Russian figure skating news in 2023

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Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
What is this Liebestrauma from M/G?
I mean, they skate well, but I want Elvis, Snow Storm, Queen and Master & Margarita back.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, both B/K and M/G have become boring to watch, even if the elements are there. Chikmareva was also my personal favorite today. And even Kosto with all her flaws is somehow more exciting to watch.

Yet they promised Kozlovskii VS Gallyamov for this year Channel 1 Cup, so :saint:


Let the skating begin
Whatever happened to Gristaenko, I've never seen it before. A few seconds after the music started, he bolted off the ice surface and has been working on his wonky boot lace for a few minutes already. Quoth Tarasova "Koshmar!"
Laces broke then he taped them and the tape broke. 5 point time deduction! Thankfully, the team designation includes the cup final as they are too good a team. The top 3 skates were great. Mish/Gal are just rock solid, but I can see improvements in BoiKoz twist (thanks to Trankov) and her throw landings have been good all season. Chikmereva gives me Panfilova vibes except she can land the triple jumps.

Not that there are high level pair men available, but I think Kosto would progress faster if she had someone like Hoterak to help. Hubby is relatively new to pairs (he had another partner who couldn't jump to save her life) but she still has such presence on the ice that I really hope they give this experiment another couple of seasons. I'd love to see Trankov work with him on the twist and lift technique.
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Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
If there has anyone ever existed in figure skating who absolutely MUST skate to "Downton Abbey", then it's Sofia "Lady Edith" Muravieva.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I have been a Gumenik fan ever since he was a junior. Nice to know he is still doing well. Quite often Russian men have a great year/competition and then they vanish.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
That KnC is so :lol:.
"How many sponsors do you want to present in the KnC?"
Russian Fed: "All of them."


Let the skating begin
Final 6 of women: Petrosian was unstoppable, and the rest of the field were excellent. Valieva fell on her quad and didn't have a chance to catch Mura's 3A and Adelia's 3 quads (fall on the 4F). Frolova and Sinitsina were just lovely mature, quality skating and Yametova is a rising little star. There were a lot of other excellent skates in the first 2 groups as well. The only sad skate was Maia K. I think she's done. 10 skaters above 200 points.
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
1. Petrosian
2. Muravieva
3. Valieva

Interview w top 3:

See all of the top programs via this link (page down):
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Well-Known Member
I watched pairs and some women. No surprises, pairs is still mighty impressive, women is still a lot of by-rote stuff and show-jumping. The top two pairs of B/K and M/G have some serious competitors coming up. Agree with everyone who loved Chikmareva & Partner, whatever his name is.
My God is Petrosyan boring. The only Russian women I enjoyed were Frolova and Sinitsyna. Valieva is kind of there, nothing amazing, but also not bad. Stealing La Tuk's dresses and music. Didn't realise Tarasova was commentating and was surprised at the extent of my revulsion upon hearing her voice.

ETA: M/G found the worst version of Liebestraum from a very high pile of bad versions and skated to it. And were still great.


Let the skating begin
ETA: M/G found the worst version of Liebestraum from a very high pile of bad versions and skated to it. And were still great.
Nobody ever said Moskvina has good taste in her music selections and she's the one who decides. :lol: She's has some excellent choices and some what was she thinking? And with M/G this season, she has both! There is a cognitive disconnect between her choice for the SP and the FS.

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
Well, I stand by my pick again. Sinitsina is easily the most charismatic girl at the Russian field and has some beautiful technique that has a chance to survive for a while. Really cute choreo too.

From what I see, wouldn't get too attached to Yametova, her technique is not going to survive; same about Petrosian - lovely girl, but her jumps are just bad. The body/hands positions on the entrances bother me ALOT. And she's the next one in the line of Tutberidze girls who will not survive the puberty under no circumstances. Muravieva's skating is wild, I still don't understand how she lands anything, and still think she is not going to be the most consistent skater ever. Frolova did well, but I didn't like the program, and it doesn't look like she has any chance in Russia, even if Russia is allowed to compete internationally.

