Unpopular Opinions


Well-Known Member
I feel this so hard. I can't completely walk away from figure skating, but I am just not anywhere near as engaged as I was 20-10- heck even 5 years ago.

It makes sense that Russia's being banned from international competition, but "Figure Skating" just isn't the same w/o them! My favorites seem to be from that foreboding land; Alexei Urmanov, Evgeny Plushenko, Irina Slutzskaya, etc.! Showing my age here! :cool: 🥳:rolleyes::eek::40beers:
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Well-Known Member
The absence of skaters from Russia has been one of the things keep skating tolerable for me over the past two years. :)

I guess I understand! IMO, it's almost akin to child abuse w/ skaters, esp. little girls performing mature performances swaying the attention of judges! They're burned out within a couple years never to be heard from again after they've broken down! :wall: :rolleyes::scream::eek:

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I don't think Russian pairs are that good anymore.
This just plain shouldn't be unpopular. Mishina/Galliamov, Tarasova/Morozov, and Boikova/Kozlovskii were all awful. I never got what I was supposed to be appreciating about them, and my head was constantly on the verge of exploding watching them getting comparable PCS to Sui/Han or even Peng/Jin - Tarasova/Morozov even ended up getting the highest PCS at Beijing?!
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Well-Known Member
Part of the reason skating looks like just a variation on the same recipe is because it is. The current rules encourage skaters to just cram things in. Maybe try keeping the old rules for the short, but loosening up or tweaking them in the free to allow more…freedom. Except no touching the boards lol. How the tweaking could be done fairly I don’t know unfortunately…


Well-Known Member
How did so many choreographers/coaches of various disciplines decide that touching the board was THE thing to do this season? Were they each in their own environment thinking: this hasn't really been a thing in competition, my skater(s) will touch the boards this season to be different than the others?


New Member
Men's soccer should indeed take a leaf out of figure skating's book and impose deductions on this.
I love men football, and no thanks we dont need those kind of thing, is like when I ask why in american football and NBA need time out every x number of minutes or to cut the play or moment of the othe team. Is part of the game, in football you dont have time out so you gain time somehow. Im Argentinian sometimes can be at your advantage and sometimes you get F. But is the nature of the game.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I love men football, and no thanks we dont need those kind of thing, is like when I ask why in american football and NBA need time out every x number of minutes or to cut the play or moment of the othe team. Is part of the game, in football you dont have time out so you gain time somehow. Im Argentinian sometimes can be at your advantage and sometimes you get F. But is the nature of the game.
I would love for them to act like they got shot in the head next time, then, the autopsy would take quite a bit of time.


Well-Known Member
How did so many choreographers/coaches of various disciplines decide that touching the board was THE thing to do this season? Were they each in their own environment thinking: this hasn't really been a thing in competition, my skater(s) will touch the boards this season to be different than the others?
i think it was just implemented in the rules that touching the boards during the choreographic step sequence is now allowed... it was prohibited before, if i'm not mistaken.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
My "unpopular opinion" on board touching is that it really doesn't matter to me - because IDR who did it and when. I actually need to remember what happened in a program in order to complain about it.


Active Member
I am sad for their fans right now, but I feel like Hawayek/Baker got the marks they deserved. Perhaps even a little more than they would have if they did not skate for USA.


Well-Known Member
Not that I wish this on anyone, but should someone "splat" on a cartwheel attempt in the free skate, that's a 1.0 deduction for a fall + -5 GOEs on the choreographic sequence?


My "unpopular opinion" on board touching is that it really doesn't matter to me - because IDR who did it and when. I actually need to remember what happened in a program in order to complain about it.
Mrazek's FD to Swan Lake where they practically try to eat them - the boards. Or the judges.
FearGibson Rocky FD where they cheer the judges - or s'thing like that.


Well-Known Member
Just when she finally earns her European Gold Medal, Loena Hendrickx has become almost unwatchable for me.

I don't expect her to change coaches, but she could change her packaging and programs.
...imo her choreographer Adam Solya is... what he is doing is a crime! Loena never ever tried any other choreographer since, if i am not mistaken, 2018. She believes unconditionally what her team tells her to do :-( And there is no hope anything is going to change. But who knows... it is only my opinion nothing else.
I wish her to go for a choreographer; to the choreographer who opens doors to her potential and does not impose what is given to her as hers😭 She is too obedient,

P.S. I think Loena's love of skating can make even bad choreography watchable.
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Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Men's soccer should indeed take a leaf out of figure skating's book and impose deductions on this.
Allegedly it is allowable for a ref to yellow-card a player for "simulation". I'm yet to see a ref who actually has had the spine to do it to some big-name, so it will continue until that happens.
I love men football, and no thanks we dont need those kind of thing, is like when I ask why in american football and NBA need time out every x number of minutes or to cut the play or moment of the othe team. Is part of the game, in football you dont have time out so you gain time somehow. Im Argentinian sometimes can be at your advantage and sometimes you get F. But is the nature of the game.
No, soccer desperately needs to introduce severe penalties for diving. The women's game is far more bearable to watch because there is less of it (although in my admittedly small sample size, it does appear to be increasing). It's utterly pathetic that these men are getting paid millions and millions of dollars to fling themselves wailing to the ground.

If you get bumped, just get up and get on with it. Like figure skaters.
Not that I wish this on anyone, but should someone "splat" on a cartwheel attempt in the free skate, that's a 1.0 deduction for a fall + -5 GOEs on the choreographic sequence?
Yes, they would take the fall deduction and there would be a reduction in GOE for ChSq.


Well-Known Member
Not that I wish this on anyone, but should someone "splat" on a cartwheel attempt in the free skate, that's a 1.0 deduction for a fall + -5 GOEs on the choreographic sequence?

This wasn't a real splat, but it's the only one I remember which didn't work in competition:

Evgenia Medvedeva - Test Skates 2020 - FS​



Well-Known Member
Just a rant, not an unpopular opinion:

U.S. Figure Skating does its skaters a disservice with the way its technical and judging panels mark them at Nationals.
  • Absence of edge calls :blah:
  • Ignoring underrotations :blah:
  • Reputation bonuses :blah:
  • Favoring pairs that are eligible to represent the U.S. internationally :blah:

There you go. I feel much better now. :)


My pick for worst song for figure skating - "Je Suis Malade!" Just hearing Lara Fabian over emote to it makes me "malade." No disrespect meant to all of the skaters who skated to it successfully, though.
Je sis malade is second for me. My absolute worst ever is that awful dirge Malinin skated to last season Hey Lord you know I'm tired, I'm sure the world is done with me hey lord you know it's true. On and on. How he could skate to that every day is beyond me.

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