Who is making these comments? Judges? ISU officials?First, I’d say culture and lack of institutional outreach to encourage those types of formations has been stopping them. There’s probably still a fear that these kinds of teams won’t do well. And right now we’re still in the traditional mindset that female skaters have to look one way and male skaters have to look another in ice dance. Look at all the comments this season and last about the short statures of Marco Fabbri, Jean-Luc Baker, and Michael Parsons.
Second, even if the rules say “lifting partner” and “lifted partner”, the rest of the handbook clearly say “woman” and “man”. The element abbreviations even say that. Plus, wasn’t it only last season where they changed the rule that forced women ice dancers to wear a skirt? Not dating men couldn’t wear dresses/skirts, but given the totality of everything, it’s still very much in the man/woman mold where the man leads the dance. Plus, I think ice dance handbook doesn’t use gender in the specific context of lifts thanks to the likes of Marina Anissina and Sinead Kerr where the woman lifted the man at times. I don’t the ISU would really allow a same-sex or perceived same-sex couple to compete in their sanctioned competitions.