And what's up with all this rushing? All of them looked as if they're late for a train - nothing is held, no lines, no positions, run run run, all is so quick and unfinished. Same for the jumps - I don't know how they land them, the entrances are so rushed, all they're missing is to shout "Geronimo!" and cross themselves.

And finally, at the ripe age of 17, Valieva is clearly the Grand Dame of the field, who allows herself to skate more maturely and have an unusual program. Said that, I wasn't sold at all. I mean, finally she shows something worth remembering, and finally she's a skater worth following, but this skate didn't look very promising. I don't know about the Russian nats, but I would check most of the landings, and would q like there's no tomorrow. The jumps looked very suspicious to me, and won't be very surprised if she loses them next season. Amazing spins though.


Well-Known Member
Trivial Pursuit - It's not a common name and there was a premier Soviet Gymnast named Tatiana Frolova who made the non-competing Soviet team in 1984.


Let the skating begin
I am eager to know what was the placement of Kostornaya and Kunitsa?

5th in the FS, 9th overall. That FS result was in no small part due to O/G's unfortunate boot issue, otherwise they'd have been 6th. Which is not a bad result overall. Their SBS jumps are usually high scoring and she's doing pretty well on landing the throw jumps. The twist is level 1 which is a big problem. Her lift positions are good due to her natural posture, but their timing isn't always on which is understandable, but his stability in the lift is a little iffy. IMHO, they could really benefit by switching coaches to Sliusarenko if they are really serious about this. Trankov could improve the twist (he's really helped BoiKoz with this) and lifts as well, but I suspect hell would freeze over before they could get into that rink. Kostornaia has gone through most of the Russian coaches and a lot won't deal with her anymore. But, they are going to need a coach who can teach lift and twist technique if they hope to have a prayer of making the top 3 in Russia. Or she could find a more experienced partner which is also not likely to happen in Russia.
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Well-Known Member
Final 6 of women: Petrosian was unstoppable, and the rest of the field were excellent. Valieva fell on her quad and didn't have a chance to catch Mura's 3A and Adelia's 3 quads (fall on the 4F). Frolova and Sinitsina were just lovely mature, quality skating and Yametova is a rising little star. There were a lot of other excellent skates in the first 2 groups as well. The only sad skate was Maia K. I think she's done. 10 skaters above 200 points.
The question which will always linger in my mind is….especially with no current International oversight and given the history of Russians doping while competing (multiple sports over the years) which skaters are truly impressive on their own merit vs helped with drugs?


Well-Known Member
The question which will always linger in my mind is….e
So you're saying Russians live rent free in your mind.

The question that will linger in my mind is will western countries in figure skating actually organize themselves in ways that actually let them scout and develop talent or will console themselves with thoughts that the only reason Russians are good is because they're dopers while they get complete shut out by Russians, Japanese, and Koreans.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
So you're saying Russians live rent free in your mind.

The question that will linger in my mind is will western countries in figure skating actually organize themselves in ways that actually let them scout and develop talent or will console themselves with thoughts that the only reason Russians are good is because they're dopers while they get complete shut out by Russians, Japanese, and Koreans.
Weird... the GPF seemed to have plenty of "western" countries represented. And no Koreans except in junior singles.

Your narrative falls apart under even the lightest bit of scrutiny seeing as 7 of the 12 medals won at the GPF were won by "western" countries. But, hey, you tell yourself that the Russians are better at scouting and developing their talent. Sure, if by "developing" you mean mentally abusing their young talent and brainwashing them into accepting whatever "health supplements" their team doctor gives them without question.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
they could really benefit by switching coaches to Sliusarenko if they are really serious about this. Trankov could improve the twist (he's really helped BoiKoz with this) and lifts as well, but I suspect hell would freeze over before they could get into that rink. Kostornaia has gone through most of the Russian coaches and a lot won't deal with her anymore. But, they are going to need a coach who can teach lift and twist technique if they hope to have a prayer of making the top 3 in Russia. Or she could find a more experienced partner which is also not likely to happen in Russia.

