Perky Shae Lynn
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  • Hi Perky S/L: I've always liked your posts. You seem to know what you are talking about. For instance, your take on Jamie Sale, which I once doubted, is right on the mark. One person matters only - Jamie. And the relentless flirting you talked about finally worked and Jamie got her hockey player, or at least until the saga of his divorce is finalized, and we see if she reallly bags him. My good friend Brad is a close, close friend to Craig Simpson's cousin and his sister Christine. They won't even talk about it to him, they are so upset (especially Christine) Christine Simpson the wife is devastated according to Brad, but even more angry than devastated. Her friends and social circle are closing ranks around her in Edmonton to support and protect her.....get this..they will only refer to Jamie as the "poison dwarf" or the "garden gnome". Clever, you gotta admit.
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