The Amazing Race S35


Well-Known Member
It just boggles my mind that Steve is only 54. I know that different people have different physical abilities, but he comes across as much older. But then again, the Mustachios also seem older than their ages (42 and 43).


Well-Known Member
Anna Leigh: I look back and he is so far back .. is something wrong?

Me: yeah he's having a freaking heart attack!!!

Somebody on Twitter insta whatever find out if Steve is like still alive since this probably taped months ago. Geez girl quit yelling at your dad!!!!!


If my father had only stayed in Canada
Typically, I don’t wish any racers bad luck, but I was so rooting for AL and Dad NOT to recover from getting lost. I’m happy with the final 3 and am hoping that Rob may blow us away again with his memory and compensatory thinking.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I think the brothers are great guys and in any other season I’d probably be rooting for them, but in this finale I want them third. I’m kinda over how they can do everything (we studied music, we studied French, we grew up on a lake blah blah). Rob/Corey are my favorite team of all time, but I’d be very happy for the Mustachios if they won. They have such great attitudes and have had to battle from behind so many times.

One of my favorite moments from last night was Rob signing “I’m gonna haul ass.” 😂


Very pleased with the final 3. Corey and Rob have been my favorites from the start, but I wouldn't mind any of them winning. So happy to see Anna Leigh gone. I have to say, I was rooting for Steve when he was attempting the River Dance, he tried so hard.

Overall a fun episode, great challenges and beautiful scenery.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Quote of the day is by Joel and Garrett. "Every time misfortune came our way, we chose to laugh about it instead of whining about it and keep going". This is true, and it is why I had a feeling they were in the final 3. They do well under pressure and don't crumble. For a moment there, I got winners vibes from them, but their performance hasn't been consistent. I'll call 1st or 3rd from them. They'll either have an amazing final leg or they'll struggle and be the 3rd place team that is happy to have been in the finale.
The brothers are obviously the favourites, but I'm getting runners up vibes. They always have an academic explanation for why they'll be good at something. "We're computer engineers", "I studied French", "I practiced (whatever)". Today it was that they should be good at dancing because "I played the ukulele in college". I call this the overachievers edit. I call 2nd place, unless they editors really want them to look like the perfect racers and they actually win.
I don't get any final placement vibes from Rob and Corey for some reason. I don't know what to predict for them. They were great this episode and I'm glad they finally won a leg. They're my favourites and I'd love for them to win, but my favourites rarely win so I'm not getting my hopes up.

I just had a little flashback from a previous episode where Joel and Garrett forgot their notebook with notes about each leg at a task location and lost a lot of time to retrieve it. I have a feeling they were foreshadowing their place in the finale and most likely foreshadowing a major memory challenge. They always do memory challenges, but not all are equally difficult. If it's a major one, I think they'll mention the notebook incident.


If my father had only stayed in Canada
I just had a little flashback from a previous episode where Joel and Garrett forgot their notebook with notes about each leg at a task location and lost a lot of time to retrieve it. I have a feeling they were foreshadowing their place in the finale and most likely foreshadowing a major memory challenge. They always do memory challenges, but not all are equally difficult. If it's a major one, I think they'll mention the notebook incident.
I see Rob and Corey as having an advantage if the task involves something visual. Rob’s compesatory thinking might come in handy.


Well-Known Member
I think Corey looks a lot like Jason Ritter did when he was younger.
Also, Corey and Anna Mai (his Riverdance instructer) follow each other on social media, which is kind of adorable
Knowing they follow each other - made my day. They were so cute.

All of the teams are worthy winners.
But I really like Rob & Corey - Rob is having the time of his life and his smile and Corey is a sweetie. They have a great relationship
Buddies - just really like them, nice guys and good attitudues
Brothers - ITA - would probably root for the in other seasons. They are very capable, nice looking guys, but something seems generic athletic/smart dudes.

So glad Anna Leigh is off my screen, to me her father was doing his best and not giving up. It is ok that he was slower than her.


