94th Annual Academy Awards Thread


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is that being a member of the Academy really doesn't mean much. Basically I believe it mostly just means he won't be able to vote for winners (or suggest nominees for his relevant categories), and likely won't be presenting next year. That's it. No actual repercussions. He can still act in any move that wants to hire him, he can still be nominated for any award (even Oscars), etc.
I have a relative who's a member of the Academy. All that basically means for him is that he can suggest nominees in his relevant category (he's an animator so he can only suggest nominees for animated feature, but once the nominations are announced, he votes in every category) and he gets to go to some Academy events. That's it. I don't think his 'resignation' is really having any kind of effect on Will.

The only real effect I can see this whole thing having on his career is absolutely nothing due to his Academy membership, it's more due to his actions at the ceremony. Producers may not want to hire him, and so far Netflix has backed out of a movie he was going to star in, wary about working with him.

Also I do like the suggestion I've read (forget if it was here or elsewhere, I'm too lazy to look) that Questlove should present best actress next year in Will's stead, since he (and his colleagues) won the award that was overshadowed by Will's actions.

Parsley Sage

Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see if SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) imposes any punishment as it happened on a set and their code of conduct rules would apply. If they impose a suspension, that could impact his career, at least in the short term.

I guess the only other punishment the Academy could impose would be to ban him from any Academy events that don't require membership for a period of time.

I like the idea of Questlove presenting next year but they should find someway of including his 3 co-winners who I don't even think had their names read when they won and were described as "4 white guys" (there are only 3 and one is brown)


I always was under the impression that there was an approximately 30 second delay before the television signal video/audio was transmitted. If those in the control room didn’t want the viewers to see this incident they could have prevented it from being televised.


Well-Known Member
So, by resigning from the Academy, Will is once again pushing a lot of hot air.

Let's wait for April 18th, that's the Board of the Academy's next meeting date...perhaps more repercussions.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
I always was under the impression that there was an approximately 30 second delay before the television signal video/audio was transmitted. If those in the control room didn’t want the viewers to see this incident they could have prevented it from being televised.
I was wondering about that, ever since Superbowl's Nipgate. But isn't it more like 7 seconds?


Well-Known Member
Due to Will's resignation, the Academy moved up their meeting. It has been determined that he will be banned from any Academy events, in person or virtually, for 10 years from today. Official statement:
The 94th Oscars were meant to be a celebration of the many individuals in our community who did incredible work this past year; however, those moments were overshadowed by the unacceptable and harmful behavior we saw Mr. Smith exhibit on stage.

During our telecast, we did not adequately address the situation in the room. For this, we are sorry. This was an opportunity for us to set an example for our guests, viewers and our Academy family around the world, and we fell short — unprepared for the unprecedented.

Today, the Board of Governors convened a meeting to discuss how best to respond to Will Smith’s actions at the Oscars, in addition to accepting his resignation. The Board has decided, for a period of 10 years from April 8, 2022, Mr. Smith shall not be permitted to attend any Academy events or programs, in person or virtually, including but not limited to the Academy Awards.

We want to express our deep gratitude to Mr. Rock for maintaining his composure under extraordinary circumstances. We also want to thank our hosts, nominees, presenters and winners for their poise and grace during our telecast.

This action we are taking today in response to Will Smith’s behavior is a step toward a larger goal of protecting the safety of our performers and guests, and restoring trust in the Academy. We also hope this can begin a time of healing and restoration for all involved and impacted.


Well-Known Member
What Weinstein did and Allen is accused of are horrific, and worse than what Will did, however, Will's actions broke the code of conduct for Academy events, which is why he's banned from Academy events. If he had smacked Chris on the street or at the after party, he'd be going about, business as usual. But as his actions were at an Academy event, he's seeing the ramifications.

All these people who think Will is being treated worse than Weinstein, Allen, Casey Affleck, James Franco, etc... it's comparing apples to oranges.


