2022 U.S. Stars on Ice Tour


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Some very nice Vincent-focused photos, plus solo Nathan at the end (#10), by Kelly Liu from the Chicago show: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdldru_LWju/

May 8th Pittsburgh fan cams, filmed from an on ice seat:
Vincent's "Lonely": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoY2LmHkpYw
Nathan's "Shell Song": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gtt-_vCRps
Jason's "Sinnerman": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfv5sK1y1Gs
Nathan's "Rocketman" that segues into the Elton John finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8CziWtlsz0
Rest of the Elton John medley through the bows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p27KR72FB0E

Nathan & Mariah were presented with their PSA awards yesterday in St. Paul (HQ is in Rochester, MN): https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdm7070Ondo/
Congratulations to @mariahsk8rbell & @nathanwchen who received awards from the @profsk8rsassoc before the show tonight at @xcelenergyctr. Nathan won the 2022 Gus Lussi Award, and Mariah won both the 2022 Sonja Henie Award & the 2022 award for Best Ladies Performance at the US Figure Skating Championships!

love skating

Clueless American
I might have missed it but is Mirai wearing Jennifer Kirks costume for one of her numbers? I can't get a clear picture of Mirai wearing it to be certain. https://figureskatingcostumes.tumbl...er-kirk-skating-to-die-fledermaus-for-her/amp

Always has been a beautiful costume if it was. I wish more skaters wore others costumes after some years. Some of the costumes are as memorable as the program itself!
Yes I noticed it. Mirai had a pretty clear pic of it herself but it was on one of her insta-stories so it's gone now. I had suspected it was the same dress, but couldn't quite see the detail on it until that pic and am now positive it's the same dress.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Alexa, Karen & Mirai skated on their day off in SLC: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cdr1YwGlNJI/

Brandon coached in Park City: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtR4bCpLJP/

Meanwhile, Nathan was honored earlier today at the Utah State Capitol on "Nathan Chen Day" :D:
ETA that Nathan told journalists (mentioned in a Salt Lake Tribune article today as well as a local TV news report) that his mom drove out from California just to attend the Salt Lake City stop of the tour tonight.
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Local news coverage of the SLC show last night! This report includes comments from Nathan's first coach, Stephanee Grosscup, as well as some of his young Chinese fans :):

Fan cams from SLC:

"Thunderstruck" opening medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuNx3-xjOKA
Vincent's "Lonely": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGeHJTD51_s
Nathan's "Space Song": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxNX_yd0Hk8
The Weeknd medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4Es7mPK51o
Vincent's "Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RobA8V5yEQ
Nathan's "Rocketman" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HTTyOq6fMY


Awww, this person brought her or his golden retriever service dog in training :) (includes photos of him plus clips from the opening medley, the end of Nathan's "Rocketman" & Jason's "Sinnerman"): https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvomdIrJTw/
I decided to take Aengus to @starsonice with my sister and I last night, and he did perfect! It was extremely loud and busy and he handled it like a champ, especially for it being his first big event as a SDiT! He showed slight stress signals when we first got to our seat and had a ton of people walking right past us (when you have a SD, you’re required to take an aisle seat at this venue so that your dog can stretch out and you can leave quickly if needed), but with a bit of direction, some treats, and a chew toy, he found his confidence again and remained totally relaxed and happy through the rest of the show! He had amazing engagement and focus and even when there were flashing lights and extremely loud music, he actively sought out treats and followed any command I gave him straight away. After intermission, which included a short potty break, he laid down under the seats and went right to sleep!

The skaters were phenomenal and I’m so glad I got to go! I haven’t been in years, and I was really looking forward to this, and while I would have left early had Aengus shown he was too stressed and wasn’t happy, he not only behaved but THRIVED in this environment. All that training is paying off! Now we go back to nice, slow, easy training for a while before we push him again!

