WEAVER AND POJE: The Future is Golden


Well-Known Member
I listened to the CBC broadcast with Kurt Browning and Carol Lane and they seemed to think the performance was wonderful and surprised at the marks. Now they are Canadian and paid to say nice things about their country's athletes, but I felt they sounded sincere and were genuinely taken aback by the results. I have been feeling that the French were a real threat to their gold medal but hoped they would win this year. I am not sure how many saw the fluff piece the CBC did on them but it sure showed their grit and determination through many discouragements. As Elena Ged. said in the kiss and cry - "It's sport". They did all they could - I hope they take heart in that.


Well-Known Member
I listened to the CBC broadcast with Kurt Browning and Carol Lane and they seemed to think the performance was wonderful and surprised at the marks. Now they are Canadian and paid to say nice things about their country's athletes, but I felt they sounded sincere and were genuinely taken aback by the results. I have been feeling that the French were a real threat to their gold medal but hoped they would win this year. I am not sure how many saw the fluff piece the CBC did on them but it sure showed their grit and determination through many discouragements. As Elena Ged. said in the kiss and cry - "It's sport". They did all they could - I hope they take heart in that.
I think it's a huge shock they did not win when you consider the results this season.
But W/P have to be really careful & considered for next season. They have things that could go against them.
They have slipped from Silver to Bronze at World level & seen two couples that they were ahead of over-take them.
Also, the big thing is that next years Worlds are in the USA & C/B will receive a huge push for that.
P/C will improve as they are young & have the extra shine of being World Champions.
I personally feel that W/P have no reason to blame themselves this season. They did everything right.
They skated clean & well in each event & had two very nice programs.
It's a Bronze medal with dignity.
C/B Silver has a huge question mark over it. Chock almost went over in the twizzles.
If I could say anything to W/P, I would say "Be proud of a Bronze that came from hard work & good quality skating & come back stronger next season".


Well-Known Member
I watched again this morning and I have to say I was too hard on them. Maybe I didn't enjoy it as much as the GP final but it was still lovely.


Well-Known Member
I could see them kicking themselves for keeping the free to be honest. It did not debut well though they revamped it. To me, it looked much easier the the French for certain. I am just flat out not in agreement with Chock and Bates being superior to Weaver and Poje. I would be in favor of Pasquale laying out next years free dance and having Shae Lynn embellish it. Shae to me had a tough year with her creative direction with both Ashley Wagners free as well as Weaver and Poje. The kinks were worked out but both instances had trouble with the judges as well as the fan's grasping the programs. The French just shocked the hell out of everyone with their material. No one saw that coming and to compare the two ( Canadian and French) both preference wise and skill wise, the French team just blew them away.

Weaver and Poke have gained ground. Their elements have gotten better but I do not rest easy when they perform them. Chock and Bates and the French had elements that were executed to perfection. The Canadians left the door open here. Next season, I hope that they work on the elements and go for the difficulty and precision. The judges will reward a quantum leap in proficiency i'm sure. I hate to say this but Andrew could use some work as the lines between He and Kaitlyn at times make him stand out. Otherwise, their speed and ease of watching make them champion material.

If you have ever seen them work, you would know that they waste zero time and their chemistry and attitude is the best there is. I truly hope they continue to ascend. They are really marvelous people.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I had trouble seeing how they got the silver as well. If they'd been receiving higher marks all season or skated it amazingly well, I'd understand it, but not with a twizzle mistake and no mistakes from W/P (other than a long lift)...

And well, I am very tired of An American in Paris. It belongs up there with Carmen and Phantom as music that should be banned or skated to when skaters are young so we don't have to watch it when they're world class....
I agree. I had trouble seeing how they got the silver as well. If they'd been receiving higher marks all season or skated it amazingly well, I'd understand it, but not with a twizzle mistake and no mistakes from W/P (other than a long lift)...

