2024 US Nats Free Dance - Prevagen: The Story of a KnC Tragedy


Doing all the things
I get you don't like them but... they don't have Covid.
Covid now seems to have a mortality similar to the flu. That doesn't mean people don't die from either or that people who are sick should go places where they can pass on that sickness to hundreds (at a minimum) of people or at least not without taking precautions.

I don't understand why reasonable people didn't realize they shouldn't go to a public event sick or at least wear a mask. It's like we've learned nothing.

A ChoBat fan

Maybe you have the flu? 'Cause that's quite the fever dream you're having.
I have a fever. And I wasn't even at Nationals. :lol:

Btw, I have now watched the FD and I don't think it was a bloodbath. There was movement, more than usual, and some teams made big mistakes but nobody melted down and no one fell. It was messy but not as messy as Pairs.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Btw, I have now watched the FD and I don't think it was a bloodbath. There was movement, more than usual, and some teams made big mistakes but nobody melted down and no one fell. It was messy but not as messy as Pairs.
Well, but it's ice dance, where mistakes are rarely made and not by as many teams as today. It was shocking in a way that pairs was not - because, well, US pairs are what they are and we knew it would be messy going in.


the uberdom chooses YOU
In the General Skating thread it's already posted they are going to 4CC. Patrice said it's a fast passing bug and Madison is already feeling well and Evan is also already on the mend. And apparently they won Worlds last year with a stomach bug as well.

But please let's all keep slandering them or calling for them to be charged with manslaughter. Such a mature look, FSU. šŸ™ƒ

I don't like being all 'ha ha I know people you don't know' on FSU or whatever, and felt like it's not my news to share, but it's out there. Glad they are feeling better!

They'll be fine, everyone else will be fine. It sounds like the stomach bug Mini had at Christmas that went through the family, and hit me the hardest because my immune system is shit.

Such hatred is really not cool regardless of how someone feels about a skater's skating.


Well-Known Member
How do you know Marie-France didn't pass it to Patrice who then passed it on to Chock/Bates; after all they have a kid (or kids?), and lord knows rugrats are the biggest germ passers out there? Speculation is just going to be a vicious circle.

It's still possible C/B could withdraw if they are worse after traveling. Or they could sleep for all of their 15 hour flight and be better.

And it's China... this news is out there... and they could potentially quarantine them on arrival!
Oh, of course I don't where Chock/Bates got it but Patrice looked healthy today. All I'm saying is that when people are sick they should isolate from others as much as possible to prevent spread. Therefore, Chock/Bates (IF they are still not feeling well) should not be on a plane to China. There's no "hate" towards them here (where on earth did that come from?). IF they have fully recovered, then let them go. But if they are sick, would you want to sit next to them?
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Well-Known Member
Regardless if people compete when they are ill, I just think more than anything how unfair it is to their fellow competitors. Madi and Evan might feel better today, but Christina, Anthony, Caroline and Michael might not start feeling it until say thursday at the start of 4CC. I understand why they competed, but I also find it a bit disrespectful.


Better off than 2020
A "simple" GI bug can be pretty devastating too. It lives on surfaces for extended times. I seem to recall several people on this board with GI illnesses that landed them in hospitals or isolation for several weeks.

There are reasons a cruise ship is suspect for all sorts of GI issues. There are limited facilities on a plane. There is only so much a steward staff can do to sanitize planes.

In some people Covid starts with GI symptoms- that's one of the tracking measures used on the spread. What covid virus load was in the sewage systems.

I admit manslaughter was OTT but damn it, the teams were named pre Nationals because it is a long flight short turn around. In a small confined vehicle for travel. Where one can not just leave. What good is isolating once they get to China a lot of of people are exposed. SARS tried to do that with the planes that came into Canada. The cruiseliner who had one of the first outbreaks of Covid were placed in camps for weeks (one right near me). There have been cruiseliners with so severe outbreak of norovirus the entire was quarantined for days. "Just the flu" is not just the flu. I came home with "just the flu" from a Nationals. I was out if it for days, off work for 2 weeks.

There really is not "just a simple" case of anything.

It's irresponsible. I say the same thing about any athlete. I say the same thing if my kids or grandkids are sick and doing activities.or school. Whether or not my like of their skating, it is irresponsible to knowingly expose people.

I do not buy that the need to fulfill contracts or need prize money or whatnot. They have other opportunities to make money.

The RESPONSIBLE thing for an ADULT to do is to stay away from others. That's my last word. Irresponsible.


Doing all the things
Well, but it's ice dance, where mistakes are rarely made and not by as many teams as today. It was shocking in a way that pairs was not - because, well, US pairs are what they are and we knew it would be messy going in.
I can see that seeing real-time without any heads-up, it would seem more dramatic. Going in knowing "it was a bloodbath" gave me an image that just didn't match what I was seeing. I would say, looking back in hindsight that Pairs was a bloodbath and Dance was messy.

Eta when it comes to athletes, there is a culture of toughing it out. People do crazy, sometimes dangerous things, and instead of getting scolded, they get praised. We also see this in the workforce. But I think it's changing. I think regular people are farther along than athletes though.

