Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Holy Headband

Yuna Aoki's Olympic journey starts here
Since the Russian and Russian-loaned judges would also be back, why would the scoring of Russian skaters be any different from what it was before the ban?
Well, presumably because a. other skaters will have had enough time to build up reputations as the elite of their fields and it would be awkward to throw those in the trash immediately, and b. the financial incentive may not be there any more.

But as I said, I'm not sure.



“Athletes can say to ISU: ‘We don’t want to compete without Russians.’ opinion of State Duma Deputy Svetlana Zhurova​

"After all these sobbig from Eteri, Tarasova and company we thought nothing would surprise us. But wait a second…Here we go. A comment from State Duma Deputy Svetlana Zhurova."
“It is unlikely that ISU will take this measure (proposed by Eteri Tutberidze not to gove rating and titles in the absence of Russian skaters – ed.), but you can turn to athletes, say: “Yes, we don’t want to compete without Russians.”

She says "you can call for support to allow Russians"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I would like to see Stepanova & Bukin and Mishina & Galliamov compete in their prime against the rest of the world.

But not at the cost of seeing systemic state-sponsored drug use in the sport or seeing athletes used or choosing to serve as propaganda material for a government that is advocating & enacting atrocity after atrocity.

I am angry at the Russian government on the behalf of the Russian athletes for this. And far more angry at it on behalf of the people of Ukraine.
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Ena Grins

Well-Known Member
Athletes could indeed say that. But the athletes are probably not going to. Sort of like when we say, "Judges could give Wakaba Higuchi higher PCS than Sasha Trusova."

Anyway, I'd be willing to entertain a proposal where Eteri's athletes are allowed back in international competition when she donates 100% of her earnings from her students' shows this off-season to Ukrainian athletes who have been displaced. Since she's so committed to equity and justice.


Antique member
Unfortunately, there was also a pairs event :scream:
true, but pairs can now develop in other countries as well - since the Chinese pairs also seem to be missing in the future, an overhaul of pair's discipline might also follow. It is the most dangerous discipline at the moment - so more emphasis on side by side elements and throws but less lifts could also be a way to go - for instance to allow more sbs jumps and combos and give less points for dangerous lifts would be my preference.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Good Lord, people... you're forgetting that Russia can only send 3 teams to compete at Worlds. While the pairs event was certainly on the thin side at the top, competitively speaking, without them, it wasn't helped by the absence of the top 2 Chinese teams either, and the middle ranks were certainly affected by the loss of both Italian teams to Covid and the top Spanish team due to Barquero's WADA suspension.


Antique member
Sure. But pairs was and is always on the bubble. It is just very difficult to train in most countries. You need so much more ice and that is difficult for most federations who struggle anyway.
That is one reason I would like lifts to go or have small emphasis- they are one of the reasons it is difficult to have pair and single skaters on the same ice.
If it were more a mix of single skating and ice dance, training pairs would be much more feasible for smaller federations.

And more interesting as well IMO. At the moment all the elements are so very much the same and - for instance- the ususal pair spin followed by death spiral not that interesting.


Well-Known Member
I find pairs to be the most dynamic in live international competition. When the best in the world are there, it always elicits a huge reaction from people who have never seen skating live. I think the decrease in value for the quad throws helped (though I don't think the value for the quad twist should have been lowered), and we did not have every top team out wounded most of the season as we seemed to have for the last few years of the previous quadrennium.

I enjoyed the pairs event at Worlds more than I expected to, actually. I would have enjoyed it more with Peng & Jin; but the world has come a long way in improving throws since the early 2000s when only the Chinese had the huge throws.

I don't know why anyone would want to get rid of the lifts? It's the jumps that cost us some of the most creative & interesting young athletes. (But I don't imagine we're getting rid of those either;)).

Anyway, this will likely be a heck of a rebuilding year. I think if the Japanese team could take that final step, from smiling at the audience to really performing for the audience, they could be pretty great. They didn't quite have the experience last year, I don't think, to get the job done for the podium; but they gained a lot of experience and should be more prepared for the challenge this season. Also, Peng & Jin are signed up for the GP. Could be fun to watch those teams go head to head.
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On My Own

Well-Known Member
I think it's just true that Pairs had a meh field at worlds last season, but tbh, as someone who dislikes the current state of Russian Pairs skating, this has just been true in general for me the past quad... Chinese Pairs are the ones who held it up, and now M/K can join them up there. Don't really care for the American or Canadian Pairs (although I did like the long program quality from MTM last season).


Values her privacy
I had a long post about how annoying it is to want to read actual news, but it's just not worth the effort on FSU any more.
If you are reading Russian skating thread, it is too much to hope for some news. All you will find here is:

1. Mocking Russian skaters, because clearly the war is their fault.
2. Mocking Tutberidze, because she dares to have successful skaters, the bitch.
3. Thorough analysis of how Russians are not missed on international competitions, because at least other countries can earn some medals in ladies. Because this is clearly not about who is better at skating, it is about ensuring that the weaker skaters can have their turn at winning a medal.
4. ‘Helpful’ suggestions about how to make the sports easier to give other countries a chance to catch up. Why not abandoning the lifts and throws and twists and death spirals, so that any two single skaters can do pairs? That would sort out the problems with not having enough pairs.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Well, there hasn't been much Russian news this week, aside from Eteri's IG whingefest. Is this thread really all that different from most other country-specific news/discussion threads during the slow part of the season? I'm sure there will be more news as the Test Skates approach.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
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