And well, I am very tired of An American in Paris. It belongs up there with Carmen and Phantom as music that should be banned or skated to when skaters are young so we don't have to watch it when they're world class....
I would like to add Swan Lake to that list lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand so many people having problems with C/B twizzles mistake but not with P/C similar mistake, and even they got gold, not only silver.
However I think W/P deserved the first place, they did more than enough and the other teams were not perfect.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand so many people having problems with C/B twizzles mistake but not with P/C similar mistake, and even they got gold, not only silver.

P/C were out of sync and that was it, Chock was off balance, that's not a similar mistake, that's a different and more severe mistake.
As I said in another thread, I think that twizzles at least, need GoEs until 5. There are many different mistakes, some are only flaws, others are technical, and I think it would help judge those mistakes according to their severity a lot better.


Well-Known Member
P/C were out of sync and that was it, Chock was off balance, that's not a similar mistake, that's a different and more severe mistake.
As I said in another thread, I think that twizzles at least, need GoEs until 5. There are many different mistakes, some are only flaws, others are technical, and I think it would help judge those mistakes according to their severity a lot better.

It was a very visible error of P/C and they even got one +3 :huh: and 1.11 total GOE, I imagine they would get +3 from all judges if they would be in sync.
5 judges think P/C deserve +2 while 6 judges think Shibs deserve +2 :shuffle:. So same number of judges and one more extra for P/C if we count the crazy judge that give +3 in P/C case think Shibs and P/C deserve +2, more than 50% of the judges think both teams had equal quality.
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Well-Known Member
Moreover, isn't the first lift of Chock/Bates' FD illegal? One of his hands is way above his shoulder, in supporting Madison's leg (one of his hands is under her foot and the other one is on her shin IIRC)


Well-Known Member
Weaver and Poke have gained ground. Their elements have gotten better but I do not rest easy when they perform them. Chock and Bates and the French had elements that were executed to perfection. The Canadians left the door open here. Next season, I hope that they work on the elements and go for the difficulty and precision. The judges will reward a quantum leap in proficiency i'm sure. I hate to say this but Andrew could use some work as the lines between He and Kaitlyn at times make him stand out. Otherwise, their speed and ease of watching make them champion material.

If you have ever seen them work, you would know that they waste zero time and their chemistry and attitude is the best there is. I truly hope they continue to ascend. They are really marvelous people.

Interesting how different people see different things. Because if anything I think it's Kaitlyn who needs to work on her lines/toe point. There are times when she loses it a bit in the programs. I also think she needs to really make sure she's hitting clear edges during the footwork sequences.

Next year I'd like to see W/P do a FD that really shows off their chemistry more, plus Andrew's hotness. This year's FD while beautiful didn't really show off huge chemistry.


Well-Known Member
Interesting how different people see different things. Because if anything I think it's Kaitlyn who needs to work on her lines/toe point. There are times when she loses it a bit in the programs. I also think she needs to really make sure she's hitting clear edges during the footwork sequences.

Next year I'd like to see W/P do a FD that really shows off their chemistry more, plus Andrew's hotness. This year's FD while beautiful didn't really show off huge chemistry.

Being a man, I think i watch the man. I definitely agree about Kaitlyn. I'm surprised that Krylova is not all over that. I get that they are not balletic in their style but when it comes to the things you mentioned, there is room to grow. Clear pictures in the lifts etc. that is where I see Chock and Bates crushing skulls in that Igor makes sure that the edges are exaggerated at times.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I had trouble seeing how they got the silver as well. If they'd been receiving higher marks all season or skated it amazingly well, I'd understand it, but not with a twizzle mistake and no mistakes from W/P (other than a long lift)...

And well, I am very tired of An American in Paris. It belongs up there with Carmen and Phantom as music that should be banned or skated to when skaters are young so we don't have to watch it when they're world class....

I am scratching the hell out of my head about C/B's success this season. To me, they just dont quite belong at the top. That had to be a hard pill for the Canadian's to swallow.. Getting beaten by the French is understandable. By madison and Evan... yeah...no...


Well-Known Member
I am scratching the hell out of my head about C/B's success this season. To me, they just dont quite belong at the top. That had to be a hard pill for the Canadian's to swallow.. Getting beaten by the French is understandable. By madison and Evan... yeah...no...