Private Citizen

"PC." Pronouns: none/none
Even I think the better decision would've been to withdraw :shuffle:.

Skating was unnecessary. They have multiple titles, and they were assured of a Worlds spot. Skating not to disappoint fans is not worth the risk to themselves or others.

I do think circumstances matter. If this were Worlds or the Olympics, I'd understand Chock and Bates pushing through. Or if they had never won a National title -- e.g., Sasha Cohen skating visibly sick in 2006. Or if Green and Parsons or Bratti and Somerville, were sick, I'd have a different attitude. They'd have had an obvious reason to attempt to push through, with a Worlds spot on the line.

I like Chock and Bates, but I do think they've set a bad example here, even if they did so with no ill intent.


AYS's snark-sponge
If you are particularly a fan of Browns and Green & Parsons, it was a bloodbath, believe me. Add hopes for Z&K on top of that and it was an all-time level horror. And the flu discussion aside, did you see those twizzles from Chock & Bates?

This was not a normal Free Dance at Nationals. I mean, I joined the prayer circle during Carreira & Ponamarenko's skate after all I'd seen!


Well-Known Member
For those of you who are kind of condemning C/B for getting on a plane it happens every day. This is why I wear a KN 95 anytime Iā€™m on a plane.

The only reason itā€™s raising outrage now is because you know about it. Trust me the last time youā€™re on a plane there was somebody with the flu Covid something

I didnā€™t used to feel this way,but then I have my neighbors. Who were in Europe when the requirement to test negative was lifted. Knowing full well they were all positive They jumped on a plane, and they only wore a mask if somebody stands over them with a whip because they donā€™t believe in masking.


Well-Known Member
Every year at least one team/skater competes at Nationals with the ā€œfluā€ ā€” flu being the words skaters seem to use to describe whatever virus/bug they have. The difference? Theyā€™re usually not Chock/Bates level so it doesnā€™t get this level of attention.

There was a novice (?) pairs skater that looked pale as a ghost coming off the ice and was hacking in the kiss and cry after the short. But, again, not seniors and not top skaters. Also, no commentators. But this is a regular occurrence at all competitionsā€¦


Needs a nap
Well, but it's ice dance, where mistakes are rarely made and not by as many teams as today. It was shocking in a way that pairs was not - because, well, US pairs are what they are and we knew it would be messy going in.

Yeah, US Ice Dance is actually good. US Pairs....

Anyways, if you actually have THE FLU, quite frankly I would treat that just like I would treat COVID. The flu is nasty and can be deadly. That being said, it sounds like Chock and Bates may have had a cold or GI bug. I wish people would not say flu when they don't mean it.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Anyways, if you actually have THE FLU, quite frankly I would treat that just like I would treat COVID. The flu is nasty and can be deadly. That being said, it sounds like Chock and Bates may have had a cold or GI bug. I wish people would not say flu when they don't mean it.
lol yeah when I read it sounded like they had a GI bug instead I was like...oh...I wish y'all would have said that. Not that they can't be very contagious too, but it's a slightly different beast.

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
Anyways, if you actually have THE FLU, quite frankly I would treat that just like I would treat COVID. The flu is nasty and can be deadly. That being said, it sounds like Chock and Bates may have had a cold or GI bug. I wish people would not say flu when they don't mean it.
This! Influenza is a serious illness that causes at least 300,000 deaths worldwide a year. A cold is not the flu; noroviruses and gastroenteritis aren't the flu either. But noroviruses are super contagious and will make people feel pretty awful for a couple of days.


Needs a nap
lol yeah when I read it sounded like they had a GI bug instead I was like...oh...I wish y'all would have said that. Not that they can't be very contagious too, but it's a slightly different beast.

I feel like some people don't want to say GI bug because they're... icky. But then just say you have a bad cold or an illness or something. Don't say flu.


Well-Known Member
You know, US figure skating couldā€™ve told them no!

all this assumption that it was just Evan and Maddieā€™s decision. Yeah , you donā€™t suppose NBC and US figure skating were looking at this situation and saying oh my goodness weā€™re not going to have anyone that anyoneā€™s ever heard of skating today? I wouldnā€™t put it past them to have put some pressure on the skaters.


Doing all the things
If you are particularly a fan of Browns and Green & Parsons, it was a bloodbath, believe me. Add hopes for Z&K on top of that and it was an all-time level horror. And the flu discussion aside, did you see those twizzles from Chock & Bates?
I am a fan of the Browns and Green/Parsons. I still think it wasn't a bloodbath especially compared to Pairs. OMG, Pairs. Our National Champions landed no throws or jumps cleanly (and often at all). :yikes:


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing that Jason's 3A is clean. ;)
The only thing that counts is what the judges see. This, to me, is Nationals judging and I think most countries do it. What Kam/O'Shea did on the 3S is about the same as many other jumps which were probably not clean but were scored as clean. Who knows how judges at Worlds will score their jumps or Jason's jumps. USFS is still sending them to Worlds - no matter what fans think.

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