Australia burning: bushfire crisis spreads


On the PM’s catastrophically inept response to Australia’s unprecedented bushfires

But the feds have FINALLY! stepped in with A$2billion over the next 2 years for recovery.


Away (Workload)
Hazardous smoke haze to hit major cities

Article reads:-

Bushfire smoke is blanketing cities in multiple states today, prompting warnings from health experts to stay inside.

Hazardous air quality is forecast in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne as hundreds of fires continue to burn despite cool weather and rainfall.

Dr Tony Bartone from the Australian Medical Association described the smoke as a fatal health risk.

"The length and the density of the smoke haze to which we're being exposed at the moment is of unprecedented nature. It has been going on for longer and it's particularly thick and poor air quality in our major capital cities," he told Today.

"It is it particularly a problem for asthmatics and people with pre-existing heart conditions and but also those of us in the community that haven't yet been exposed to those triggers and have got undiagnosed lung conditions.

Peaches LaTour

Well-Known Member
A little more information in some of the a Canadians helping out. Australia and New Zealand have always been such a huge support here, I am glad we can return the favour.

And the U.S., is sending more firefighters, as well.

Wish Australia could have the rain we have been getting here for the last few days.


Away (Workload)


Well-Known Member
And the U.S., is sending more firefighters, as well.

Wish Australia could have the rain we have been getting here for the last few days.

We have had another day of torrential rain. I will say I got a bit snippy with someone who was complaining. I suggest they should be thankful for it as there are places in the world that haven’t seen this much water in years.


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
Yep, the smoke was back today in Sydney. We've had worse days, and we don't have it as bad as Canberra or the actual fire affected areas, but it's becoming far too common.

Yes, I can see on this real time pollution tracker, that Sydney air is either very unhealthy or actually Hazardous 😱


Honestly I worry about my sis and BIL in Canberra. :(
All this time, these weeks on end of breathing all that shit. They're both in their late 70's, and not that strong. Usually they keep active, but they can't go outside. They've ordered an air purifier but you can imagine how many of them are available in Canberra these days. They're on a waiting list. It could be weeks before they get it. The good news is that neither of them have any kind of lung disease.
They're in central Canberra which has slightly better air quality than Tuggeranong way out in the suburbs.
Summer before last we had really bad air quality in Vancouver because of bushfires. I felt like it stole my summer. Oh poor me. It lasted about a week. Not months! :(


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Just when you think Scumbag McFcukFace can't get any worse, he manages it! The bar is on the ground and he's still digging under it!

He visited Kangaroo Island today, where he told a group of residents he was so glad nobody died.
Except two people had. A very renowned bush pilot and his son, an also very renowned hand surgeon.
So he fumbled and tried to correct himself that no fire fighters had died.
The father and son were returning home from a stint as volunteer firefighters on the firefront.

He's like the trainwreck that just won't stop wrecking. It's humiliating.

Even better, that whole compensation package for the volunteer firefighters? Yup, as might be expected of Scummo's's actually so fcuked up many firies will barely see a dollar of it.
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Toad whisperer.....
Hot temperatures today and Friday in southeastern Australia will shift to north central Australia by the weekend.

The American models are still hopeful of more rainfall starting later in the weekend through the 22nd of the month. Not enough to break the drought but enough to give fire fighters a chance to bring some of the fires under control.
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Well-Known Member
Just when you think Scumbag McFcukFace can't get any worse, he manages it! The bar is on the ground and he's still digging under it!
And he'll keep digging...
On the surface, Morrison’s response makes no sense. Even from a cynical standpoint, there seems to be very little to gain in playing down a national crisis of this sort. A strong response rallies the nation. It shows you’re a leader who acts. Best of all, there’s no partisan division to navigate. It is a political truism that everyone, regardless of how they vote, does not want the country to be on fire.

But this isn’t about people, it’s about ideology, and to accept the unprecedented scale of the fires and act accordingly is to accept that the climate is changing and something needs to be done. That’s it. To me, this is the most striking aspect of the crisis — the debate about how best to douse a burning country has been seamlessly press-ganged into service in the ongoing culture war, all of which is amplified and buttressed by an increasingly demented right-wing media and an absurdly powerful fossil fuels lobby.

Garden Kitty

30,096, a charitable organization that runs wildlife cams from a number of different locations in order to increase awareness of animal issues, is doing a matching fundraiser of up to $75,000 to WIRES, a wildlife rescue organization in Australia. They had originally set the target at $10K but the response was so good they increased it to $75,000. It's a small amount given the great need, but every bit helps.
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Handy Emergency Backup Mode
As expected, Dunns Road, East Ournie Creek, Green Valley, Mount Youngal, Adaminaby Complex, and Doubtful Gap Trail fires have all joined up. I expect Dunns Road to swallow Atkinsons soon (if it hasn't already; the maps seem to be poorly updated today). East Ournie Creek and Green Valley will also probably hook up with Yellow Bog Road, Pilot, Tin Mines and Geehi.