Some clips from the show ("First live show to see my ice heroes"): https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdukjx5OfCa/

8 action photos from an on ice seat: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvxFALJxYJ/
Same person has IG story clips archived here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17930518343245266/

9 photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdukyrjujrP/
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Well-Known Member
I wondered if it was Nathan's mom who scooted past me on her way to her seat. Probably.

Nathan is doing a great job in the role of being the "star of the show". A role that doesn't come naturally, I think. I hope he had as good a time as we did watching him.

Our only regret was Hawayek/Baker didn't join the show one city earlier. It would have been so great to see them as well.
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Chock/Bates' latest podcast is from Flagstaff, Arizona today (after a 9-hour bus ride from Salt Lake City):
They plan to invite some of their SOI castmates on their show before the end of the tour and welcome feedback from fans. :)

Harvard Crimson review of SOI in Boston (May 19):

Local article (includes quotes from Knierim & Frazier) before the Glendale, AZ show on Friday:
ETA that @sk9tingfan has posted Helene Elliott's L.A. Times column on Knierim/Frazier in the U.S. Pairs news thread here: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...ws-updates-part-x.108528/page-36#post-6259433
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Jean-Luc is excited to perform with Kaitlin in the final 7 shows of the tour, starting tonight in Glendale, Arizona: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdykM5op6Hj/

Vincent & Karen are featured in this Bay Area News Group article ahead of Sunday's SOI show in San Jose:
Chen said she will have “at least 20 to 30” friends and family members in attendance, and Zhou also said he plans for more than a handful of tickets. It’ll be an especially relevant homecoming for both, as they each have been living and training full-time in Colorado.
“It definitely is going to be one of, if not the, most special shows on the tour,” Zhou said.
But with the Stars on Ice tour nearing its end, with only one week remaining after the stop in San Jose, the skaters are now preparing for their futures — and perhaps the end of their careers.
“[I’m] definitely going back to Brown and taking a full course load and just planning to immerse myself fully in college life,” he said, “as opposed to kind of doing the ‘one foot in each world’ type of thing I did back in 2019. It’s definitely going to be different and I’m looking forward to fully embracing that.”
Chen said she hasn’t set goals for her skating future, describing her mindset as “open-minded” on and off the ice.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Please say it isn't so.
That post was on May 5th. Nathan's since recovered. He didn't miss any shows.

ETA from Hersh's recent article on Nathan (link is posted in both the U.S. Men's news & Nathan fan threads):
(There was also an unscheduled five-day quarantine on Long Island, New York, after Chen contracted Covid. Because the tour dates are nearly all on weekends, he did not miss any shows but was unable to join the 2021 and 2022 U.S. Olympic teams for their White House visit.)
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
Nathan's since recovered. He didn't miss any shows
Well that is good.
My daughter called. Both of her kids are really sick. My sister has a sinus infection. I was slightly consoled that at least I wasn't going to miss Nathan.

Am trying to cancel my tickets. I had insured them. I am not sure I can recommend Allianz Insurance. They have been really difficult to deal with. This is SOI on May 22 (my birthday). Totally bummer

I think I mentioned that The older one (11) kept coming up with reasons he probably cound't come...........Then when I mentioned it was on my birthday....he went to his mom and said........"Well it is Gram's birthday. I guess I am going. "

I shall, however, capture them when it comes out on TV.
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love skating

Clueless American
I'm going to Anaheim tomorrow. I was so excited to go and see live skating again but instead it will be bittersweet for me. This will be my 26th Stars on Ice in a row (minus the canceled Covid years). Every year I've gone with my mom, but not this year. This week she had a stroke. She has slow speech and general weakness (and she already was having some walking difficulty before). My one brother has agreed to watch her while I go to the show (I live with her) and my other brother has agreed to go to the show with me. I will so miss our annual ritual together. It just won't be the same. :cry:


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
I'm very sorry about your mom @love skating :( - I hope you'll still be able to enjoy the show tomorrow night!

