Survivor 47


From the Bloc
Agree re Sol. His response to Rome going around saying stuff was interesting in that he encouraged everyone to fact check - quite different from what is so often a lot of paranoia, pot stirring and he said/she said.

Also, I did laugh when he rather graciously said to Sue that "we look good for our age." He's 43, there's no way he's buying that she's 45, he knows what 45 looks like. I'm still wondering why she is even bothering with this - for 59 she actually seems to be in great physical shape, is keeping up with the challenges, making connections, surviving the elements. What's the point of wanting people to think she's younger?


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
What's the point of wanting people to think she's younger?
She's quite clearly vain. She also claims it's a strategy, so people won't think she's too old to compete. I would think it would impress people that she's in such good shape for her age (as everyone says about everything once you pass 40) now that she's proven herself. She had some pretty impressive arm muscles on display in the challenge.

I like the way they've made it harder to get idols this season and I really hope they keep the red paint idol, as that has been :lol:.

I like pretty much everyone in the cast at this point.


Well-Known Member
Re - the red paint idol - I LOLed so hard at that. Why didn't they think of that years ago?
So simple but so stressful for the person that finds the idol. That was a lot of paint!
Now we will be entertained by how people will open anything with an idol in it.
Glitter would be fun.


Fan of many, uber of none
That was an interesting tribal! Good for Sol for being on the lookout for an advantage, for keeping it quiet and using it so effectively. That really stirred things up, since I think people were either still going to vote Rachel, or were planning on her being a vote on their side. Not sad to see Tiyana gone, I'd rather her leave than Gabe, who I'm still liking. Andy has come a long ways, and I'm really starting to like his reading of the game and play he's putting out there. I wonder how soon Sol will tell Rachel that he saved her butt. And all the talk of an all-woman alliance still seems to be just that, talk.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
I find the focus on Rachel interesting. Caroline and Genevieve keep saying she's the best player in the game, yet she's always on the bottom. But full props to her for having the guts to go after that idol and get it with everyone RIGHT THERE paying no attention whatsoever to her :lol:.

I LOL at the slo-mo shots of Andy and his hair--which still looks amazingly good. He's getting an interesting edit; one minute he's shown making astute observations in a confessional, the next he is shown as a buffoon.

Sue's impressive arm muscles for the win!

And yes, Kyle, you'd better win every immunity challenge.


Fan of many, uber of none
I was impressed with Rachel's using the shot-in-the-dark, and not using the idol she had found. She is playing a good game, and I guess is more social than what we really see. Kyle does indeed have to win out on the challenges to stay, because he's a huge threat, and seems like a nice guy as well.

Andy's grown on me, and I'll actually be sorry to see him go when he does.


From the Bloc
Indeed Rachel playing her shot rather than the idol was intriguing. When watching, I thought OK it's a risk, but by playing the shot she's sent a message that it's all she's got, a desperate last attempt, so no one will think she has an idol. However, the EW recap suggests something else - that by obviously toying with it in her pocket as she looked around and then declaring she would use it, she had a chance to see how they all reacted, which they didn't really, so for her that meant she was safe and didn't need to play the idol.

Either way, rather brilliant I think.

As for Kyle, of course yes he's toast because aside from winning so many challenges, they all seem to like him, and by now they are thinking who they want next them at the end and it's not him. Can't recall if his fire building skills are good, but I bet they are. He also seems to have a keen sense of the game - but his early alliance got voted out at the beginning, and I'm not sure how well he's doing building some protection around himself now.

Sol was smart to align with Rachel I think - better those two work together than against each other.

One thing that does drive me nuts is how the original tribe lines seem to be in play well into the game - because I can't keep track of them!


Fan of many, uber of none
Sad to see Sol gone. I wonder if Kyle will run with the immunities here on out. Still like Gabe, hate that he’s allied with Sue, who annoys me. I could see him being voted out soon, especially if he doesn’t get immunity.


From the Bloc
All that talking at TC and they all voted for Sol. How did that happen?
No kidding - I was amazed after all that they somehow all agreed to go with Sol without him knowing it. Even his closest allies - who in his exit interview said they did the right thing - somehow got looped in. Usually someone would have been left out of that.

I liked him too, seems like a really nice guy who in the end has no regrets and was happy to get to play.

On the Kyle front, still in a tricky position, and he seems to be underestimating Genevieve, who at this point is controlling the game the most IMO.

And Sue :rolleyes: Why was her name even mentioned? She's useless, but I guess it's a way to strike a blow to Gabe's and/or Caroline's game? Someone in one of the exit interviews said that Sue is very needy and cries all the time, so I guess we can be happy that they aren't showing that.

Not getting the Andy love either. He's too erratic in his gameplay, and in my books, that's a reason to get him out.


Fan of many, uber of none
Andy is a flipper though, which can be valuable to those he flips with. But they have to realize, eventually he'll flip back against them. He's playing the rogue hand right now.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
One of my friends who knows I'm a hardcore Survivor fan told me that Rome somewhere, somehow spoiled the order of elimination. I don't know how much he spoiled or if he even would know it correctly, but if you follow any kind of Survivor social media maybe it's best time to just unfollow if you don't want the season ruined.


From the Bloc
Well well well that was interesting. Once again these players are unifying - for the most part - to go with the flow, and they are continuing to vote out the players seen as strategic threats. Not social threats, not challenge threats, but strategic threats. Gabe was a very smart move because they just totally disabled Sue, and to a lesser extent Caroline, in the process. And Caroline was all for it, since she knew he would get the credit for every move they made as a group in the end.

