Netflix “Bad Sport” documentary series (featuring SLC Pairs)


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
And my opinion is that liking anti-vax tweets is something only sucky people do. Judging people for their own behavior is not telling them they aren't allowed to have that behavior. If you do something in public, the public will judge.
But we aren't discussing that, it's what happened 20 years ago. Yes, I think Jamie isn't the nice girl next door, but what does her tweets today have to do with the judging scandal?


Needs a nap
But we aren't discussing that, it's what happened 20 years ago. Yes, I think Jamie isn't the nice girl next door, but what does her tweets today have to do with the judging scandal?

People are judging who she is as a person. Are you really confused by what her opinions have to do with who she is as a person?

No one was saying “the judging scandal didn’t happen because Jamie Sale likes anti vax tweets.” They we’re saying “I don’t like Jamie Sale because of her anti vax tweets.”

So maybe you need to work on not telling people what to think?


Well-Known Member
I think it is impossible to know a person through social media. Gasp! Meeting and knowing a person personally trumps social media.

I've only met one couple who is anti vaccine and I backed out of the conversation immediately (It was an accidental meeting I was talking to a friend and her neighbour popped out into the conversation). I have no idea what drives it and I'm not interested in finding out. All other people I personally know are vaccinated etc. I don't participate in social media a lot. Rarely Twitter, no Instagram and nope to tik tok etc. My opinion is that social media has done a lot of damage.


I'm kind of surprised to hear the info on Jamie's retweets, as it certainly would be at odds with the Simpson clan who are very well educated, worldly and small "L" liberal-minded. Altho Craig seems to be the most "provincial" of his family. (I loved that description of Jamie and it hit the nail on the head!😉)

But seriously I wonder if she's ok? Her Twitter and Instagram accounts have had total radio silence from back in April of this year, after never having had a significant lapse for years, and then all of a sudden, after one legit tweet she makes about the Netflix series dropping, she retweets a series of really uncomplimentary comments about herself? What's that about?

I know she has been honest about mental health issues and revealed how she recently found a "self help seminars" kind of direction as her new career (no comment). But that would have come to a dead stop with Covid. The pandemic has really ramped up people's anxiety issues. I can't believe what fear and paranoia residue I'm seeing in really smart, informed friends of mine. BTW, I watched the Netflix episode, found her annoying, David succinct and smart as usual. They would both have been filmed months ago.

Just saying...back in early 2009 there were a couple of her and David's NBC commenting gigs suddenly cancelled and then for the entire year and until well AFTER the 2010 Olympics, I felt something was really off. I am totally clued out, and had absolutely no inside gossip or information like lots of you FSU regulars had, and was totally surprised by the 2010 separation announcement. But there was an elephant in the room for more than a year before that. I'm feeling that now, and have been for well before this documentary.

And then there's David who is witty, articulate, and happily remarried to the female half of the best pairs team of all time.....


Banned Member
No more of a hard leap or offensive than her insinuating that Berezhnaya/Sikharulidze were possibly involved in fixing the judging in Salt Lake City.
What about the insinuation that Anton purposely ran into her during warmup?!?!?! I couldn't believe she went there. Huh? Look at the film, he and Elena were skating together and SHE ran into him. I put Jamie Sale in the same category as Lloyd Eisler. (It's not a good one, btw)


Well-Known Member


Banned Member
And has cheated on multiple spouses. The guy's not exactly a saint. And the quality of a person is not in correlation with the quality of their skating.
Well, I'm sorry but I don't think much of someone who begins an affair knowing the man is married and chooses to split up the marriage. She and others like her are also awful people too.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Regardless of which country you’re from or which pair you preferred, to watch said video and come up with the conclusion that B/S planned to collide with Sale is beyond moronic.

Sale was going straight in her pattern for a 3T, and B/S were coming around the corner to prepare for a throw. Sikharulidze isn’t going to glide into another skater intentionally when he doesn’t even know she’s there 🙄


Doing all the things
Well, I'm sorry but I don't think much of someone who begins an affair knowing the man is married and chooses to split up the marriage. She and others like her are also awful people too.
The man is the one who chooses to cheat (the woman isn't cheating as she isn't breaking any promises in this situation) and chose to split up the marriage rather than end the affair.


The man is the one who chooses to cheat (the woman isn't cheating as she isn't breaking any promises in this situation) and chose to split up the marriage rather than end the affair.
From my understanding the marriage was over before Jamie hooked up with Craig. Jamie and David were separated for a couple years before they went public and David was the one who wanted out. I know nothing about Craig’s marriage before Jamie or the timeline. Obviously if she pursued the relationship while he was still married that is wrong. I definitely heard rumors that David is a womanizer and Katia is the reason I fell in love with pairs. He better not screw it up, lol


plotting, planning and travelling
I remember we were in Florida during the pairs event and although I had preferred the Russians prior, I totally got swept away in the love story free program by the Canadians. Also the commentators prior to the program gave the edge to the Russians but they also got swept up in the Olympic moment. The French judge didn't help herself and if there was no issue why did she even say anything?
I was still involved in the skating world then and everyone suggested the fix was in. i also recall there was an analysis of the program using the “new” judging and the Canadians were slightly ahead. The Washington post article added a whole other layer to it


Mean Spirited
What about the insinuation that Anton purposely ran into her during warmup?!?!?! I couldn't believe she went there. Huh? Look at the film, he and Elena were skating together and SHE ran into him. I put Jamie Sale in the same category as Lloyd Eisler. (It's not a good one, btw)
The collision was 100% Sale’s fault. She was skating round on her own and absolutely should have been aware of her surroundings and that the other pairs were still practicing elements.
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Well-Known Member
The man is the one who chooses to cheat (the woman isn't cheating as she isn't breaking any promises in this situation) and chose to split up the marriage rather than end the affair.

