Thanks for the rep! No, my camera hasn't turned up yet. I hope I didn't accidentally throw it out or have it fall out of my car when I was unpacking after my trip. I've been ransacking the house, looking in all possible places. Yesterday morning I found my wireless mouse in front of the refrigerator. I think one of the cats put it there. Maybe one of them hid my camera.
Thanks for the rep. It appears I still have to give away more rep before I can rep you on something. Truth be told, I rarely rep these days; I pretty much lost heart after they wiped away the rep points a few months ago, so you're probably wasting your rep points on me!
Everyone is one of the songs in Black and Blue by Backstreet Boys. So, you're right. It's a follow-up to Everybody which belongs to Backstreet's Back. And, yes. I was a groupie. lol.
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