Me too scratching my head a bout C/B. Although I love the French's program, I believe W/P should have won. How, when they won everything during the season and skated well at Worlds, did they get bronze? Not in any other discipline except dance! The dance judging IMO, is becoming more bizarre every year - reverting back to a version of 6.0 but with judge anonymity.


Stayin inside
Thanks for bumping up the thread, Sylvia. I hope there will be lots of golden posts this season.

I really hope to see them in Barcelona but won't tempt fate by stating where I want them to place on the podium


Stayin inside
Wow! I did like some of the Elvis SD but didn't like his costume

Looking forward to seeing the new SD in Lethbridge.
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Well-Known Member
"Weaver and Poje have completely [changed] their SD from Elvis Presley to Strauss after Finlandia." https://twitter.com/BevSmithWrites/status/656992498146017280
:( - I am not happy at all. Even though their Elvis SD was far from perfect at Finlandia, it was one of my favorite SDs of the season. But maybe this SD was too difficult, and Kaitlyn and Andrew/their coaches felt that they were not comfortable with it and couldn't skate it at the desired level? Still, they had so little time to change it. I fear they are going to lose to Bobrova/Soloviev at least in the SD at Skate Canada. That could have happened with the Elvis SD too, of course.


Well-Known Member
Wow both W/P and C/B are changing their SD before the GP starts. What the heck is going on? :eek:


Well-Known Member
I am thrilled W&P won the GPF; however as we discovered last year, the only competition than matters is WORLD'S, everything leading up to it, only provides momentum and some key jockeying for position and much whining by fans and Feds, during the upcoming home stretch. This season it seems W&P actually have a good dose of momentum! They are skating like Champs and so far, stronger, faster, and more beautiful each time out. However, Canada will not have a Dance judge in Boston, it will likely be much, much tougher for them to secure victory or even podium on American soil as I think the long knives are likely being sharpened as I type this.

Internationally, the Shib sibs, and Chock & Bates are essentially tied in terms of their FD's hovering tween 105 -106, but GPF had them separated by just 0.10, while the SD is bit stronger for C&B, but still the scores are very, very close with 69.11 VS 71.64. The judges are hedging their bets showing they are perhaps more open now to a changing of the guard, so who comes out on top at USA Nationals, will likely also determine which USA team will be in contention to podium in Boston. I tend to think that nationals result will also help determine who earns Marina's full support, ex., if the Shibs actually become USA#1, then it will be very interesting to see which 2, of her current top 3 teams Marina will be most furiously politicking for, to podium in Boston. It seems judges are determined to have a Euro team on the Dance podium in Boston if at all possible, but whether France's P&C will return in top form, or not, is still a big mystery! Thus far, from the way things have been shaping up with the mark's this season, I feel Italy has been acting as the main Euro place holder so far. Considering how many miscues the Italians had at GPF and they still wound up on the podium seems to support my theory. Russia has many good teams, but so far due to inconsistency, injury, partner swapping, or other issues, no one Russian team has really separated itself from the pack internationally, enough to be a top 3 world contender yet. But you know Russia will have a team on the Olympic podium if history is anything to swear by. I think the 2 Russian teams selected for Worlds will still be knocking at the door for a top 6 finish in Boston. That is, unless something miraculous happens to up the ante by time Euro's roll around. S&K, B&S and I&Z are essentially within a point or 2 of each other, with S&K so far in the lead by a hair. B&S did not help themselves very much at GPF. Will Russia's S&K be ready to step it up by Euro's? Or will it still be Italy's C&L on the podium should France's P&C, or Russia #1 still not be ready to contend? Will USA's Shibs be on the podium in Boston, or bridesmaids again?

My question is will Marina's Russian team enter the fray at Euro's, if they manage to beat B&S and I&Z at their National's to become #1 since that result will really throw the cat amongst the pigeons! Will Marina be playing the long haul game for Olympics, or going for the easy Podium medal at Worlds, so which of her teams will likely become cannon fodder by worlds? Whee, will W&P finally catch a break and dance their way to the top, or will Cdn hearts break yet again? Anyone remember the bad old days when dance was the most predictable Event?

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