Well-Known Member
Why are white people still so upset about this?
Are we? I can’t speak for “white people” —there are hundreds of millions of us. I do disagree with Harry Lennix regarding his recent suggestions regarding Smith but I realize he indeed is upset. David Oyelowo wrote an interesting opinion as well very recently. I agree with mostly with David. I wasn’t seeking out this topic…it was part of my perusing the news. Ukraine holds my attention. Will is an interesting blip.

just tuned in

Well-Known Member
As one of our board's resident contrarians, allow me to hijack this thread for a moment to talk about Woody Allen.

But first, let me tell you what happened to me when I was two years old. When I was two years old, I had to go into the hospital for a minor surgical procedure. I was in the hospital for three or four days. One afternoon, a nurse came through the ward with a large roll of band-aids. All the kids had to roll onto our stomachs, and the nurse put a band-aid across my butt cheeks ("tousie," in the parlance of the day).

I would believe this still today if my mother had not told me that this did not actually happen and it must have been a dream. I argued with her about it for a while, but eventually, the evidence did not support my story. Indeed, it was a dream. (I mean, I actually was in the hospital, but the thing about the band-aid across my butt cheeks did not happen.)

Imagine, instead if my mother had bought me an ice cream cone and rehearsed my story with me before reporting it to the police.

I feel sorry for Allen's daughter, who may have had a nightmare about being molested as a result of the trauma of knowing that her father was dating her sister.

Woody Allen wrote an op-ed in 2014. Worth a read, imo.



If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
The others who were banned from the Academy were far, far worse than what Will did. A 10-year ban doesn't do anything good because Will can still be nominated for an Oscar. He really should have his name removed going forward for 10 years. I don't care if it's the world's best movie or the most amazing acting ever.


Doing all the things
Imagine, instead if my mother had bought me an ice cream cone and rehearsed my story with me before reporting it to the police.
What utter bullshit. If you've read anything about the Allen-Farrow case and think it's equivalent to your story, then I don't know what to say. There's being a contrarian and being an apologist for a pedophile. They are not the same.


Banned Member
Why are you assuming that all who are still talking about this are white?
Because there has consistently been a disproportionate amount of angst from white people over this incident. I apologize if that isn't the case here.


Doing all the things
Because there has consistently been a disproportionate amount of angst from white people over this incident. I apologize if that isn't the case here.
I've heard that but I haven't seen it. Some of the white YouTubers I subscribe to did do some kind of response video and then that was it. The Black YouTubers I follow did mostly the same but at least one did a deep dive of over an hour into the subject (obviously not just on that one moment, but using that as a jumping-off point to talk about growing up a Black male in America).

I am going to assume all the angst that won't go away is on the cesspool that is Twitter or on conservative talk shows. Because those are two places where I wouldn't see it. :) And I haven't seen it. Not from anyone of any ethnicity or gender.


Well-Known Member
Why are white people still so upset about this?

I think discussing the racial aspects of some people’s responses is a worthy topic but just reducing this to “upset white people” ignores the fact that Will Smith assaulted someone on an Academy broadcast. Of course people will be upset. Of course there will be consequences. If you feel there is racially loaded language or such being directed at Will Smith or Chris Rock because of this, point it out instead of just broadly painting the situation as “upset white people.”


Well-Known Member
While I said above that the Will situation can't be compared to Allen, Weinstein, Spacey, etc, as those actions did not take place actually AT the Oscars, IMO the only 'recent' thing that is comparable was when Adrien Brody won, and the 'code of conduct' wasn't in place then (it was implemented after Weinstein's actions became known to the wider public.)
FWIW, Halle Berry was asked about the incident a few years ago. Her reaction was basically 'What the FU*K?!'


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
What Will Smith did was very wrong, but it is not fair to compare him with criminals like Weinstein and other celebrities. It is good that he resigned. He tarnished his Oscar, but he is not a criminal. He is just someone who lost his temper at the worst moment. This should have been his greatest moment as an actor. Sad that he ruined it for himself and others.


Mayor of Carrot City
What Will Smith did was very wrong, but it is not fair to compare him with criminals like Weinstein and other celebrities. It is good that he resigned. He tarnished his Oscar, but he is not a criminal. He is just someone who lost his temper at the worst moment.

Last time I checked, physical assault was a crime.

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