OES News 2016-2017


Well-Known Member
Netta Schrieber has announced her retirement on instagram. She has been suffering from injuries and thought it best to complete her competitive career.


Netta Schrieber has announced her retirement on instagram. She has been suffering from injuries and thought it best to complete her competitive career.
Thanks for the update!
Always sad, when injuries are among the reasons.

A shame we will lose those dramatic knc's :D
The first time I saw her ever was a big knc :drama: and to close her career last week we had the same in Torún after the SP (following the WD for the free). Not to mention all the times in between. That :glamor::drama: will be missed for sure! :D


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this is in the Euros thread, but I just saw that Zoe Jones is entered in the pairs with Chris Boyadji! Talk about blast from the past! Wishing them success tomorrow in their SP.


Recovering from Wichita Nationals


Well-Known Member
:gallopin1 potential here!

I hope they actually compete, there is a live feed, and we can see the kiss&cry (that's all). :p

There would be :gallopin1 potential if she were better. :shuffle:

Not from Torun, but from today's SP, where they finished last: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfGV6lOr_mc

If you just watch the Kiss and Cry part (starting at 5:45), you would think that they had skated separately and just happened to be getting their scores at the same time. :drama:


RIP D-10
For 2018 Euros:

ITA has three Ladies' spots back (3rd for Kostner + 9th for Rodeghiero) and SVK, HUN, and BEL get two spots, thanks to Rajicova, Toth, and Hendrickx (her first Euros!). There are SVK and HUN Ladies who have the Euros minimums and could get the second spot. Is Vandersarren still skating? She's .02 shy of the Euros TES FS minimum.

FIN, FRA, and GER retained two, and RUS, of course, three.


Banned Member
... we can see the kiss&cry (that's all). :p

OMG, that avatar of yours with Pogo's coach sticking out her tongue. :lol: :yikes:

Anna Tsareva's Wu-Tang name generator alias is Gentleman Mastermind. Eh, her expressions make her seem more like Devious Diva Mastermind. :p


Well-Known Member
I was impressed with both Hendrickx siblings and enjoyed Moris Kvitelashvili's free skate too. They all have excellent skating skills and quite decent technical content, though Jorik seems to take the Jason Brown approach and go for GOE over base score. Laurine Lecavelier was very entertaining too and could be quite competitive for top ten at Worlds if she can make her jumps a little tidier, bump up levels on her spins, and work on transitions. I hope to see them all showing up more reliably in GP events and suppose Jorik and Laurine have reasonable likelihood of getting two each.


Banned Member
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Banned Member
^^ Indeed it was. Good luck to Vanessa & Morgan at Worlds.

I have been catching up with Euros performances, and I noticed that Daniel Samohin had problems in the sp and he failed to qualify for the fp. He clearly seemed to be skating with an injury. Does anyone know what was wrong with Daniel? How's he doing?


Recovering from Wichita Nationals
Does anyone know what was wrong with Daniel?
From J-C Berlot on IN: Czech guláš: Samohin battles on borrowed blades
(Side note: I don't think James/Cipres belong in a thread for "Obscure European Skaters").

BTW, @reut recently started an Israeli skater & skating news/articles thread: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/index.php?threads/israeli-skating-news.100460/

Photo of Hendrickx siblings (as kids): https://www.instagram.com/p/BPmTGAgB0_n
And after 2017 Euros: https://www.instagram.com/p/BP252XRhFgf

Jorik & Loena have a joint website: http://www.belgianfigureskaters.com (also includes links to their individually named domains)
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Banned Member
^^ Thanks @Sylvia. :) Yes, re J/C, I should have posted about them in the French skaters news thread.

Not sure how you were able to diagnose an injury from your computer screen, but he was actually skating in someone else's boots because his airline lost his luggage.

Thanks for the explanation. After seeing a video of Daniel's sp performance with non-English commentary, I wondered whether he might have been skating with an injury because he seemed to be so hesitant and not his normal self. I should have phrased my post differently. I posted in this thread to find out whether or not he was suffering from an injury.

What a shame about the airline losing his luggage. I guess there's no way for skaters to avoid the possibility of these occurrences. Perhaps a back-up plan would be to try and break in more than one pair of boots and have a coach or relative carry the extra pair in their luggage, and pray at least one set of luggage won't be lost.
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Well-Known Member
Here is an article about Kerstin Frank AUT: Goals and training conditions. It's interesting how training works for a skater in a small fed with no money and lack of funds.

In Vienna she has difficulties to train, ice quality, sometimes a lot of kids on the ice
Her coach is sick, so she trained for 6 weeks in Mannheim with Petr Szypa and for one week in Oberstdorf (due to lack of other coaches in Vienna). She dosen't know where to train next season, yet. She dosn't like moving, and moving again.
Goal is Olys, afterwards perhaps working as a coach. She already has licence.

Respect for pulling through :respec:


Recovering from Wichita Nationals
Thanks @Enchanted - I've cross-posted your link in the dance hall discussion thread: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/in...king-rhumba-magic.101001/page-14#post-5071759

OES pairs who have split since Worlds (one partner is listed on icepartnersearch.com):

Ioulia Chtchetinina (SUI): http://icepartnersearch.com/showbio.php?i=5938
Her ISU bio with Noah Scherer (they competed in SP at past 2 Worlds): http://www.isuresults.com/bios/isufs00035156.htm

Emilia Simonen (FIN) who competed at Helsinki Worlds in her first season of pair skating with Matthew Penasse: http://icepartnersearch.com/showbio.php?i=5918

Latvia's Glebs Basins, age 18, is also on IPS looking to skate pairs at the Junior level and aiming for 2022: http://icepartnersearch.com/showbio.php?i=5898
His ISU singles bio: http://www.isuresults.com/bios/isufs00034227.htm
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