Genevieve is also a strategic threat, but at this point seems to have no allies (especially after openly discussing issues with Teeny post tribal before they eventually had a private conversation - bet everyone was quite happy to hear that, and it did look to me like several of them were grinning in the dark).

So who else is a strategic threat? Andy thinks he is, but if no one else does, he's safe for now. Sam could be, but at the moment my take is he's viewed as a challenge threat and since this set of players doesn't seem to care about that, then he's safe for now too. I have to think Sam is a bit annoyed that Kyle is winning everything from a physical standpoint, not just as a bruise to his ego, but because that means that he's doing the one thing that seems to be valued about challenges in this game, and that's keeping you in it another two days.

But the most important thing we need to discuss is Sol's jury fit! He said in his post boot that he and Sierra are buddies now, and given how tiffed up she is, I have to think the two of them had fun getting ready for TC :)


Fan of many, uber of none
So long Gabe, was good to know you. I wished it had been Genevieve, who I just don't like for some reason. Oh well. Kyle keeps steamrolling those challenges, and it seems like there is nothing that he's not good at. I like that he keeps winning because I do like him, and equally, I'm not a fan of Sam really, and it seems to annoy him that Kyle keeps winning. I felt for Teeny, and I kind of hope the "outsiders" alliance works a little magic, because I've actually come to like Andy somewhat as well.


Well-Known Member
I can’t stand Genevieve, either; I really wish she would get the boot.

As for Rome possibly spoiling the order of the boots, isn’t he isolated at Ponderosa with everyone else who’s been ousted? He’d know the order just by who shows up next.


Well-Known Member
Welp, that was inevitable. I liked Kyle. :cry: I don't know who I want to win now.

And does anyone else scream SHUT UP JEFF at the TV when they are doing these tedious challenges that require a lot of concentration like I do? :rofl: He's just talking talking talking talking talking talking talking talking. That must be so annoying in person when they are doing those challenges that require a lot of concentration. But I guess that is his job, ain't it. :lol:


From the Bloc
I was rooting for Kyle too, and I fancy even Jeff was when he made the point at TC that challenge beasts don't automatically win Survivor. I was hoping the others would count on him not having much of a resume on the strategy side, but then again aside from Sue, everyone seemed to really like him so they might have given it to him on that basis, especially if all the other strategic threats had been eliminated (which at this point IMO is only Genevieve).

For at least a couple of them, Genevieve and Sam for sure, it might have been an "at least it's not me" moment, but in the end I think it's as simple as with Kyle gone, now others have a much better chance of winning immunity when they need it, which is pretty much every challenge now.


And does anyone else scream SHUT UP JEFF at the TV when they are doing these tedious challenges that require a lot of concentration like I do? :rofl: He's just talking talking talking talking talking talking talking talking. That must be so annoying in person when they are doing those challenges that require a lot of concentration. But I guess that is his job, ain't it. :lol:
Jeff was the biggest jinx in that challenge. The way it was edited, every time he said someone was in the lead their blocks would immediately topple over. :lol:


Fan of many, uber of none
Kyle was incredibly gracious and classy as he exited tribal. I think that was one of the nicest things I've seen on Survivor. I'm actually kinda rooting for Andy at this point, when he made me crazy at the beginning. Still don't like Genevieve for some reason, perhaps because she just comes across to me as cold and calculating, which of course is one way to play the game. Everyone else gives me warmer vibes, even Sue who I also dislike. She looks every bit her (true) age at this point, whether she knows it or not. I can imagine Sol thinking "forties my ass!"

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
I wondered this episode why she looked so dirty. Clothes, understandable, but her face was filthy pretty much the whole episode. Nobody else’s face was like that.

As for Kyle, I was pulling for him but figured he was toast. He’s very typical of people in northern Michigan - truly nice people, for the most part (not all).


Sew Happy
It's not just that Kyle was winning all of the challenges, but that his backstory is so heartwarming. Who wouldn't vote for the guy? Hopefully, they'll bring him back for one of the "All-Stars" games.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Kyle was incredibly gracious and classy as he exited tribal.
In his exit interviews, he said that during Tribal, everyone was pretty straight with him--they loved him but he had to go. He knew he was going well before the votes were read, but he truly felt that it was a respect vote.
I wondered this episode why she looked so dirty. Clothes, understandable, but her face was filthy pretty much the whole episode. Nobody else’s face was like that.
Caroline said that Sue tended the fire all the time and also touched her face a lot, and that the soot just wouldn't wash off no matter what they tried.

I had wondered if it was kind of by design, to distract the eye, but apparently not :shuffle:.

I am amazed that no one is targeting Teeny. I have seen her mentioned in several exit interviews as the boot's favorite person in camp, just so fun and personable and caring. I'm guessing she isn't seen as a strategist, which seems to be the theme, but in a social game, the most likable person is just as dangerous as the most strategic person--as Russell Hantz could tell them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the explanation for Sue's face. I have found it distracting.
Interesting to learn that Rome shared exit info. Is that part of the reason his exit was so entertaining to us.


From the Bloc
Caroline said that Sue tended the fire all the time and also touched her face a lot, and that the soot just wouldn't wash off no matter what they tried.
And yet among the hundreds of players who have played the game and dozens or more who have tended the fires, I can't recall ever seeing anyone that filthy.

On another note, I was impressed with Andy's play this week, and he definitely seemed to be the mastermind, but we'll see if the jury agrees. When it happened, Sol's remark was telling - he said "that was Andy," which would seem to be credit, but then he also said "he flipped again," which would suggest that when Andy tries to pitch it to the jury, they might not believe him.

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