If the wind blows the wrong way, smoke may end up being the least of Canberra's problems.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could send some of our rain there. It's supposed to rain practically non-stop during the day today and Saturday.

I remember decades ago coming out of work at lunch and the sky was all gray and dusty looking (near Dayton, OH). Found out later (before the internet) it was from the smoke of a forest fire clear down in Kentucky. I can't imagine how bad it could be in Australia. I feel so sorry for all the roos and koalas (and the people, of course) who don't have anywhere to go.

((Praying you get rain.))

p.s. I AM grateful we are not getting this in snow.
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Well-Known Member
What if we could send rain? My friend's brother, a pilot, used to work for the UAE seeding clouds for rain in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Is this feasible for California, Australia and those areas overcome by catastrophic fires when there is drought?


Toad whisperer.....
Reports I am seeing coming across the news wires is that a big bushfire in Victoria and one in New South Wales have merged to form a megafire that covers 2300 square miles.

How in the name of God are they going to put that one out.... 🐸 🐨🦘:wuzrobbed


Well-Known Member
Reports I am seeing coming across the news wires is that a big bushfire in Victoria and one in New South Wales have merged to form a megafire that covers 2300 square miles.

How in the name of God are they going to put that one out.... 🐸 🐨🦘:wuzrobbed

That is about 400square miles bigger than Delaware. Just for some perspective. Can water bombers really do anything to a fire that size?


As expected, Dunns Road, East Ournie Creek, Green Valley, Mount Youngal, Adaminaby Complex, and Doubtful Gap Trail fires have all joined up. I expect Dunns Road to swallow Atkinsons soon (if it hasn't already; the maps seem to be poorly updated today). East Ournie Creek and Green Valley will also probably hook up with Yellow Bog Road, Pilot, Tin Mines and Geehi.

If the wind blows the wrong way, smoke may end up being the least of Canberra's problems.
This has been my fear all along. Stay safe @misskarne.


Toad whisperer.....
Been viewing a lot of videos from clinics that are rescuing the wildlife from the fires.

There is a growing thread which anyone will find disturbing and that is that the whole ecological system will likely collapse in these areas. The question is does this extend to the unburned areas as well. Long after the fires are finally extinguished the tidal wave of damage to the overall ecology will continue.

This is very scary shit.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
What if we could send rain? My friend's brother, a pilot, used to work for the UAE seeding clouds for rain in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Is this feasible for California, Australia and those areas overcome by catastrophic fires when there is drought?

I don't understand the science very well, but I believe you have to have the right types of clouds, and we don't.

Reports I am seeing coming across the news wires is that a big bushfire in Victoria and one in New South Wales have merged to form a megafire that covers 2300 square miles.

How in the name of God are they going to put that one out.... 🐸 🐨🦘:wuzrobbed

They can't. All they can do is try some semblance of control, and protect what is in its path. Only rain - prolonged, steady rain over weeks - will put it out.

For those watching the maps, the fires I listed above are the ones merging. You can watch them on the map here:


Mayor of Carrot City
Been viewing a lot of videos from clinics that are rescuing the wildlife from the fires.

There is a growing thread which anyone will find disturbing and that is that the whole ecological system will likely collapse in these areas. The question is does this extend to the unburned areas as well. Long after the fires are finally extinguished the tidal wave of damage to the overall ecology will continue.

This is very scary shit.

Geographers say that islands are the bellwether for the rest of the world. Anything that can happen on an island - which is a mostly isolated ecosystem - can happen on a continent. Islands give us a chance to get things right before they happen on a larger scale elsewhere :(

Peaches LaTour

Well-Known Member
And the U.S., is sending more firefighters, as well.

Wish Australia could have the rain we have been getting here for the last few days.

Last night on the American National news, they had a clip about the US fire-fighters arriving at the airport in Sydney. Despite all the horror the Aussie's have been through, those who happened to be at the airport when the fire-fighters arrived, stopped & applauded them.

Their warm welcome really touched my heart.


Away (Workload)
Calls for Inquiry Into Government Response to Fires

The race to save animal casualties

Aboriginal planners say the bush 'needs to burn'

Article reads: "Long before Australia was invaded and colonised by Europeans, fire management techniques - known as "cultural burns" - were being practised. The cool-burning, knee-high blazes were designed to happen continuously and across the landscape. The fires burn up fuel like kindling and leaf detritus, meaning a natural bushfire has less to devour."

Garden Kitty

San Diego Zoo Global matched all the admission fees for a day at the SD Zoo and SD Wildlife Park to raise funds for wildlife rescue. They are also holding an onine fundraiser for people who couldn't go to the zoo in person but want to help. The Organization has also offered the help of its wildlife rescue and research teams.

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