Well-Known Member
Well, the final result was predictable, but I like that the top two were so close and that Rob and Corey at least finished the final task and weren't too far back. I picked the computer science brothers and Rob/Corey for my final three by halfway through the first episode, but good on the friends for their steady improvement from an underwhelming start. I really enjoyed this cast, and it seems like all the teams got along pretty well with each other too. I hope the producers have taken note that a season without bickering influencer couples can be highly entertaining.


Well-Known Member
Congrats to the winners!

  • In the grunge challenge, were the racers told to stick around and hear their band play? Being The Final, I would expect them to hightail it out of there as quickly as possible.
  • With the trapeze challenge, I'm curious how Steve would have done if he and Anna Leigh had made the final. It seems like getting your hips in the position to put your legs on the bar could be difficult for someone older when the hips get iffy. I didn't have a lot of confidence that Rob would make it. Joel and Garrett seemed to have an easier time with it than I expected.

It was an enjoyable season, glad there's more to come!

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
The final result was totally off from what I predicted right before the episode, based on editing I predicted friends, bros, R&C. Wow they really gave the brothers the perfect racers edit. There have been stronger racers with far more wins but they really made sure to let us know how flawed they were. I think Dave and Rachel still hold the record of most wins in one season? 9 legs including the finale? That was all Rachel's doing, she was the stronger one of the two.
I hope Rob and Corey get asked next time they do an all star season. I'd love to see them again and hopefully win more legs. But I'm glad they at least won one leg and they won a really cool trip.


Well-Known Member
Congrats to the winners!

  • In the grunge challenge, were the racers told to stick around and hear their band play? Being The Final, I would expect them to hightail it out of there as quickly as possible.
  • With the trapeze challenge, I'm curious how Steve would have done if he and Anna Leigh had made the final. It seems like getting your hips in the position to put your legs on the bar could be difficult for someone older when the hips get iffy. I didn't have a lot of confidence that Rob would make it. Joel and Garrett seemed to have an easier time with it than I expected.

It was an enjoyable season, glad there's more to come!
In the grunge challenge the bands had the clue, so they had to wait until they gave it up. I would have been going crazy wanting to get out of there!


Well-Known Member
I liked all 3 teams so okay with ending. The Brothers were good racers, logical thinkers, but it was a little off-putting about how they always had a 'we know how to do this, we speak French, we blah blah blah'. But I really wanted Rob and Corey to win. :p It seems like maybe they got lost on the way to the memory challenge so that was probably it for them right there with no chance to catch up. I hope they get invited back for an All-Stars version.

Oh man that trapeze thing .... I woulda never been able to haul my fat butt upside down like that to get hooked over that bar. I would still be there to this day. :rofl: Guess it was a blessing that poor Steve didn't have to do that one. I can only imagine all the "come on dad!"s we woulda been subjected too.

Did they get to keep the glass balls they made? Because I would totally want to keep the glass ball I made! Even if I had to buy it from the shop, I woulda made arrangements with the staff to hold it for me and I would come back and buy it. I would want that glass ball I made. :p

Is it out there in internet land anywhere exactly how far behind 2nd and 3rd place were time wise? I wish they would put "XX minutes later" when Team 2 and Team 3 would arrive so we could see how close (or not close) it really was.

So when does Season 36 start!! We need to get a Team FSU on the cast so we can hear all the insider details. Any takers? :rollin:


Well-Known Member
I don't know about how far behind, but on Reddit, someone used google maps to calculate the total amount of driving time for all teams. Not taking rush hours or time of day into consideration, Rob and Corey's choice to do the tasks in the order they did added about 10 minutes to the drive compared to the other 2, even without getting lost.

I like the idea of a scramble in the finale, but I think that they should have all the tasks equal distance from the starting point, instead of in a line like they were this time.


Well-Known Member
I just finished watching yesterday. I watched the whole season in a couple of weeks. And wow, Anna Leigh was even more annoying when I was seeing her every day, as opposed to once a week. So glad when she and her dad were eliminated.

I was okay with the final 3 and then realized I was a little disappointed that the brothers won, or maybe just that neither the beards nor Rob and Cory won. I was kind of rooting for the beards just because they seemed like an underdog team. I can’t believe they were so close to winning! And I couldn’t believe it when Rob and Cory got lost at the worst possible time. Good for them persevering with the final task in reasonable spirits, even though they knew they had lost.

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