2020-21 U.S. Team Envelopes & International Selection Pool (ISP)

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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Team Envelope Criteria: https://usfigureskating.org/sites/default/files/media-files/2020-21 Team Envelope Criteria.pdf
(This document was revised after the cancellation of 2020 Worlds.)

Teams A - D: https://www.usfigureskating.org/skate/scholarships-and-funding/team-usa-funding

(2020 Nationals and Sectional Novice placements are included below.)

Team A:
Nathan Chen S1, Jason Brown S2
Alysa Liu S1, Bradie Tennell S3
Madison Chock/Evan Bates S1, Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue S2

Team B:
Tomoki Hiwatashi S3, Vincent Zhou S4, Andrew Torgashev S5, Aleksei Krasnozhon S6, Camden Pulkinen S7
Mariah Bell S2, Karen Chen S4, Amber Glenn S5, Starr Andrews S6
Calalang/Johnson S2, Kayne/O'Shea S3, Cain-Gribble/LeDuc S4, Lu/Mitrofanov S6
Hawayek/Baker S3, Carreira/Ponomarenko S4, Green/Parsons S5

Team C:
Men: Dinh Tran S8, Ryan Dunk S11, Maxim Naumov J1, Eric Sjoberg J2, Liam Kapeikis J3, Ilia Malinin J-wd/JW16
Ladies: Sierra Venetta S7, Courtney Hicks S8, Gabriella Izzo S9, Ting Cui S-wd, Hanna Harrell S-wd, Lindsay Thorngren J1, Isabeau Levito J2/E-N1, Calista Choi J3
Pairs: Serafini/Tran S7, Pfund/Santillan S8, Finster/Nagy J1, Smirnova//Siianytsia J2, Deardorff/Johnson J3
Ice Dance: Pate/Bye S7, Shilling/Petrov S8, Wolfkostin/Chen J2, Brown/Brown J3

Team D:
Men: Lucas Altieri J4, Nicholas Hsieh J5, Joseph Kang J6, Samuel Mindra P-N1/J10, Kai Kovar P-N2/J11, Joseph Klein M-N1/J13, Daniel Martynov M-N2/J12, Robert Yampolsky E-N1/J14, Jacob Sanchez E-N2/J17
Ladies: Isabelle Inthisone J4, Kate Wang J5, Elsa Cheng M-N1/J7, Tamnhi Huynh M-N2/J6, Hannah Herrera P-N2/J15, Hazel Collier E-N2/J16, Michelle Lee P-N1/J18
Pairs: Fleming/Isbell J4, Martins/Bedard J5, Mishkutionok/Tioumentsev N1, Baram/Edwards N3
Ice Dance: Cesanek/Yegorov J4, DelCamp/Somerville J5, Ling/Wein J6, Peal/Peal N1, Carhart/Horovyi N2, Shadid/Shadid N3


International Selection Pool (scroll down): https://www.usfigureskating.org/skate/qualify-for-team-usa
The International Selection Pool (ISP) includes junior- and senior-level athletes and teams who meet criteria approved by the U.S. Figure Skating International Committee. These athletes and teams are eligible to be considered for assignment to international competitions.

MEN (23)
Lucas Altieri
William Annis
Jason Brown
Nathan Chen
Ryan Dunk
Chase Finster
Tomoki Hiwatashi
Nicholas Hsieh
Joseph Kang
Liam Kapeikis
Joseph Klein
Alex Krasnozhon
Ilia Malinin
Daniel Martynov
Samuel Mindra
Maxim Naumov
Matthew Nielsen
Camden Pulkinen
Eric Sjoberg
Andrew Torgashev
Dinh Tran
Robert Yampolsky
Vincent Zhou

Starr Andrews
Maxine Marie Bautista
Mariah Bell
Julia Biechler
Alena Budko
Karen Chen
Elsa Cheng
Calista Choi
Ting Cui
Amber Glenn
Gracie Gold
Caitlin Ha
Hanna Harrell
Hannah Herrera
Courtney Hicks
Tamnhi Huynh
Rena Ikenishi
Isabelle Inthisone
Gabriella Izzo
Sarah Jung
Isabeau Levito
Alysa Liu
Paige Rydberg
Audrey Shin
Bradie Tennell
Lindsay Thorngren
Sierra Venetta
Kate Wang
Emily Zhang

PAIRS (10)
Ashley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc
Jessica Calalang and Brian Johnson
Winter Deardorff and Mikhail Johnson
Kate Finster and Balazs Nagy
Cate Fleming and Jedidiah Isbell
Tarah Kayne and Danny O'Shea
Audrey Lu and Misha Mitrofanov
Jessica Pfund and Joshua Santillan
Olivia Serafini and Mervin Tran
Anastasiia Smirnova and Danil Siianytsia

Oona Brown and Gage Brown
Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko
Molly Cesanek and Yehor Yehorov
Madison Chock and Evan Bates
Katarina DelCamp and Ian Somerville
Caroline Green and Michael Parsons
Kaitlin Hawayek and Jean-Luc Baker
Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue
Layla Karnes and Kenan Slevira
Angela Ling and Caleb Wein
Eva Pate and Logan Bye
Elizabeth Tkachenko and Alexei Kiliakov
Katarina Wolfkostin and Jeffrey Chen

(Additional skaters/teams could be added to the ISP pending monitoring or other criteria.)


2020-21 U.S. Pairs news thread: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/threads/u-s-pairs-2020-21-season-news-updates-part-xi.107350/

I've updated the current U.S. Ladies thread with the above info: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...eving-2020-vision.106360/page-35#post-5828608

2020-21 U.S. Men's news thread: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/threads/u-s-men-2020-21-season-news-updates.107352/

2020-21 U.S. Dance news thread: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/threads/u-s-ice-dance-2020-21-season-news-updates.107355/
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Christina Carreira has tweeted re. their initial omission from Team B: "It was a mistake, USFS is fixing it now. Don’t worry we’re not splitting up"

Perhaps the other envelope omissions (Lu/Mitrofanov, Serafini/Tran, Cesanek/Yehorov, Martins/Bedard) are mistakes as well. ETA: I've been told these 4 teams should show up on USFS' website whenever the server updates.
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Well-Known Member
Christina Carreira has tweeted re. their initial omission from Team B: "It was a mistake, USFS is fixing it now. Don’t worry we’re not splitting up"

Perhaps the other envelope omissions noted above are mistakes as well.

Yes. I'm told that Carreira/Ponomarenko, Lu/Mitrofanov, and Serafini/Tran are all in the envelope list. It was just a technical error with the new USFS web site that caused them to be omitted by accident. :)


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
On May 19, USFS published a statement that "Information regarding the 2021 Qualifying Season, including but not limited to test eligibility and advancement (challenge to final), will be available no later than July 1."

So soon, hopefully.
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