I think they're both wrong: the person who is in a relationship and seeing someone else in secret as well as the person who is single, but doesn't care about sleeping with someone who is already in a serious relationship. Where is the respect for each other if people think cheating is okay?

There are exceptions of course, like someone being in an abusive relationship and having difficulties getting away, I'd understand that person cheating. Or if the serious relationship is already over.


Doing all the things
There are exceptions of course, like someone being in an abusive relationship and having difficulties getting away, I'd understand that person cheating. Or if the serious relationship is already over.
There are a ton of exceptions and gray areas. Relationships are complicated.

What about the married person who doesn't reveal they are married until the other person is fully in (or sometimes never admits it)? What about if one of the partners is alive but not a functioning adult (say they are dying of something very debilitating or have dementia)? And that's just two scenarios I can think of off the top of my head.

In the end, the one who made the vows is responsible for keeping them, not some 3rd party.

I don't know what the situation is with Sale and Pelletier and their former/current partners so this isn't a judgment on them, btw.


Well-Known Member
Marriage break ups are complex and happen for a variety of reasons. people don't get married with the intention of divorcing. There can be all different types of stress on a marriage. Usually there are some red flags and ultimately it is just not able to be worked out no matter how hard you work at it. It can be emotionally devastating even if you both want it. One important thing though is it is not anybody's business. If someone is cheating that is between them. Nobody else except who the couple wants to confide in.


The collision was 100% Sale’s fault. She was skating round on her own and absolutely should have been aware of her surroundings and that the other pairs were still practicing elements.
She was warming up her triple toe. She was skating backwards down the ice, and turned into the set up right as Elena & Anton turned & crossed the ice. They were also skating backwards setting up an element in their warmup. It was no one's fault.


Well-Known Member
There are a ton of exceptions and gray areas. Relationships are complicated.

What about the married person who doesn't reveal they are married until the other person is fully in (or sometimes never admits it)? What about if one of the partners is alive but not a functioning adult (say they are dying of something very debilitating or have dementia)? And that's just two scenarios I can think of off the top of my head.

In the end, the one who made the vows is responsible for keeping them, not some 3rd party.

I don't know what the situation is with Sale and Pelletier and their former/current partners so this isn't a judgment on them, btw.
Logically, only the person who hides that he or she is already in a serious relationship, is to blame and not the person who had no idea. There are more exceptions than what you and I mention.

The 3rd party is definitely responsible too when the 3rd party is knowingly (is that even a word?) and willingly in a relationship with someone who already has a partner and perhaps even children. Imo that 3rd party shares some of the responsibility then. Yes, the cheater is still the worst, but the person he or she is cheating with, is responsible too. Knowing that someone already has a partner, is not separated, is not discussing breaking up or divorcing their parther with their partner, is not in danger by that relationship or forced in that relationship and can leave instead of cheating on their partner, makes the 3rd party a participant in doing something very nasty and hurting people.

There can be exceptions, of course, but when these exceptions don't apply, why would someone want to be part of cheating? And how is a cheater appealing? The cheater who is willing to hurt their partner when that cheater can end the relationship instead of cheating, is doing something very nasty, why would anyone want to participate in something like that?


Well-Known Member
People who have relationships with people who are partnered often do so intentionally because they don't want to make a commitment themselves. Not always, but it sure does happen.


Mean Spirited
She was warming up her triple toe. She was skating backwards down the ice, and turned into the set up right as Elena & Anton turned & crossed the ice. They were also skating backwards setting up an element in their warmup. It was no one's fault.
It was absolutely her fault and I’m convinced of it more now that she has insinuated Berezhnaya/Sikharulidze crashed into her on purpose.


Well-Known Member
1. I went to Jamie Sale's IG and twitter and can't find any anti-vax tweets.
2. If she is ... I learned a long time ago that figure skaters generally are raised very conservatively and therefore have political viewpoints very different from mine. I still want to enjoy Todd Eldredge or Paul Wylie's skating ...


Bunny mama
1. I went to Jamie Sale's IG and twitter and can't find any anti-vax tweets.
2. If she is ... I learned a long time ago that figure skaters generally are raised very conservatively and therefore have political viewpoints very different from mine. I still want to enjoy Todd Eldredge or Paul Wylie's skating ...
She isn’t tweeting it herself.

She is giving likes on Twitter to some anti-vaccine proponents.

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