Trankov is still working with Tutberidze, so that's a no-go. Does Sliusarenko still work with her? He was hanging out with his own posse of 4 dudes during the competition, so I wasn't sure about that one. If he's back in Perm, I can't imagine Kostornaya wanting to move there. She could use a better partner because she has much more potential than the hubby, but she's hitched to that one for a while I suppose.


Let the skating begin
Trankov is still working with Tutberidze, so that's a no-go. Does Sliusarenko still work with her? He was hanging out with his own posse of 4 dudes during the competition, so I wasn't sure about that one. If he's back in Perm, I can't imagine Kostornaya wanting to move there. She could use a better partner because she has much more potential than the hubby, but she's hitched to that one for a while I suppose.
I think that was a one-off for T/M for the Olympic season. He's got his own skaters and is back in Perm. Artemieva and new partner had a good season (they did a successful quad twist a couple of times including the FS at nationals). His teams always have high quality twists and usually good throw technique. No, I doubt they'd be interested in leaving Moscow which is a shame if they really want to advance because apart from Trankov, that would be their best bet at getting closer to the top. Klimov has a couple of juniors and one senior team who have been plagued with injury and didn't make the National roster. :lol: He's certainly used to drama and Kosto is all about the drama. I've not been that impressed with Fedor's results so far, but again, they've had a lot of bad luck.

The problem with a different partner is there are no high level men pair skaters available for her to skate with at this point unless she could manage to get one of the junior men. Moscow, St.P and Perm are the choices for pairs and I highly doubt Moskvina would be interested. She doesn't really like drama from her skaters. Kosto has finally seemed to realise that their scores are reflective of their skill level and isn't whining when they weren't close to medals. Vale Marchi really benefited from having a high level, experienced partner in Hotarek and it still took her two years to master twist rotations. If they stay together, both as a married couple and skating team, they really need to consider their best options for a coach to help him. I think she'll master the elements, but she can't do it alone. He's a good jumper and their results are in large part due to their SBS jumps.
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Well-Known Member
So you're saying Russians live rent free in your mind.

The question that will linger in my mind is will western countries in figure skating actually organize themselves in ways that actually let them scout and develop talent or will console themselves with thoughts that the only reason Russians are good is because they're dopers while they get complete shut out by Russians, Japanese, and Koreans.
I watched videos of the the top ladies yesterday out of curiosity, expecting to be wowed by their technical and presentation ability (regardless of the possibly dubious and likely abusive methods used to achieve that) and absolutely was not. For all the talk of Russians continuing to push the envelope due to the depth within their country even without the ability to compete outside of it almost everything looked stale and paint by numbers. There was nothing interesting enough that made me go "wow, it's a shame Russia has acted the way it has because this performance deserves be seen by a wider audience" with possibly the exception of Sinitsina who is the full package and really listens to her music. Everyone else (other than Frolova who also seems to interpret her music well but who needs a better program) was fairly boring and I'll be happy to never see another awkward side leg lift that has zero to do with the music ever again. Most of these skaters made skating look hard.


Well-Known Member
The question which will always linger in my mind is….especially with no current International oversight and given the history of Russians doping while competing (multiple sports over the years) which skaters are truly impressive on their own merit vs helped with drugs?
It’s actually false there is no international supervision. Russia is constantly being checked by Wada as to when they become a full member. Every single sports organization is being monitored they are just suspended pending total perfection


Well-Known Member
I watched videos of the the top ladies yesterday out of curiosity, expecting to be wowed by their technical and presentation ability (regardless of the possibly dubious and likely abusive methods used to achieve that) and absolutely was not. For all the talk of Russians continuing to push the envelope due to the depth within their country even without the ability to compete outside of it almost everything looked stale and paint by numbers. There was nothing interesting enough that made me go "wow, it's a shame Russia has acted the way it has because this performance deserves be seen by a wider audience" with possibly the exception of Sinitsina who is the full package and really listens to her music. Everyone else (other than Frolova who also seems to interpret her music well but who needs a better program) was fairly boring and I'll be happy to never see another awkward side leg lift that has zero to do with the music ever again. Most of these skaters made skating look hard.
Feel the same way when trying to watch Japanese ladies all trying to be 90s American ice princess
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