2022-23 ISU Grand Prix Assignments are published


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
To be clear:

All-Session Tickets​

Tickets for this event are sold out!

All-session tickets include access to official practice sessions on Thursday, Oct. 20 and the Skating Spectacular.

  • P1 All-Session Tickets (rows 1-2): $295/seat + applicable taxes and fees
  • P2 All-Session Tickets (rows 3-10): $235/seat + applicable taxes and fees
Any remaining single session tickets will be avaialble in Fall 2022.


Fetalized since 1998
To be clear:

All-Session Tickets​

Tickets for this event are sold out!

All-session tickets include access to official practice sessions on Thursday, Oct. 20 and the Skating Spectacular.

  • P1 All-Session Tickets (rows 1-2): $295/seat + applicable taxes and fees
  • P2 All-Session Tickets (rows 3-10): $235/seat + applicable taxes and fees
Any remaining single session tickets will be avaialble in Fall 2022.
I guess the spelling of "available"..threw me..but..I mean..still..


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
I thought Karen Chen was sticking around for another year and also Mariah Bell?
Karen is returning to Cornell University for her sophomore year this fall (she left Colorado Springs last month and is in Canton, Michigan with her ice dancer brother Jeffrey - they celebrated his 20th birthday yesterday).
Mariah opted not to compete in the GP despite what Hersh had heard/tweeted (she's in Japan now for THE ICE).

IIRC at least for ladies the SA host spot last year was determined by a skate off at Champs Camp, so perhaps that's how USFS will make their decisions again.
STARR ANDREWS, baby!!! 👊
Didn’t she get the TBD spot last year?
No, Audrey Shin won the 3rd spot at Champs Camp. Starr replaced Bradie at Skate America last year (Starr was assigned originally to France as her 1 GP but WD during the SP).
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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

Get it Amber 😝
Some comments that I did not mention in previous thread...

GLAD to see Charlene & Marco continuing

Pairs will be interesting since many teams have left.

Looking forward to some new seniors... Katarina & Jeffrey, Nina Pinzarrone and Corey C.

Surprised BUT HAPPY to see Nicole S, Daleman, Majorov, My Husband and Piper and Miss Tennell,

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

Get it Amber 😝
Fantastic news for Team Australia.

Skate America - Norwood, Massachusetts, USA.
Brendan Kerry / Men's Singles
Anastasia Golubeva & Hektor Giotopoulos-Moore / Pairs

Skate Canada International - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Holly Harris & Jason Chan / Ice Dance

NHK Trophy - Sapporo, Japan.
Maria Chernyshova & Harley Windsor / Pairs

Grand Prix Espoo - Espoo, Finland
Anastasia Golubeva & Hektor Giotopoulos-Moore / Pairs

did Gangsta in Paradise retire????

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I thought Karen Chen was sticking around for another year and also Mariah Bell?
Yeah, same, but @Sylvia said returning to Cornell in the fall, so maybe she will do nationals? I thought I'd read an interview where she said she was not satisfied or something...

ETA: I looked at her fan thread, and she says her future is undecided in this interview :( She is one of my favorite skaters.

Rhumba d’Amour

Well-Known Member
SkAm TBD spots - I expect the competition will be between the skaters listed below... Anyone else I'm forgetting/missing?

Men - Hiwatashi, Sjoberg, Naumov, Paniot?
Women - Izzo, Andrews, Wang, Ziegler?
Pairs - Plazas/Fernandez, Kam/Meyh, Mokhova/Mokhov (is she old enough for ISU senior yet?), Collier/Mitrofanov?, Hanns/Neudecker?
Dance - Bratti/Somerville, Pate/Bye, Cesanek/Yehorov, Ling/Wein, McNamara/Spiridonov, Zingas/Kolesnik
For dance—maybe Kolesnik’s ex, Nguyen, with her new partner?

Should we be checking out the lineup at the Lake Placid event next week?