Posted on Wednesday in the CSOI thread:
Very excited here. Going to SOI on Sunday (which is my birthday) with my sister and two grandchildren (ages 9 and 11). I rented a limo! Very fun.
My older grandson ((he is 11) kept giving me excuses about why it would not work for him to go. (You know, the moon is in the seventh house.....might have homework, another soccer tournament......anything but the kitchen sink. Along the way, I mentioned that SOI was on my birthday. Kid went to his mom and said "It is on Grams birthday. I guess i have to go".

Went to dinner with the fam last week. I was talking to his dad about who was going to be there (he / they thought it was a bunch of nobodies skating around )......dad went....you are kidding? Entire change of view.

Totally excited.
I shall, however, capture them when it comes out on TV.
It's a bummer you won't be able to make the San Jose show on yoiur birthday after all your planning. :( There's no TV broadcast of this year's show, AFAIK. That's why I've been posting fan cam video links in this thread.
More Salt Lake City fan cams -- all from Act II -- have been uploaded to the same YT account:

"What a Wonderful World" group number: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22-HXR4YtDU
Alexa/Brandon's "Tore my Heart": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkmcCchdfIY
Mariah's "Easy on Me" (wearing a different costume from her blue SP dress): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OETOhriu8A
Elton John group medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQG792jnca8

ETA on Saturday - and now more from the AZ show!
Vincent's "Lonely": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niVbNvL7Thk
Nathan's "Space Song": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvN9fcoSazM
Vincent's "Vincent": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og1bqSpsJNc
Nathan's "Rocketman": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t205GClnESQ
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Well-Known Member
More Salt Lake City fan cams -- all from Act II -- have been uploaded to the same YT account:

"What a Wonderful World" group number: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22-HXR4YtDU
Alexa/Brandon's "Tore my Heart": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkmcCchdfIY
Mariah's "Easy on Me" (wearing a different costume from her blue SP dress): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OETOhriu8A
Elton John group medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQG792jnca8
This must be the guy on the end on the floor that was taking videos of almost everything. Marai was having fun with that group for a minute while they introduced her and the spotlight wasn't on. The group was quite chummy with several of the skaters as the show went on.

I wondered if his videos would show up somewhere.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
This must be the guy on the end on the floor that was taking videos of almost everything. Mirai was having fun with that group for a minute while they introduced her and the spotlight wasn't on. The group was quite chummy with several of the skaters as the show went on.

I wondered if his videos would show up somewhere.
I saw his & his friend's Instagram stories (including the one with Mirai before she skated) - these are the links:
8 action photos from an on ice seat: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvxFALJxYJ/
Same person has IG story clips archived here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17930518343245266/
I'm pretty certain this is not the same person who has uploaded fan cams from Grand Rapids to Arizona so far!

Another "Rocketman" fan cam from SLC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cl1lTs9BNg
Curtain Call video (it's been fun to see some of the skaters changing up their "move" as the tour has gone on, such as Karen's slide with arched back that she was practicing earlier this month: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CdZQm9yFeAw/): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMsUAuMpJww
The same fan spoke to Nathan and K/F during the meet & greet after the SLC show:
Nathan: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eramYo3IBuY
Alex/Brandon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOcp0b7zt1o

love skating

Clueless American
The show was SO good! I loved it and my brother loved it too (his first live skating experience).

Nathan is SO expressive, especially in the group numbers.... I love watching him. And he's so obviously the star - I saw some nice banner/signs for him. Space Song is really lovely and Rocketman is so iconic now! Mariah had the only fall of the show on a lutz in the first number... she was a good sport shrugging her shoulders at it. And in the second number she had a funny moment after the bows heading towards the wrong side of the rink to exit, so she got an extended bow. Jason's jumps in I Lived were a little tight but landed and it's such a fun number. Sinnerman was clean and terrific. Vincent's numbers were both great... nice rippon lutzes and triple axels. Alysa's squid game number was fun, she started out with a Ducks' mask, catering to the Anaheim crowd. I like her fringed dress for Loco and she had a lot of fun with it. Karen's jumps were solid tonight, including the loop and both her programs were really so fluid. Mirai held on to her jumps - I was impressed she went for so many different jumps... good for her! (My brother is a big Reality TV fan so he calls her BB Mirai lol). Loved seeing Fix You from Alexa & Brandon and their 2nd number was high energy - so great to have a pair in SOI again! So happy to see C&B's Alien & Astronaut and I Hear a Symphony was beautiful. Enjoyed H&D's numbers - I Put a Spell on You, was nice to see "the lift" and I like the changes they added in Rhythm Nation to make it a show number. Hawayek & Baker did their new Black and Gold number - fun with the lights. I loved the group numbers too - Elton John is just too much fun and the costumes are even better in person.

