No PDAs for Zagitova


Well-Known Member
@Tinami Amori , I don't doubt that. As I said earlier, I think she is just tired and worn out and sort of done with the whole smiling at total strangers on command thing.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
@Tinami Amori , I don't doubt that. As I said earlier, I think she is just tired and worn out and sort of done with the whole smiling at total strangers on command thing.
Alina is not tired and worn out...... Here is a video of the whole session (32 minutes). In the whole session Alina politely asked 2 people not to put hands on her back and around her neck. She asked politely with a smile, and then continued to give them signature and smiled for a foto. Nobody else tried to put their hands around her.

The two situations are right here (short clip 57 seconds)

Hotarek should also be careful putting hands around little girls. It's perfectly innocent what he's doing, but nowdays a close up foto of a "hand too low on one's back" can be misused.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Thats why I say never meet your idol or your star crush.....

I live in Hollywood, so I got lots of experience.

having said that, I dont blame her..... people are freaks these days... although looking at her audience they are just kids...... I didn't watch the whole thing but I dont see any adult male creepers sneaking up behind her. (although I stayed home that day!! bwahhhhhh!!) what can I say?

added a few moments later: Actually its kinda weird or maybe uncomfortable that they come up for these photo ops from behind her... I think maybe Id swipe away someones bear hugs away too. However if they came up from my side where I could see who it is etc I may be more obliged to have an arm around.

However if that person is Paul Poirier he's just gonna get bumrushed by me anyway so he might as well settle in.
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Well-Known Member
If you have any information about her cultural and/or ethnic group's position on hugs from female strangers, do share.
I suggest that you reading posts carefully before posting responses to them. :saint:

I feel like I literally lost brain cells reading this stupidity.

So someone is really, in this era, going to complain about a 17 year old girl's right to her bodily autonomy? Alina's fine. Not everyone's a hugger.

Although given what was posted in other threads last year about girls' right to their bodily autonomy, it's not surprising that lessons have not been learned.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, Alina has every right to establish her own parameters and politely establish a "no touch" rule if that is her wish. However, for the first time ever I paid to go to a meet and greet this past year after CSOI and I found it eye opening. The cast was clearly tired and I am sure they just wanted to go back to their hotel, but the ones who were friendliest and most engaging were skaters like Kurt, Elvis, Katelyn and Andrew, Eric, Patrick and a few new notables - Nam, Piper and Paul. I guess what I am saying - you can never forget those who buy a ticket, arrange transportation, pay for parking, buy popcorn, buy programs, buy memorabilia, and make it all possible. They need to feel important. (Of course - they have no right to touch a performer in a way they don't want to be touched).


New Member
Probably people are bored to watch the entire videos. So some gifs from another forum with Alina behaving badly with kids.

Alina is not saint but she is one of the most friendly to the audience, generally and specially to kids, for who ever is following her. It's surprising to see such a thread at all.

There are cases that she stopped a bus to go give autograph, giving autographs in the wind, in the rain etc. This specific one is a planned autograph session with hundreds of people line up to get one autograph and photo, so it looks more of a business approach, forced lets say. And they have limited time. Which is not Alina's false, but organizers.


Well-Known Member
Strict Muslims won't partake in any Christmas stuff or let their children figure skate competitively.

There is a Muslim competitive skater who has been discussed on the board. She skates wearing hijab. Sorry her name doesn't immediately come to mind.

And if there is one, there could be more. Although Islamic countries are often hot countries where skating of any kind isn't popular and ice rinks are rare.

Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
There is a Muslim competitive skater who has been discussed on the board. She skates wearing hijab. Sorry her name doesn't immediately come to mind.

And if there is one, there could be more. Although Islamic countries are often hot countries where skating of any kind isn't popular and ice rinks are rare.

Zahra Lari. Two more UAE girls skated in the JGP this year, one in hijab and one not. Thea Aboudiwan skates at Novice level for the UAE and doesn't wear hijab.


Well-Known Member
There is a Muslim competitive skater who has been discussed on the board. She skates wearing hijab. Sorry her name doesn't immediately come to mind.

And if there is one, there could be more. Although Islamic countries are often hot countries where skating of any kind isn't popular and ice rinks are rare.

ETA: It's Zahra Lari


Well-Known Member
There is a Muslim competitive skater who has been discussed on the board. She skates wearing hijab. Sorry her name doesn't immediately come to mind.

And if there is one, there could be more. Although Islamic countries are often hot countries where skating of any kind isn't popular and ice rinks are rare.
There are tons of skaters who identify as Muslim. They don't cover their heads so you won't necessarily know it. Zagitova is a typical example of this group.

The politics of hijab are complicated, and it doesn't really say anything meaningful about how observant or strict the person wearing it is.


Well-Known Member
I would prefer a total ban of PDA from all skaters except those in dedicated monogamous relationships, especially the Knierims, Grantoline, ChartReynolds, and Nathan and Karen Chen.
I would especially prefer a total ban of PDA from those skaters IN relationships as well. :sick:


Well-Known Member
Probably people are bored to watch the entire videos. So some gifs from another forum with Alina behaving badly with kids.