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Quoting this from last season's GP Announcement - I presume the Alternates lists will be constructed in the same way, since this is the way it's allegedly been done for years. With the caveat, of course, that sometimes host feds do whatever they want, lol.
Skater/Couples, who are part of the official Alternate List must be ready to accept an invitation for participation
in an ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating event, even on short notice, except if the reasons for refusal are obvious
(injury, illness, conflict with other competitions or with national activities, e.g. seminars, tests, etc.). The
benchmark of such short notice is seven days.
The alternate list needs to be worked through in ranking order for the top 75 ranked Skaters/Couples according
to their Season’s Best. All Skaters/Couples of the alternate list will be grouped in top ranked groups of ten
Skaters, out of which the respective Organizing ISU Member may pick one Skater/Couple for invitation.
Skaters/Couples, who place first in any of the ISU Challenger Series events for 2021/22 and can prove to have
skated the minimum Technical score as mentioned in paragraph 2.3, will be added to the alternate list, bottom
ranked according to their scores.

Alternates Lists -

Miura (SCI)
Yamamoto (IdF)
Kerry (SkAm)
Litvintsev (MKJW)
Miyake (SkAm)
Frangipani (NHK)
A. Selevko (SCI)
S. Lee (IdF)
Shimada (MKJW)
Zandron (NHK)

Kiibus (Espoo)
Yun (SkAm)
Wi (NHK)
Lim (SCI)
Park (SkAm)
Pinzarrone (MKJW)
Yokoi (SCI)
Seo - looks to be competing on the JGP this season
Kitromilis (SkAm)
Paganini (MKJW)
Izzo (MKJW)

Roscher/Schuster (MKJW)
Sierova/Khobta - look to be competing on the JGP this season
Holichenko/Darenskiy (SkAm)
Caldara/Maglio (NHK)
Chernyshova/Windsor (NHK)
Crafoord/Crafoord (SkAm)
Vaipan-Law/Digby (MKJW) - maybe? Their SB is .09 short of the minimum total score required to be considered for anything beyond a host selection, but they're in the SB Top 75
any new team that can win an early Challenger will automatically get on the Alternates list since the rest of the SB75's minimum total scores are far too low to be selected or they're remaining junior or have split

Kazakova/Reviya (MKJW)
Bratti/Somerville (SCI)
Komatsubara/Koleto (SCI)
Fabbri/Ayer (MKJW)
Pate/Bye (IdF)
Lanaghan/Razgulajevs (IdF)
Holubtsova/Bielobrov (MKJW)
Janse van Rensburg/Steffan (SkAm)
Lauriault/Le Gac (SkAm)
Cesanek/Yehorov (SCI)


I bite because I like it
I'm a bit surprised to see Kvitelashvili continuing on the GP - and disappointed, given how he's chosen to spend his summer.

The dance fields look pretty good across the board - all have a nice mix of established GP participants, skaters who've been around for a while at smaller events, and interesting young teams. A surprise to me that the Nosovitskiys got a spot in the intial allocations - but they had some bad luck not to get to Euros or Worlds last season, so good for them.

Pairs is a different world, of course, but it will be fun to see which teams really step up and sieze the opportunities available.

I wasn't expecting BIS to use all the host spots in Sheffield but I'm disappointed by how many they've returned, especially in ladies. Otherwise my only real complaint is that we have two second tier Canadian dance teams but neither has Molly Lanaghan. ;) Really looking forward to seeing Kazakova/Reviya, so hope they stay healthy this season and don't have to withdraw.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't expecting BIS to use all the host spots in Sheffield but I'm disappointed by how many they've returned, especially in ladies. Otherwise my only real complaint is that we have two second tier Canadian dance teams but neither has Molly Lanaghan.
Lanaghan & Razgulajevs are assigned to France.

ETA: Oh, I see. You're probably just wishing they were in Sheffield. But anyway, for clarity's sake for anyone else reading the thread. L&R do have a spot.


Anti-quad activist
Glad to see Kazakova and Reviya are the first alternates. Hopefully they'll get a second event.

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