t near the top of her physical form.


Well-Known Member
I thought about that as well but I don't know how fair it would be (for example for Loena or Yuna - back in the days) to mandate a 3loop in the short program in an Olympic year.
It worked out for Anett Pötzsch well enough :p

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Don't even know where to put this. I just dislike this jagged, triangular pattern that +2A+2A sequences are creating on the ice. Need them to be outlawed.

ETA: Oh also, the Korean juniors are generally skating with more artistic maturity than the Japanese ones this season. Don't know if it'll hold up when they enter seniors, of course, but I'm going to go right ahead and guess the Japanese skaters will be winning PCS based purely on skating skills with generic ass programs and meh performances.


Well-Known Member
A Flip jump with a whole blade pick, that is a so-called "Floop", is actually a Loop jump from a crossover entrance.

A Lutz jump with a whole blade pick is actually a Loop jump from a cross roll or circle eight entrance.

There. I said it. :p

I don't see it that way at all. With a loop jump, the skater has to glide on the back outside edge for at least a few seconds before launching into the air from that same gliding edge. There's no gliding on an edge when the skater picks down on the flip or lutz even if most of the blade makes contact with the ice at the end of the picking before the skater launches into the air.

The one thing I don't like about the whole blade pick technique is that it allows excessive pre-rotation on the jump. The skater is already facing forward before leaving the ice.
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Well-Known Member
With a loop jump, the skater has to glide on the back outside edge for at least a few seconds before launching into the air from that same gliding edge.
There is no glide requirement. You can get on the jump defining edge for any jump from a step and, by extension, also the landing of a jump.
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On My Own

Well-Known Member
OK. Here's one for this thread - I didn't care much for Satoko Miyahara. You could barely shove a sheet of paper under those jumps.
For me it was more like her performance came across as a bit too studious and practised? And most of her choreography was eh to me. I can't deny the quality of movement though.

About her jumps, it kind of seemed unfair to the competition. They're inherently going to take much less effort, and then there was the pre-rotation. But she tried to improve here, too, so there's that.


Well-Known Member
I actually like the 2A end of a combo or sequence. It's better than some of the awful looking eulers in those 3/e/3 jumps and don't get me started on the 3 jump combos with a triple/2toe/2loop which go no where across the ice and are so slow by the time they get to the the 2 loop they land in the same spot as the takeoff!

However, what I don't like is the 3/2A/2toe or 2A to replace someone doing a 3/3 combo.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
None of the 'top men' this season have deserved their scores - and it looks more and more like Eteri scoring, where we need to pretend something amazing's happening in front of us, when it's mostly just bad. Deflate their scores by around 25 points and they'd be where they belong.

Need step sequence requirements to be reduced so we don't get these cumbersome 40 second+ long sequences which are mostly just shows of basic skating but little to no performance aspect or musicality - especially when most of them aren't even doing anything choreographed anywhere else in the program because they know this is the place to show it all off.


Well-Known Member
Running up on the judges`panel - pairs and singles. It`s socially inappropriate which is why it`s so creepy. Who would to such a thing to a stranger? Not intimitating to the judges - if I were one I`d just machete off a point or two. (Oh, don`t give the rule book. Judges do it all the time)


Well-Known Member
3 jump combos, axel sequences and euler combos all have their problems.

3 jump combos become so small and slow towards the end, axel sequences can be wild, and most euler combos are so ugly.

Here's my suggestion:

  • the GOE of the entire 3 jump combo should be more heavily weighted towards the quality of the last jump.
  • the GOE of axel sequences should be more heavily weighted towards amplitude and ice coverage of the entire pass.
  • the GOE of euler combos should be more heavily weighted towards the rythym within the entire pass. The way Kao Miura does his should be rewarded more and way Isabeau Levito does her should be discouraged.

While we are at it, just for overall balance, I propose to mandate at least 1 combo / sequence pass in the first half of a free skate.


Well-Known Member
I am actually fine with backflips being considered an air position variation so long as it has an axel, lutz, flip, loop, salchow, or toeloop entrance and is only considered correct if landed on one foot.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I am actually fine with backflips being considered an air position variation so long as it has an axel, lutz, flip, loop, salchow, or toeloop entrance and is only considered correct if landed on one foot.
Do you have an example of axel type take off for a backflip? :eek:


Well-Known Member
I am actually fine with backflips being considered an air position variation so long as it has an axel, lutz, flip, loop, salchow, or toeloop entrance and is only considered correct if landed on one foot.
I’m kind of with you there. I’m really bored with figure skating and adding another rotation to an existing jump isn’t really doing much for me these days even though doing so incredible feats for sure.

I think the whole sport is just like variations of one specific cookie recipe, not even different kinds of cookie flavors or types of cookies.


Reformed Manspreader
I’m kind of with you there. I’m really bored with figure skating and adding another rotation to an existing jump isn’t really doing much for me these days even though doing so incredible feats for sure.

I think the whole sport is just like variations of one specific cookie recipe, not even different kinds of cookie flavors or types of cookies.
I feel this so hard. I can't completely walk away from figure skating, but I am just not anywhere near as engaged as I was 20-10- heck even 5 years ago.

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