"On Edge" - Olympic Channel's docuseries featuring 6 teams from Ice Academy of Montreal


Well-Known Member
Tessa and Scott have severed their partnership and moved into different directions.
They didn't sever their partnership, they retired. They still intended to perform together at Montreal Worlds in 2020 after they retired until it got canceled and while both are pursuing different avenues I can definitely see them skating together again at some point in the future.


Well-Known Member
They didn't sever their partnership, they retired. They still intended to perform together at Montreal Worlds in 2020 after they retired until it got canceled and while both are pursuing different avenues I can definitely see them skating together again at some point in the future.
They did? I never heard that.
As far as I remember they made it pretty clear that the Olympics was it.
Definitely not 2020


Well-Known Member
They didn't sever their partnership, they retired. They still intended to perform together at Montreal Worlds in 2020 after they retired until it got canceled and while both are pursuing different avenues I can definitely see them skating together again at some point in the future.
What 2020? Huh?


knowing how annoying Denmark is about citizenship, and knowing how hard they worked for this, I am so THRILLED to see the Danadians at the Olympics. They both seem so sweet and so sweet on each other.

I only think it's a shame they're not able to represent Denmark; when they were they were working with kids while returning for Nationals. I think Danish figure skating could use some star power. That said, Sorensen looks like he has put down roots in Canada, and I can hardly blame him, having settled pretty well in the US.


I don’t think Gabi was secretly wishing for V/M to fall, although I certainly was, and not secretly. And V/M weren’t “in their way” because they did win the FD, and they’ve not lost a FD to V/M from 2017 Worlds on, and they would have won the OGM in 2018 had her costume not come apart and had Skate Canada president not been on the panel and desperately marked them down.

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Well-Known Member
A nationalist trying to label & criticize someone else as xenophobic. Make. It. Make. Sense.
Ok … so I am hoping gold for P&C , some Americans .. lol .. G&P etc etc. you really don’t know me at all.


Well-Known Member


Someone else brought it up, and I was simply providing proof and context. If I have gotten off topic, apologies to the moderators. But to quote Elvis Costello, "Just remember you`ll only be the boss so long as you pay my wage."
Ugh. I’m a massive fan of V and M but this is old news and off topic.
Can we please stop now.


Well-Known Member
I finally binge watched this. It’s fun and fluffy and I don’t think anything was said that needed to be taken too seriously. Madison Hubbell expressed a real human emotion about feeling like nothing they do will ever be good enough to beat Gabi/Guillaume and how frustrating it is because of all the work they put in and how proud they probably feel about their own skills and programs. I don’t think Gabi meant anything bad when whispering to Madi on the Torino podium seeing the American, French, and Russian flags that if felt like they just won the Olympics even though Madi was like “not yet!” I think Gabi was just commenting on the make up of the flags and thinking that could likely be the same flags they’ll see in Beijing not necessarily commenting on the order.

The thing with these docs that there does seem to be some sort of tunnel vision that makes it seem like IAM is the only ice dance school in the world but the rivalry between the two Spanish teams gave early context that there were teams outside of IAM existing and who could also win medals. They mentioned “The Russians” aka Sinitsina/Katsalapov early and then later. I don’t think they mentioned Piper and Paul until like episode 8 or something.

I think Chock/Bates and Lilah Fear come off really great in this series. Lewis Gibson surprisingly kind of falls in the background off the ice. I really like how all the coaches come off as well.

One thing I love about this series is the hints I get from Gabi/Guillaume. I know they are extremely hard working and competitive like everyone else, but they also exude a certain aura that makes them seem not so super obsessed with skating as well even though I’m sure all they’re doing is training and perfecting their dances since you cannot be as good as they are without that work. They just seem fun and sort of from a different mindset and world.

Madison/Zach come off as, in the words of Romain “American but in the best way possible.” They really are competitive, results-driven, and have that drive to win and get down on themselves when they feel something is in their way or out of their reach. Madison actually comes off as the more competitive and affected one between she and Zach. Four years ago, it seemed Zach was the one who was the most vocal about wanting a medal and deserving one. Here it seems Madison is more open on camera about feeling that way.


Well-Known Member
I think given how competitive US dance is, H/D have had to have that competitive drive to get to where they are. Any US ice dance team has got to be that driven. I think skaters from counties with less deep fields have the room to breath a little more.
As a Shibs fan, I totally get it. The last Olympic cycle was super cut throat for all three of their top teams and no other country’s top team had to go through that pressure to be ON for every competition (except for maybe Spain) and the fact that all three teams were medal contenders (look at 2017 Worlds) and had made the GPF every season since the 2015-16 one. That’s three seasons of never-ending close domestic competition to add on to trying to convince an international panel you’re worthy to share a podium with P/C and then P/C and V/M.

I remember early on where preparing for 2016 Worlds Madison Hubbell went from speaking about how she and Maia were roommates often and that they had a special relationship to right before 2018 Olympics and just how tense all three teams were. Chock and Hubbell were able to maintain a friendship but it seemed the Shibs were cut off or cut themselves off from the rest.
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Rooting for the Underdogs
In the 14-15 season, when Madi was still recovering from that hip surgery, they also had to fight to make it to worlds over H/B.

There is just a different competitive mindset for skaters whom have deep domestic competition in their discipline.


Well-Known Member
In the 14-15 season, when Madi was still recovering from that hip surgery, they also had to fight to make it to worlds over H/B.

There is just a different competitive mindset for skaters whom have deep domestic competition in their discipline.
I remember the Eurosport commentators noting how disappointed the Shibs looked to win silver at 2016 Worlds, which I thought was normal but I didn’t think they looked that disappointment…more calm as they usually were in the KnC. But then the commentators started going on about Americans and having American competitiveness to be no. 1, and honestly, that was the first time that even entered my mind. I just thought it was normal but then I am also American.


Doing all the things
Am I missing something Did we ever get the last episode? I watch on YouTube and sometimes there is a gap between when it is shown on the Olympic Channel (which I don't get) and gets uploaded to YouTube.

But the Olympics have started and some of these teams have skated and we left off at Spanish Nationals? 🤷‍♀️


Am I missing something Did we ever get the last episode? I watch on YouTube and sometimes there is a gap between when it is shown on the Olympic Channel (which I don't get) and gets uploaded to YouTube.

But the Olympics have started and some of these teams have skated and we left off at Spanish Nationals? 🤷‍♀️
Episode 12 was uploaded on Saturday - I guess we were all a little preoccupied.


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