Why are judges from different nations wildly over scoring Eteri’s skaters?


The judging panel represents nations that are not all connected to Russia. Most of these skaters have a representative competing in this competition. But across the board there is a distinct upgrade in GOEs and components scores.
Has anyone seen these competitors in person acknowledging the higher scores?


Well-Known Member
The individual who has consistently analyzed all aspects of figure skating scoring is @skatingscores on Twitter. Undoubtedly, he or she will provide an extensive graphic analysis of the Women's SP and all other disciplines during the Olympics. He/She often analyzes how judges from different countries evaluate different skaters and national bias. Here is the website:



Well-Known Member
What good are transitions if they aren't difficult? What good are transitions if they are ploys to cover defects? What good are transitions if they are visually jarring in a negative way? What good are transitions if they do not match the music?

I tell you what: if one is to be overly simplistic, it seems that this scoring system rewards the highest base values and people who rotate jumps. Obviously, falls do have a negative impact, but if your base value is far above that of your competitors and you manage to rotate all or most of your jumps, you are richly rewarded, and magically your PCS are elevated. I don't agree with much of that. I can go to a speech competition in a foreign country and tackle some extremely challenging text that native speakers won't attempt, but if their pronunciation, logic, etc. is clear and I am tripping over words or just throwing the kitchen sink into my speech just to make it jam-packed, should I score higher because it has a "higher base value"? Come on.

Mind you, Eteri's skaters often hit their jumps and they do have some good qualities. In addition, they are all different people, and I have enjoyed some of them and their performances, but in reference to what I have written above, I don't like seeing things like Valieva get such a high score for her triple axel when it was an adjective that rhymes with Smitty. If you don't execute, I don't care very much about "other bullet points." I find such a system shameful. Does a runway model get positive press and probable future gigs because she makes a grandiose entrance to the catwalk but then trips trying to do a fancy turn? I think not. Sheesh. Quality matters. And to echo what so many people post here: PCS are NOT TES.

To throw something "nice" in here for anyone who finds this post too negative or surly: I really, really enjoyed Alena Kostornaia when she had her stellar 2019-2020 season, and though I haven't seen all of her competitions in the seasons since, I have found her undervalued.


Well-Known Member
My question too. Esp. considering the ISU actually uses Trusova's transitions in their official instructional video as an example of something meriting 3-4 in PCS.

I know Russia is a powerful member of the ISU but I'm not sure how that influence actually translates into consistent and unanimous overscoring of Russian skaters who have poor technique and unsophisticated presentation. The judges are mostly supported throughout their career development by their home country federation right? And then ISU remunerates them in some capacity if they are selected to judge at ISU events? So where does the incentive for overscoring Russian skaters come from?
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Well-Known Member
My question too. Esp. considering the ISU actually uses Trusova's transitions in their official instructional video as an example of something meriting 3-4 in PCS.
Really? I'm pretty sure ISU instructional videos do not contain any active skaters in their videos in case it prejudices them.

Also if that was true the instructional video would be explaining something that wasn't borne out by the judging so what would it be saying "all of the judges at this competition got it wrong but we didn't do anything about it"?


Well-Known Member
Really? I'm pretty sure ISU instructional videos do not contain any active skaters in their videos in case it prejudices them.

Also if that was true the instructional video would be explaining something that wasn't borne out by the judging so what would it be saying "all of the judges at this competition got it wrong but we didn't do anything about it"?
There's a clip of that video circling around on Twitter. People are saying it's clearly recognizable that the footage used is of Trusova's skating feet. I haven't watched women's skating this cycle so I can't put in my two cents.


Well-Known Member
There's a clip of that video circling around on Twitter. People are saying it's clearly recognizable that the footage used is of Trusova's skating feet. I haven't watched women's skating this cycle so I can't put in my two cents.
If it's floating around on skating Twitter it's almost certainly not true :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I agree that they're being overscored.

As for why?

Maybe Eteri is threatening to call them brats or to badmouth them on instagram.


Well-Known Member
My question too. Esp. considering the ISU actually uses Trusova's transitions in their official instructional video as an example of something meriting 3-4 in PCS.
I didn't see those videos and I'm surprised too that they use not retired skaters.

Anyway, they used Usova&Zhulin in ice dancing although her choctaw has never been a choctaw... LOL

For sure, russian skaters have amazing qualities, but their skating skills should be so much lower (not better than 7). Their glide is non existant, their edges are very very shallow, their turns are jumped. Poor skating skills at that level.


Well-Known Member
This is because the ISU (International Skating Union) is an international organization and each federation ultimately does the bidding of those in control on the global level much like what happens in national governments under globalist control in the political world outside of skating.


Well-Known Member
Eteri skaters check the boxes under IJS and work the system, right down to swerving to avoid edge calls, so they give them the marks.

However, Eteri skaters, particularly Trusova, really are poster children for a movement to decouple PCS from TES.


Well-Known Member
Eteri skaters check the boxes under IJS and work the system, right down to swerving to avoid edge calls, so they give them the marks.

However, Eteri skaters, particularly Trusova, really are poster children for a movement to decouple PCS from TES.

PCS are married to TES to some extent. That is true not only of Eteri skaters but all skaters. Trusova's PCS vs her TES compared to others is as big a deviation as you ever see pretty much.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see those videos and I'm surprised too that they use not retired skaters.

Anyway, they used Usova&Zhulin in ice dancing although her choctaw has never been a choctaw... LOL

For sure, russian skaters have amazing qualities, but their skating skills should be so much lower (not better than 7). Their glide is non existant, their edges are very very shallow, their turns are jumped. Poor skating skills at that level.

Minus Trusova their skaters are strong in most other PC areas like transitions (expect Trusova they load their programs with these), performance, usually choreography although that is more subjective, and usually interpretation although again that is partly subjective. As ridiculous as this is I read an article 8 years ago judges were given slaps on the wrist if they scored any of the PC areas that different from the rest in ranking. So that explains why you would not see a significant drop in say skating skills vs other areas in ranking. Judges are literally instructed not to, which is baffling and makes no sense.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
If it's floating around on skating Twitter it's almost certainly not true :rofl:
It's Trusova.

You can compare it with her worlds 2021 LP.

However, do note that it cuts off at a certain point of the skate, and seems to evaluate ONLY up until that point of the skate. So, to me it seems inaccurate to say that "the ISU has used Trusova as an example of 3-4 in PCS for transitions". It's only up to that point in that performance (not for the 2021 LP as a whole), and specifically only for that performance.

Really? I'm pretty sure ISU instructional videos do not contain any active skaters in their videos in case it prejudices them.
This is also not true is it? I think Carolina Kostner was used in their instructional videos once, when she was competing.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
"Why are judges from different nations wildly over scoring Eteri’s skaters? "

Meh. Someone on this website claimed Kamila Valieva has "some +5 quality jumps" IIRC, so it's hardly a judges-only issue. Similar to how actually doing a salchow like a toe loop is perfectly acceptable because the TP says so and Kagiyama's 3Lz(!) is done with better technique than Ilia Malinin's Lutz and deserves +5. When you see such gems from the fans/"former skaters"/reporters/whatever else themselves, it explains loads about the judges.

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