Alina is not saint but she is one of the most friendly to the audience, generally and specially to kids, for who ever is following her. It's surprising to see such a thread at all.

There are cases that she stopped a bus to go give autograph, giving autographs in the wind, in the rain etc. This specific one is a planned autograph session with hundreds of people line up to get one autograph and photo, so it looks more of a business approach, forced lets say. And they have limited time. Which is not Alina's false, but organizers.
She does look very friendly here. She was probably just tired in the other video. Or something was wrong and we just can’t tell from the video.


Well-Known Member
I’ve seen autograph sessions with Kristi and Sarah Hughes . I think they are both extremely gracious to do it, yet I can’t help seeing how forced their smiles look as they greet stranger after stranger after stranger. It’s almost like they are forcing their cheek muscles to keep that mouth open . I don’t blame Alina at all for putting limits on what makes her uncomfortable

(And yet Kristi dutifully signs autographs at all the big US events, she is still such a trooper for her sport.)

Well ... many Americans believe that if you don't grin like a mad man in some social situations than you come across as rude so it makes sense for them to act like that.


Well-Known Member
Makes me think of that scene from the Crown where the Queen had to get injections in her face because she was smiling too much on her Australian tour.


Doing all the things
As I said earlier, I think she is just tired and worn out and sort of done with the whole smiling at total strangers on command thing.
Except all she did was move the kid to the place where everyone was standing to get their picture taken. She wasn't rude or angry or anything negative and the fan in question doesn't look upset.

What an absolute tempest in a teapot.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of athletes who are Muslim whom you wouldn't necessarily "spot." Aliya Mustafina is one. She wears a leotard and all.

Rudolf Nureyev was also a ballet dancer of Muslim descent whom you wouldn't necessarily spot either.

Also wearing a hijab/nijab is often cultural and region specific and isn't necessarily an indicator of how religious someone is.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of athletes who are Muslim whom you wouldn't necessarily "spot." Aliya Mustafina is one. She wears a leotard and all.

Rudolf Nureyev was also a ballet dancer of Muslim descent whom you wouldn't necessarily spot either.

Also wearing a hijab/nijab is often cultural and region specific and isn't necessarily an indicator of how religious someone is.

There was also Zainab Zavadli, a rhythmic gymnast from Azerbaijan who became a third wife of the Emirati royal Saeed bin Maktoum. That was the end of her leotards.

I think a distinction needs to be made for someone who is "of Muslim descent" or "culturally Muslim" and an actual practicing, observant Muslim. In practical terms, it is rare to find a female athlete in the second group active in a sport that involves public displays in clothes that display more than they conceal.


Well-Known Member
Goodness, give the girl some space!

She's at her best when she has a whole ice cold Olympic rink to herself.

It doesn't matter if she is the Good Witch of the North or the Wicked Witch of the East or some other mumbo jumbo from the Southwest!


Well-Known Member
Zahra Lari. Two more UAE girls skated in the JGP this year, one in hijab and one not. Thea Aboudiwan skates at Novice level for the UAE and doesn't wear hijab.
Thea's Lebanese AFAIK. Lebanon doesn't have a national association so there were some issues with her representing Lebanon. Maybe that's why she skates under the UAE flag.


Headcase Addict
I empathize with Alina. I can't stand when someone I barely know tries to hug me.....or even touch me. Family and very close friends I'm sort of ok with. But people I barely know makes me very uncomfortable and I usually pull away. Which makes them feel like they did something wrong. Some people just don't like to be touched. Respect that.


Well-Known Member
There are tons of skaters who identify as Muslim. They don't cover their heads so you won't necessarily know it. Zagitova is a typical example of this group.

That's true. I should have been more specific.


Well-Known Member
People need to remember that just because someone is a celebrity, does not mean to disrespect their personal space.

May I echo this again by saying, "Just. Do. Not. Touch. Her." It is a rule that if followed solves many issues - personal, cultural, political, legal, moral or any issue that could be discussed.

So simple.

and, BTW, may I just mention that crowds of people can be an incubus of viral plague and communicable illnesses and I doubt anyone with good sense like a world class athlete would want to risk "swimming in the sea of humanity" just to give autograph scribbles and pics to ravenous fans who don't even respect personal space.

Just. Do. Not. Touch. We can call it the Zagitova Rule.

Example of usage: "Had Callaghan followed the Zagitova Rule, he would never have had the problems he ended up having."


Well-Known Member
I get your point, but please don’t make jokes about actual sexual assault. Thanks.

All righty then, I will give you an alternative:

Had the unidentified woman in the crowd surrounding the Pope followed the Zagitova Rule, she would not have angered the Pope, gotten her hand slapped and been damned to the eternal fires of Hades FOREVER.

Feel any better?

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
All righty then, I will give you an alternative:

Had the unidentified woman in the crowd surrounding the Pope followed the Zagitova Rule, she would not have angered the Pope, gotten her hand slapped and been damned to the eternal fires of Hades FOREVER.

Feel any better?

There’s no grudge here. I simply misinterpreted your previous post.

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