Forced starvation of skaters in Eteri's training camp


Sew Happy
Ice Capades did the same thing in North America. Anyone know what the current practice is in the Disney shows?

It's my understanding that all of those weigh-ins were discontinued. Ice Capades went out of business inn 1995, so they probably did weigh-ins throughout their run. It lead to a LOT of disordered eating.

I think weigh ins have been discontinued, but I don't know with absolute certainty.


Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that all of those weigh-ins were discontinued. Ice Capades went out of business inn 1995, so they probably did weigh-ins throughout their run.
Here's an interesting clip from 1974. Trixi Schuba, the 1972 Olympic Champion who won all of her titles because of her perfect figures (and not her free skating), told a story of how she was forced to lose 25 or 30 pounds while she was touring with Holiday On Ice, in order to look more glamorous in the shows. She was put on a strict diet of just 500 calories a day (!) while she was on tour. Here she is performing, absolutely unrecognizable from her competitive days:

Oddly enough (and perhaps disturbingly), Trixi defended the forced diet, saying that she loved eating cakes and pastries too much. But 500 calories a day... geez.


Sew Happy
Here's an interesting clip from 1974. Trixi Schuba, the 1972 Olympic Champion who won all of her titles because of her perfect figures (and not her free skating), told a story of how she was forced to lose 25 or 30 pounds while she was touring with Holiday On Ice, in order to look more glamorous in the shows. She was put on a strict diet of just 500 calories a day (!) while she was on tour. Here she is performing, absolutely unrecognizable from her competitive days:

Oddly enough (and perhaps disturbingly), Trixi defended the forced diet, saying that she loved eating cakes and pastries too much. But 500 calories a day... geez.

My cat would lose weight on 500 calories a day! The average active woman needs 2000 per day to maintain weight, and someone who is skating professionally requires more - 3500 to 5000 to maintain muscle and performance.



Banned Member
Big deal. That is normal practice all over the world. When I got fat at work, they wouldn't let us eat or drink until we lost the weight. A couple people died, but it was because they are weak. Why are we making a big deal about this?

(Someone who doesn't know much about the topic) Seeing that she says she no longer does it in routine, is it an eating disorder, or a forced regime? Or is she just past it?

I think I posted this from FS Gossips before, and it's indeed disgusting and the Eteri camp seems most culpable for it. That said, I'm not sure it's just an "Eteri thing" and not a Russian sports thing, as in I would guess Eteri's directed to do this to keep up her factory.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Big deal. That is normal practice all over the world. When I got fat at work, they wouldn't let us eat or drink until we lost the weight.
Where did you work that they had the power to refuse you food and drink?
A couple people died, but it was because they are weak. Why are we making a big deal about this?
Because we are all weak and want to protect our own.


Banned Member
Where did you work that they had the power to refuse you food and drink?

Because we are all weak and want to protect our own.
While I was in college in Hungary, I worked as a prostitute to cover my tuition and living expenses. We had to be in tip-top shape so I ate healthy, exercised, did my Kegels and worked hard.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
While I was in college in Hungary, I worked as a prostitute to cover my tuition and living expenses. We had to be in tip-top shape so I ate healthy, exercised, did my Kegels and worked hard.
Really? Most of the prostitutes I see are drug addicts and look it. I do not, however, doubt for a second that their work is hard.

So are you equating figure skaters with Hungarian prostitutes? Or trying to argue that the standards of Hungarian prostitutes are in common practice all over the world? Or...what precisely is the salient point you want to make on this topic?

On second thought, you aren't entertaining enough to keep around.

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