Big Brother Season 24

Aaron MB Fan

Well-Known Member
As there seems to be a bunch of us watching Big Brother Season 24, thought I would create a new thread for this season. The season began last week on July 6th. Here is a link to the cast:

Hoping for a good season this year with lots of surprises and blindsides. Thus far, it looks like there is already some drama with many of the women not being fans of Taylor. Xavier (winner of Season 23) has commented on the situation on Twitter:



Headcase Addict


Well-Known Member
Some good Big Brother sites I've followed for years:

Thanks. I couldn't remember "hamsterwatch" from years ago.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I saw some wacky video clips on twitter where she said that the BB house was actually an Inception-like dream.
Yeah, I haven't been able to keep up with the feeds since Sunday apart from following the Live Feeds Discussion thread over at Primetimer - other things take priority this week. Feedsters aren't sure if she quit or was booted by production. There was some WEIRD stuff from her earlier this week and then the feeds went down about 24 hours ago and rumors surfaced that she was out.


Well-Known Member
it has been a crazy week.
Paloma started off promising, but then she did/said some things - that I went huh - and now what has happened it makes sense- I am glad she is taking care of herself.
Taylor -- I am not a fan, and some her behavior - oh well - but what Daniel said when he nominated her was harsh. Why say that? Or at least privately. I was on the fence about him, but this tipped things - not sure.
Britney - seems annoying - plus whether her bangs are down or brushed back - she really looks different. Not a criticism - but in the beginning I am trying to keep folks straight. Same with Jasmine - based on her makeup and whether hair is down or up.
Am worried that the strong frat boys will go far - just predictable.
Still don't much about some of them. But in Thurs show - Hunter's comments/reaction about Paloma - he seems like a sweet guy, and when Jasmine was hut - Joseph was holding her hand. little moments can give you a sense of a person.

Anyone watching 'The Challenge' - I have never seen before - but lots of alumn from BB, Amazing Race, Survivor and Love island (I have never watched that one)
Several folks from the The Cookout (X, Azah, Tiffany) and Alyssa among others.
Intersting with some of the alliances - along previous show lines. Least numbers from Amazing Race.

Aaron MB Fan

Well-Known Member
Finally had a chance to catch up today on Wed & Thurs episodes. Wow, I had heard that Paloma had exited the house, so I was wondering what went down. I'm glad she has taken care of herself as mental health is so important and a top priority, hope she is doing okay. It definitely feels like everyone is trying not to make waves early on after Frenchie's messiness early on last year caused his exit. Hard to share anything with others at this stage and not expect it to get out to the other houseguests.


Well-Known Member
"With CBS News coverage of the Jan. 6 hearings scheduled to air this Thursday from 8 to 10 pm ET, that night’s Big Brother episode instead will air Friday at 8 pm."

I'll have to see if my DVR picks up the change.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
"With CBS News coverage of the Jan. 6 hearings scheduled to air this Thursday from 8 to 10 pm ET, that night’s Big Brother episode instead will air Friday at 8 pm."

I'll have to see if my DVR picks up the change.
The eviction show has now been rescheduled to Sunday :mad:, which will be a two hour show from 8-10 ET.


Well-Known Member
I haven't watched last night's yet, but I have a comment about whenever the one before that one was. Those guys putting in their contacts. I haven't worn them for about 10 years now, but I wore them for 30 years before that. They were pulling the bottom lid down. I always held my top lid up. And I sat down and leaned over a small mirror. I did not stand up looking in the mirror - over the sink. Watching them made my eyes water. ha ha


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I remember when this show first came on the air. I couldn't believe anyone could ever watch this dreck. Many years later I can't believe it's still on the air. These people aren't celebrities or have any claim to fame. It's like me watching my next door neighbor watering his lawn. Great entertainment!


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I remember when this show first came on the air. I couldn't believe anyone could ever watch this dreck. Many years later I can't believe it's still on the air. These people aren't celebrities or have any claim to fame. It's like me watching my next door neighbor watering his lawn. Great entertainment!
Yesterday's feeds were GOLD after the Veto Ceremony. Lots of great material for to.orrow night's show.


Well-Known Member
Re-capping yesterday’s episode…have I got this correct?

1. Nicole is upset that she is going to throw the veto challenge. (Dude…you DO have the option of NOT throwing it…)
2. Nicole is NOT upset that she is backstabbing her partner, who has only been honest and kind to her.
3. Nicole enters a used room and evicts everyone in there rather than getting some alone time in the diary room, food room or backyard. Nicole proceeds to cry about losing a competition that hasn't even started.
4. Seeing Nicole sobbing, people start wondering if the cancer Nicole’s Mom is going through is getting worse.
5. Taylor asks Monte if he would mind praying together for Nicole and her Mom.
6. Taylor approaches Nicole and lets her know that if she has reason to quit, that she (Taylor) is not concerned about how it might affect her game and that Nicole should do whatever she needs to.
7. Nicole, instead of addressing her feelings about this to Taylor, tells others instead.
8. Daniel takes Nicole’s side without approaching or listening to Taylor.
9. Daniel goes off on Taylor and then passively-aggressively informs her he won't listen to a word she has to say because he is so angry about her passive-aggressiveness.
10. Taylor tries to clear the air with Nicole, who again won't ask for clarification about where Taylor is coming from. Nicole implies that she might not try in the upcoming veto competition.
11. Taylor is devastated.

I now despise Nicole and Daniel and hope they have a horrible accident in the earliest challenge and both leave the game in an ambulance.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I need to catch up on last night's episode - got plenty of time for that now, lol - but the feeds have been even better last night/today. I really cannot wait for this blindside to happen!!!!!

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