Crowd was great - bottom bowl full except for the obstructed view areas and top was pretty filled too - The center seats in the top level were filled to the back! I noticed there were no advance flyers to purchase for next year. I wonder if they will have a tour next year.... I hope so!

Edited to add: thank you for the kind thoughts for my mom - she's doing okay and seems to be getting stronger.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Sean Rabbitt (he shared Instagram story clips from the show) attended last night's show in Anaheim with Ricky Dornbush - here's a photo of them with Jason, Jean-Luc, Karen & Mirai before the show: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd3VZqILKcC/

Some photos from Anaheim with clips of Vincent, C/B & H/D at the end: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd3u5MrvTpM/

This is a 20 min. highlight clip montage video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8ODYTYTzv4
Watch the warm up and performances of Nathan Chen, Alysa Liu, Jason Brown, Vincent Zhou, Mirai Nagasu, Mariah Bell, Karen Chen, Madison Hubbell & Zachary Donohue, Madison Chock & Evan Bates, and Alexa Knierim & Brandon Frazier at Chicago’s United Center.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the San Jose show and had a great time! So good to see many of the skaters that I hadn’t seen live since 2018 and 2019.

The men especially rocked- Nathan, Jason and Vincent were really good. Loved the dancers (Hawayek and Baker were guests) and Alexa and Brandon were in good form. Ladies were good, my soft spot for Karen Chen continues.

Demographics - a good percentage of Asian Americans in the audience, and some very elderly grandmothers among them. Yay for diversifying the audience.

Postcards for Nationals on the seats. Gotta figure out what I’m doing for that.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
I'm pretty certain this is not the same person who has uploaded fan cams from Grand Rapids to Arizona so far!
Fan cams on the same person's account, cont.:
Nathan's "Rocketman" in Anaheim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITitdxBU-0I

And from San Jose yesterday:
"Thunderstruck" opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBjXmHwXCpU
Nathan's "Sapce Song": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8prck4RhJE
Vincent's "Lonely": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPUy8P7zb9g
Nathan's "Rcoketman": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJENbqBaa_w
Elton John finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmbJWkz6uGU

The Instagram pics of Kristi and Brian at the San Jose show together just makes me smile.
Photo of Brian & Kristi in San Jose :) (Brian has shared IG story clips from the show): https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd4Nm6Zp_lj/

Also, Tracy Wilson got to see Jason perform in San Jose: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd6e1oxuqAI/
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Fan of many, uber of none
The show at the SAP center in San Jose was great! The twins and I had seats a bit back from the ice, so you couldn't really know who you were watching if they weren't introduced, or you didn't know their skating style. The girls all had some jump issues, with a couple falls for Mirai, a pop and double from Karen and a double from Alysa. The men were on it though, and upon demand of the girls, I have bad video of all three, as well as the ice dancers, even though Maya didn't like Hubbell and Donohue because they "get too close". (I tried to explain ice dance, but they're ten). Nathan was obviously the star of the show, and did a fantastic job. A big crowd and they were supportive and appreciative of the skaters.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to the show on Thursday. If you show up early, can you watch a warmup? I'm debating whether or not to bring my camera. I don't want to miss the experience by looking through a lens the whole time, but may try for a few shots anyway.

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